• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

SprylliNES IV: The Eternal Myth

Yeah, I am, I am just going to be busy for the next week and a half. End of terms is here, and I have to keep my grades up to keep my scholarship.
In the deep darkness of the woods Caacrinolas reached down and plucked the glowing cap of the mushroom and vanished in a rush of darkness. A tiny scratch and a drop of blood drawn from the wound, the blood of line of Frast was forever charged with power due to the slaying of he the right hand of the Devil. No harm could he do to this blessed house, not in this way, again he vanished in a rush of shadow.

The merman screamed as he saw the demon, Caacrinolas reached out and snatched the spear from his hand before he could even think to thrust. His other arm shooting out grabbing the sea creature around the neck, tossing the spear aside he plunged his hand into the creatures chest and pulled its heart out. The water dark with blood suddenly darker and then empty as the lifeless creature was left alone in the cloud of bloody water.

There was a rush in the darkness along the wall and a scream as an unfortunate sentry was cut down. A horrible scraping sound pierced the night as Caacrinolas’s Claw dug deep into the ancient stone, carving out a handful and disappearing into the darkness as swiftly as he had come.

He heard rumbling from deep within the cave, the earth trembling as the ancient power sealed within roared in fury at its imprisonment. He descended to the depths seeking the magic in the creature’s ancient fury. Through the barrier erected to contain him Caacrinolas passed and approached the Beast. It roared in fury and charged, but Caacrinolas held up a hand and the ancient Beast stopped in its tracks.

“What would you have of me my lord?” the Beast said

“Only a lock of your hair my child and I will give you the greatest of your desires.” Caacrinolas replied.

The beast leaned forward and Caacrinolas cut a lock from his fiery mane. “Thank you Beast.” The Demon raised a hand and there was a roaring, behind the Beast, a portal was opening. “This will take you back to the dimension where your species originated you were brought here through magicks gone most horribly wrong when you were a pup. You can now go home to your family.”

The Beast roared his approval thanking Caacrinolas for the gift and turned to dash through the portal, it snapped shut behind him as he vanished. Caacrinolas chuckled to himself as he vanished in a rush of darkness, for the gifts of a Demon are tainted. In the realm where the Beast originated his people are but the prey of beasts that dwarf its size and power.

Only one more ingredient was needed.

In the fortress Caacrinolas had made for himself in Lerone flames made of shadow leapt up in the center of the room. Dancing within the flames Caacrinolas began to sing.

“Spirits of warriors taken from the grave,” and he crushed the mushroom into dust and threw it into the fire.

“Blood of the Slayer taken in the night,” the vial of blood from the child of Frast, he crushed the vial and the blood fell into the flames.

“Heart of the water taken by force,” and the flames hissed as he dropped the heart of the merman into the fire.

“Stone of the City taken from a defender,” he held the chunk of stone in his hand and crushed it into powder flinging it into the roaring fire.

“Hair of a monster taken by deceit,” and he dropped each strand of the Beasts hair into the flames.

Caacrinolas raised a goblet on high saying “Blood of a servant given willingly.” And tipped the goblet, taken from the viper pit, into the flames. The fire roared filling the room bathing Caacrinolas with the heat of the spell. And then it was gone, and the huge demon stood in the silence and reached down grasping the vial of poison, a heart made of glass was clasped in the demons fist and he put a stopper in the top sealing it. The liquid inside was glowing purple and radiated heat.

This substance a poison causes blindness for a year, true blindness, a complete dampening of the senses for at least a year it was a substance created by the Devil himself to try and combat Gritchen though it was never used.

This night’s work was far from over.


In the darkness Caacrinolas stood over the sleeping man, deep scars were on the hand of the human. One of the bloodsworn warriors chosen hands of Trilidys, in the darkness Caacrinolas raised his hand and slowly a Kappa began to take shape. It knelt before Caacrinolas and he grabbed it by the neck, it began to glow as he carried it to the sleeping human. With a thrust he forced the kappa down into the human, as it was absorbed into the human the man began to glow, and then dimmed. He never stirred from his slumber.

