Squats, Bench, Deadlift: This is your fitness thread

New topic: Gym as pick-up place.

Shouldn't girls be all horny in a Gym full of pumping angry testosterone sweaty men? I mean biologically? I think I felt some vibes. Not even necessarily directed at me, personally. Though, maybe. Just some general vibes. Actually, sometimes I think the Gym is full of sex expressed in crude but expressive ways. I am not even kidding, really.

Am I alone in this?

Sometimes, when a hot girl is walking through the free-weight-area, I am reminded of the GOT-horsepeople. Just no rape. But not by choice, I imagine. Came out wrong. What I mean is the principle constitution of abstract mind-states free of cultural conditioning and consequential awareness.
Well people in the gym usually means they care about their physical fitness, which probably influences the subconscious in gauging the fitness indicators of prospective mates. I find dance clubs to be a lot more dangerous in that respect, when I step into it I can smell a distinct change in something, the atmosphere so to speak from so many sweaty bodies pressed together. Trying to make it from end of the floor to the other without being groped can actually become challenge.

As for guys checking out hot girls, my feminist friends deride me for this, but I always tell them that no matter how civilized or progressive a man appears, he is really just a dog that smells with his eyes.
Don't pick up girls at the gym unless you're going to succeed. :sheep:
I'm so very far removed from the dating game that I don't even know how to form an opinion on it anymore. But generally, when I go to the gym I go to work out, not socialize (and prefer to go at times when I'm likely to be all by myself there).
If you are thinking about that stuff at the gym then you aren't working hard enough.
You can pick up girls wherever you want but if you do it at the gym there's a good chance you'll be labelled a creeper.
How do I fix my right thigh/buttock being smaller than my left? (It's almost certainly a result of lying on that side in bed.)
Single leg presses i would hazard.


Ugh. Did not due we this last month. Lots of reasons why I hit the gym with less frequency, some good and some poor. I did however run my first 10k so that's pretty swell. Thankfully getting back into the swing if things next month will be relatively easy.


Question on resting between sets. People seem to recommend resting between thirty and ninety seconds between sets. In my last two workouts, I've been aiming for thirty second rests, and this has really affected the number of reps in subsequent sets I can do.

How does one decide how long to rest between sets?
Single leg presses i would hazard. \

Or just deadlift heavier and heavier until you're forced to even out yeah?
Question on resting between sets. People seem to recommend resting between thirty and ninety seconds between sets. In my last two workouts, I've been aiming for thirty second rests, and this has really affected the number of reps in subsequent sets I can do.

How does one decide how long to rest between sets?

One rests long enough to feel confident that one can complete the next set as planned. If you're planning to do, say, 5x5 of some movement and you find that a shorter rest makes it hard to complete the later sets while a longer rest makes it easier... take a longer rest.

For myself, thirty seconds is... nowhere near adequate for heavy strength work. Nor is it adequate for anyone else. Ninety seconds isn't either, though may be good for lighter volume sets.

One thing I often do is superset, i.e. two or three antagonistic or unrelated movements where I do one set of each with minimal pause between sets, then a normal pause before the next round. E.g. bench (lift bar to ground, take a few deep breaths) row (walk over to squat rack and take a few deep breaths) squat (replace bar on bench and take a couple minutes of rest; ready to go again).
How do I stop being