On to the next of the bloodsworn, sleeping soundly, only his dreams were changed by the infusion of the demonic jinn into him. He dreamed sights of, before, unimagined power and new heights of strength for the bloodsworn. Hundreds of demons were given permanent homes in the bloodlines of Micil’s house. The Fusion of species imbuing the Humans with abilities each to their own natural strengths, and the demons with a purpose on this plane of existence.

At long last he stood over Trilidys’ sleeping form, raising his arm he called forth a succubus she was quickly installed firmly into Trilidys’ mate. Placing the poison down beside the bed he rose to his full height and he called out the humans name in a voice only Trilidys could hear.

Disrupting the dreams of the human mind, Caacrinolas appeared before Trilidys.

“I have a gift for you,” Caacrinolas said “this is a poison, created for a sole purpose; you know what must be done.”

He stood above the sleeping human calling forth an arch demon, known for his vicious speed and strength. The powerful demon knelt before Caacrinolas and nodded his accent as he was lifted and forced bodily into the human. Trilidys’ muscles bulged and he sank back into dreams of unholy power for all his people and his name echoing through the ages.

Caacrinolas chuckled as he left, for the gifts of Demons are tainted.

I reject that story. The bond is absolutely unbreakable, except by Endas's or the Beast's death.
In the deep darkness of the woods Caacrinolas reached down and plucked the glowing cap of the mushroom and vanished in a rush of darkness. A tiny scratch and a drop of blood drawn from the wound, the blood of line of Frast was forever charged with power due to the slaying of he the right hand of the Devil. No harm could he do to this blessed house, not in this way, again he vanished in a rush of shadow.

The merman screamed as he saw the demon, Caacrinolas reached out and snatched the spear from his hand before he could even think to thrust. His other arm shooting out grabbing the sea creature around the neck, tossing the spear aside he plunged his hand into the creatures chest and pulled its heart out. The water dark with blood suddenly darker and then empty as the lifeless creature was left alone in the cloud of bloody water.

There was a rush in the darkness along the wall and a scream as an unfortunate sentry was cut down. A horrible scraping sound pierced the night as Caacrinolas’s Claw dug deep into the ancient stone, carving out a handful and disappearing into the darkness as swiftly as he had come.

He heard rumbling from deep within the cave, the earth trembling as the ancient power sealed within roared in fury at its imprisonment. He descended to the depths seeking the magic in the creature’s ancient fury. Through the barrier erected to contain him Caacrinolas passed and approached the Beast. It roared in fury and charged, but Caacrinolas held up a hand and the ancient Beast stopped in its tracks.

“What would you have of me my lord?” the Beast said

“Only a lock of your hair my child and I will give you the greatest of your desires. I will set you free.” Caacrinolas replied.

The beast leaned forward and Caacrinolas cut a lock from his fiery mane. “Thank you Beast.”

The beast thanked Caacrinolas as the Demon raised a hand, and the cavern opened up below the Beast’s feet, he fell the crushing weight of the mountain coming down on him.

“At least you’re free” Caacrinolas chuckled to himself as he vanished in a rush of darkness, for the gifts of a Demon are tainted.

Only one more ingredient was needed.

In the fortress Caacrinolas had made for himself in Lerone flames made of shadow leapt up in the center of the room. Dancing within the flames Caacrinolas began to sing.

“Spirits of warriors taken from the grave,” and he crushed the mushroom into dust and threw it into the fire.

“Blood of the Slayer taken in the night,” the vial of blood from the child of Frast, he crushed the vial and the blood fell into the flames.

“Heart of the water taken by force,” and the flames hissed as he dropped the heart of the merman into the fire.

“Stone of the City taken from a defender,” he held the chunk of stone in his hand and crushed it into powder flinging it into the roaring fire.

“Hair of a monster taken by deceit,” and he dropped each strand of the Beasts hair into the flames.

Caacrinolas raised a goblet on high saying “Blood of a servant given willingly.” And tipped the goblet, taken from the viper pit, into the flames. The fire roared filling the room bathing Caacrinolas with the heat of the spell. And then it was gone, and the huge demon stood in the silence and reached down grasping the vial of poison, a heart made of glass was clasped in the demons fist and he put a stopper in the top sealing it. The liquid inside was glowing purple and radiated heat.

This substance a poison causes blindness for a year, true blindness, a complete dampening of the senses for at least a year it was a substance created by the Devil himself to try and combat Gritchen though it was never used.

This night’s work was far from over.

In the darkness Caacrinolas stood over the sleeping man, deep scars were on the hand of the human. One of the bloodsworn warriors chosen hands of Trilidys, in the darkness Caacrinolas raised his hand and slowly a Kappa began to take shape. It knelt before Caacrinolas and he grabbed it by the neck, it began to glow as he carried it to the sleeping human. With a thrust he forced the kappa down into the human, as it was absorbed into the human the man began to glow, and then dimmed. He never stirred from his slumber.

On to the next of the bloodsworn, sleeping soundly, only his dreams were changed by the infusion of the demonic jinn into him. He dreamed sights of, before, unimagined power and new heights of strength for the bloodsworn. Hundreds of demons were given permanent homes in the bloodlines of Micil’s house. The Fusion of species imbuing the Humans with abilities each to their own natural strengths, and the demons with a purpose on this plane of existence.

At long last he stood over Trilidys’ sleeping form, raising his arm he called forth a succubus she was quickly installed firmly into Trilidys’ mate. Placing the poison down beside the bed he rose to his full height and he called out the humans name in a voice only Trilidys could hear.

Disrupting the dreams of the human mind, Caacrinolas appeared before Trilidys.

“I have a gift for you,” Caacrinolas said “this is a poison, created for a sole purpose; you know what must be done.”

He stood above the sleeping human calling forth an arch demon, known for his vicious speed and strength. The powerful demon knelt before Caacrinolas and nodded his accent as he was lifted and forced bodily into the human. Trilidys’ muscles bulged and he sank back into dreams of unholy power for all his people and his name echoing through the ages.

Caacrinolas chuckled as he left, for the gifts of Demons are tainted.
Well, there isn't really much to update on yet. I'll wait until there actually is something! :)

LDiCesare, Anonymoose: Go ahead and write another story each if you like. I mean, Anony, you're more or less in control of how fast your adventures in the Lake happen, and LDi, you haven't really done much except call a war council which may or may not happen.
Sure, I will do something about that... The demons are gonna go.
Well, since I only got one person to answer the call to the war council, there's little I can do therein.
With no news from Lerquinas (or Myra, but I can live with that), there's little point in the council. We are having too few interactions, so if I'm just going to write a story by myself, it's quite pointless.
“And when you serve the Dark Lords, you must never accept payment. For the gifts of demons are tainted.”

-Song of Suffering: Book 8, Psalm 6 Verse 9

Trilidys awoke with a start. Was she already awake? Was she watching him? What is happening? Why is that look in her eyes?

The first blow tossed him out of his bed.

Trilidys cannot think straight, he has no time to ponder the causes or to justify the events, but he hurls a chair across the room. She sidesteps it and smiles.

Smiles only for a moment, but with supernatural speed she has vaulted the bed and grabbed hold of his neck, screaming.

The wall cracks behind him.

His feet are off of the ground, a solid foot, what is she doing? He cannot breathe.

But somehow he finds the power to roar. The sound shakes the foundations of the house, and outside the stones begin to tumble.

Her eyes are glowing, she holds him up still and growls.

And the roof collapses on them.

Only a few moments later both are sitting in rubble, brushing off the thatch of their home. Trilidys looks out into the street.

Where the entire South Wall is consumed in violent, brutal fistfights. Houses are torn down.

Even the vipers flee in terror.

Another roar, this one to echo through the whole section of town, where all the Bloodsworn at once look up from their violence.

For every evil sprite in every heart recognizes that bellowing noise. The roar of an arch demon.

They assemble at once before him, before his rubble and among their own. Some look around confused.

Others gnash their bared teeth.

Trilidys pulls the vial from his pocket and walks directly to his stealthiest and most trusted warrior, Corsair.

They had spoken of this many times, each man knew what must be done. It was not only demons who plot, and it is not unknown for men to speak of their troubles. In Lerone the men of all clans had spoken ceaselessly of the one true problem that even the simplest commoner could tell was at the heart of all the others.

“Put this poison on your blade, do not aim to kill for you never shall. Do not aim to fight for your life is worth more than hers. Simply aim to deliver this parcel, one small cut should do. You must return to me when this task is complete but take great care that you are not followed.”

The man vanishes at once from sight, but his voice remains, slipping between dimensions and universes to wherever the jinn in his soul had hid the corporeal form.

The voice says, “That will be no problem, milord.”


Even queens sleep, even demons must rest.

And the Bloodsworn shifts silently through the halls, but he does wonder if that is even the case. Corsair can see his own world through a slit, but he does not walk, he is not there, he simply watches this thin dimensional hole wander the city unnoticed.

And when it arrives in Ednas’ chamber the jinn speaks to him, “We shall be sung by demons and men alike for our triumph today.”

What a strange fellow, Corsair thinks to himself.

“I think you equally strange,” the demon replies, “But be that as it may, our mission is too great to worry about these things.”

And Corsair leaps into his own dimension.

Ednas awakes immediately, and a bolt of lightning would be fast enough to catch almost any man or demon in Lerone, or at least the sort who could only catch eight or nine vipers in a pit.

Corsair, of course, was no match in that game for Trilidys’ twenty something vipers, which he plucks and tosses out of the pit with ease. Corsair could catch sixteen at once generally, although he had yet to try this while accompanied by his ethereal partner. He dances past the lightning and lays a single scratch upon the witch’s leg.

The horror on her face, he can see it through his strange little rift, but it is hard for him to pay too much attention due to the excited talk of the jinn.
LDiCesare: you could discuss what you might do in the absence of a war council. Or, if you're the only general with any interest in facing the enemy, you might as well devise the entire plan for the war if no-one else is going to.
I tried to help and you didn't want it :p

But even if we don't collaborate i'm sure there'll be synergy

Also Ldicesare's a demon racist
From high above the city in a cloud of shadow Caacrinolas watched the half man half demon vanish certainly heading back across the city to his home. Then he saw him appear again in the decimated section of homes near the South wall.

The task was accomplished. The Witch was blind.

In a rush of shadow and wind the cloud vanished taking shape in the heart of the city. In the castle, the home of the accursed witch. The young human awoke suddenly, her senses were well attuned. She rose from her bed and knelt before Caacrinolas.

“My lord what would you have of me?” She asked

“All that you have to give my child, all that you are.” Caacrinolas replied

He took her by the hand and drew her to her feet, in a rush of shadow they disappeared together appearing high above the city, the human child gasped at the sight.

“How is this possible?” she asked, she hungered for knowledge, for power.

“You seek power my child, all that you wish will be given to you, I sense power in you to dwarf your former teacher. In time she would have began to fear you, she would have drained you of your magiks and left you for dead, before you could threaten her. Come with me young one you have so much to learn.”

Caacrinolas began to chant, words which burned the ears of the mortal child. All around the city a noise began to emanate. Streaks of light began to ascend towards them, cries coming from them.

Soon they began to take shape, demons of all ranks and sizes coming forth to heed Caacrinolas’ call. In a rush of shadow the whole horde vanished and took shape in an instant on the plain outside the city walls.

“My Children,” Caacrinolas raised his arms and the horde of demons bowed low before him. “You have been scattered, fighting each other, lost.” He then made a gesture of welcome “But do not worry, for now, our Dark Lord has found you…”

The legions began to roar their approval, the might of Caacrinolas is indeed great, for only as the Hand of the Dark Master himself may one presume to command the Demon Legions.

The earth trembled and many sentries stared hopelessly into the black abyss as the Demonic horde marched away from Lerone seeking peace from the petty bickering of men.

Caacrinolas looks back, because he has one last matter to which he must attend.
From high above the city in a cloud of shadow Caacrinolas watched the half man half demon vanish certainly heading back across the city to his home. Then he saw him appear again in the decimated section of homes near the South wall.

The task was accomplished. The Witch was blind.

In a rush of shadow and wind the cloud vanished taking shape in the heart of the city. In the castle, the home of the accursed witch. The young human awoke suddenly, her senses were well attuned. She rose from her bed and knelt before Caacrinolas.

“My lord what would you have of me?” She asked

“All that you have to give my child, all that you are.” Caacrinolas replied

He took her by the hand and drew her to her feet, in a rush of shadow they disappeared together appearing high above the city, the human child gasped at the sight.

“How is this possible?” she asked, she hungered for knowledge, for power.

“You seek power my child, all that you wish will be given to you, I sense power in you to dwarf your former teacher. In time she would have began to fear you, she would have drained you of your magiks and left you for dead, before you could threaten her. Come with me young one you have so much to learn.”

Caacrinolas began to chant, words which burned the ears of the mortal child. All around the city a noise began to emanate. Streaks of light began to ascend towards them, cries coming from them.

Soon they began to take shape, demons of all ranks and sizes coming forth to heed Caacrinolas’ call. In a rush of shadow the whole horde vanished and took shape in an instant on the plain outside the city walls.

“My Children,” Caacrinolas raised his arms and the horde of demons bowed low before him. “You have been scattered, fighting each other, lost.” He then made a gesture of welcome “But do not worry, for now, our Dark Lord has found you…”

The legions began to roar their approval, the might of Caacrinolas is indeed great, for only as the Hand of the Dark Master himself may one presume to command the Demon Legions.

The earth trembled and many sentries stared hopelessly into the black abyss as the Demonic horde marched away from Lerone seeking peace from the petty bickering of men.

Caacrinolas looks back, because he has one last matter to which he must attend.

I would like you to talk to me before you do any such thing. Because she's important, and she will definitely never serve any kind of demons. She does, however, know how to banish Endas from Lerone.
OOC: you should confer on IRC or something if possible rather than putting this sort of behind-the-scenes stuff on the thread and rejecting each other's stories.
I thought Ednas was a demon?

I know she's important thats why i put her in my story.

Endas is a demon. She can, thus, be banished from the body she possess.
OOC: you should confer on IRC or something if possible rather than putting this sort of behind-the-scenes stuff on the thread and rejecting each other's stories.

Very well. But I would also appreciate it if everybody could show me, by PM, about anything that would permanantly change Endas's storyline.

If I don't reject it, I am only giving myself an excuse to interfere into your storyline later on without your permission, and also allows for others to do that. I refuse to allow that to happen on anyone.

Anyways, here's the behind the scenes stuff.

-Endas hates Lerone. She prefers the wasteland that she had originally lived in. She only remains in city because she needs a place to stay as she searches for someone, which she had sent the Beast to find. She also believes that Lerone will evantually attract back whomever it is that she is waiting for.

-The Crystal mandala that surrounds Endas's palace is enchanted in such a way that nobody can enter the palace without Endas's approval.

-The crystal bell that Endas holds has the power to kill witches and demons.

-Endas cannot be killed. Her mortal body can, however. The mortal body's quite fragile, actually. Even a completely normal human can kill her if he manages to catch her by surprise and stab her heart.

-Endas has a room inside the castle in which she has collected thousands upon thousands of souls, all with certain skills, to work for the city. She has never used it herself, however. The control of the souls transfers to whomever controls Lerone.

-She has a room full of bells, all of which contain particularly powerful souls and demons that she has collected and bound. A leather cymbal, for instance, can be used to kill any tyrant.

-Endas knows more spells than anyone else in the world, but mostly lacks the power to craft such spells.
Also Ldicesare's a demon racist
Not me, my current character. His brother cooperated with the witch. And died. Which kind of explains his brother's dislike for magic, particularly demonic.
His nephew wouldn't mind either, however he'd probably trick the demons into doing his bidding without them realising it.
It was difficult to lie to a witch. Impossible, even. Detecting a lie was the very first thing that Endas had taught her, for the demons who they dealt with had always lied to them. It was the way of the witch to detect such lies and use it against the demons.

The young witch wandered through the endless mandala of crystal halls of the palace. The structure was magical in nature, and only those whom the Queen had allowed could enter the interior of the palace.

The nature of the magic that surrounded the palace was a mystery to her, and so was much of Endas's past and desires. She was a demon, that was for certain, but she obviously didn't even have a pretense of obeying the Great One. She was also an immortal, if any of the stories that she told her could be believed. The body that she inhabited now was a false one, mortal, and fragile.

She walked past the Room of Law, where the list of the names of the souls that Endas had bound to her were written. Books upon books stacked the shelves there, filled with names and the skills of the spirits had. Endas had never used them herself. She never saw the need. However, she had enchanted the room in such a way that all the spirits would be placed under the control of whomever ruled Lerone.

Endas, or whatever demon it was that inhabited a body named Endas, was a queer one. The young witch felt as if that, even if Endas had the powers of a great demon, she would not use it. She preferred to wander the wastes where she could watch the stars unfettered by the lights of the city.

She passed by a hall filled with paintings. A portrait of Gritchen stood at the center of this hall. Next to it was a picture of a giant elephant demon, a row of screaming faces all around it. The foot of the elephant was bloodied and there was a menacing grin upon the elephant's face. A leather cymbal lay clatttered around the elephant's foot, from which a hand clutching a crown jutted out.

The young witch felt the elephant move in the painting. The being stared at the young witch, showing off an aura of extraordinary malevolence.

Look, the elephant seemed to mouth. And behold how tyrants are fallen.

The young witch nodded. She passed by the giant kitchen, unused since the moment it was built by Endas, and entered into a great room in which dozens of tiny bells glittered in the light.

From there, she picked up the crystal bell and the leather cymbal. The demon that promised her power was a stupid one, of course. The young witch had no need for more power. She had plenty of that already. What she needed was knowledge, and only Endas could provide that. If Endas had felt threatened by her, she would have killed her and drained her of her powers long before, not teach her to protect herself from such an attack.

Endas's knowledge was another curious thing. She knew about all the things that happened on this earth, except for the things that were purposefully hidden away from her. Yet she potentially had more knowledge about things in between things than the Great One himself, and perhaps even of other worlds. It was no secret that the Great One had desired this knowledge, or at least the method with which Endas had acquired such knowledge, for himself, and tried at many times to entrap her within his realm. It was futile, of course. Catching Endas was like capturing the flickering light from a fire.

With the two items safely tucked within her dress, she raced towards the main chamber. Then, detecting a disturbance within the dimensional folds, she hasted herself. She entered just as she saw a being leave the chamber through a rift.

Endas was struggling out of the bed, cackling as she did so. "Ah, 'tis you," she said. "Come in, although I don't think you come here bearing gifts. You are the expected visitor, not the unexpected."

The young witch walked over to Endas, the crystal bell outreached towards the old witch. "What have they done?"

"Blinding poison, fit for man like Gritchen. Unfortunately this body is nothing like Gritchen, and will die as soon as I leave this body if I choose to do so. Is the title of the Witch so intimidating that people take such a measure to kill me? A simple bow and arrow would do so, and would also be less painful to both the killer and the victim."

"Why don't you them?" the young witch asked.

"And disregard the promise I made to the girl whose body I have taken? No, I have promised to let her go with the body in its originial state when I am finished with what I have started, and I will do so."

Endas struggled towards the source of the voice. "I have awaited, for such a long time, for a human being as powerful as you, as powerful as Gritchen. And I have purposefully delayed fulfilling the promise I made to the girl because I became convinced of the man's return, and wanted to see it happen. It was an eternal mystery for me, how a mere human being could become more powerful than the strongest of demons. And I so have awaited for such a long time for Gritchen to return."

The young witch merely stared.

"And so, tired of awaiting, I purposefully unleashed Caacrinolaas into the world. I had hoped that he would bring devastation to all of the worlds, bringing news of Lerone to all corners of the earth. But that was not to be. Instead, I had to be content with the blind idiot Beast.

But now I have begun to realize that waiting will not be the solution. I will now leave this accursed city and journey about the world in search of the queer man for another century, and I will tell you of all the things I would see in my journey.

But before I do that, I will ask you a favor. Heal this body of the poison."

The young witch frowned. "But you have never told me how."

"And why should I answer that?" Endas shrugged. "Gritchen probably never knew how he had done so much. I spoke with him. Aside from not knowing what exactly he had accomplished with his power, he also didn't know fear. I don't think he knew anything. Yet he had done such great things that I was left awestruck all the time. Knowledge will help you if you wish to deal with demons often, but sometimes lack of knowledge can assist you as well. I know almost everything, and now not knowing is a torture to me. If I were you, I would just believe that you can do it and just go with it. How is it possible that a human like you can be so powerful? None of it is possible, of course. Yet it happens. You and Gritchen do."

The young witch took in a deep breath, and placed her hand upon Endas's forehead. Seconds later, Endas opened her eyes once more.

"Good," she said. A dark smoke began to emerge from her mouth and eyes, and a single dark red eye glinted in the smoke.

"Wait, there's still so many things that I wish to know," the young with said.

"The girl's master somehow prepared a ritual which recalled my soul. Cast it before a mirror if you ever require my assistance," the Endas said. "Although I doubt that you would ever need it. I gave you all that you need in the room of Bells after all," the smoke did something that resembled a shrug. "Lerone is yours, forever, or to whomever that you think deserves it the most."

The young witch looked uncertain. "What should I call myself from now on?"

"Don't know. Endas, maybe? I'll keep my eye on you, child." the demon suggested. The black mist faded away.

The new Endas was left alone in the chamber along with a slightly disoriented girl whose host used to be the Queen.

"Is she gone?" the girl asked cautiously.

The new Queen didn't answer the question. She merely looked out the window at the ruined cityscape outside.

"Call me Endas from now on," she said finally. "Come, follow me to the Room of Law. We have so much to repair."
“Well Witch you have accomplished all that I asked of you.” Caacrinolas inclined his head towards the young queen.

“What should I do now My Lord?”

“You have such power, the knowledge you seek will come in time, Study these artifacts left to you by the Queen” Caacrinolas indicated the books and scrolls in the Room of Law “for she knew much that you will need to learn. The dangerous imbalance in the city has been restored for now; I leave this city in your more than capable hands”

Before she could reply, Caacrinolas vanished from the castle in a rush of shadow.

One more look at Lerone over his shoulder as he took flight for the wilds

Where his Legions were awaited his command.
Mulhudullimillolotodull... the deeper king, lake-sustainer, and friend of the lake-folk. He stirs the turbid waters of his realm and grows the lake weeds and the fish. His followers prosper and his enemies fear the depths of his majesty.
At the surface of his kingdom, the people scurry. Months have passed since his High Vizier, Frast, had subjugated the mermen. They were no longer resisting. Their weaker minds had bent toward him and now worshiped him with unending fervor. The energy flowing from their souls fed Mulhudullimillolotodull and renewed his strength to its old intensity. He reached out the tendrils of his other-worldly conscience and noted the weakness of his young sibling, Dolmillulotoll. That lesser river god had gained some measure of power by stealing the loyalties of the mermen while he slept in the murky sediments of the lake. Now was the time to strike.

He rose from the surface of the water and took the glimmering form of his worldly avatar. The monumental task ahead of the lake-people would require some religious enthusiasm, so appearing in dreams would not be so effective. He walked atop the silent waters of the lake toward the flotilla village. Wailing canticles greeted him, the worshipers knew it was the deep one.

The High Vizier swam to his god, not wanting to inconvenience his holiness any further. The avatar, no larger than a regular man, spoke with a monumental voice that resonated from the depths and made ripples in the water,
"Frast, Dolmillulotoll is reaching his end. It is time to transform his realm into mine, to dam the river and force him to submit his life to me."
Frast was awestruck, and nodded stupidly. The avatar lost form and melted into the lake, disappearing without a ripple. He swam back to the flotilla and shared the joyous news. He then swam to the cave of the mermen, near the mouth of the river. After the next full moon, construction of the great earthen dam would begin, and Mulhudullimillolotodull's domain would extend upstream to another lake, and the power-hungry god would not stop until the whole of the river was changed into a chain of deep homes for him and his worshipers.

At the end of the day, back in his quarters in the flotilla, Frast briefed the two prophets of the knower-of-the-depths, Mulhudullimillolotodull. They had memorized the tenets of the lake lord, and had knowledge that only Frast and the Deep One could best. Frast blessed them and gave them each gifts of the depths, canteens of lake water in the shape of mighty conch shells. They swam to the shore nearest Lerone, and soon walked the streets, spreading the word of the prosperous way of the lake god.

OOC: This is an official contact from the High Vizier of Mulhudullimillolotodull and therefore the Deep One Himself. These prophets carry his words and offer a peaceful life on the banks of the deep, and perhaps one day a life on the blessed surface with the lake people. They also are capable of negotiating trade options with the city, because the bounty of the lake is fully open to the Deep Lord.

In other words, I'm in the arena with you guys now, so I'm open to inclusion in stories and potential growth of the cult of the deep one for grand story purposes. :D
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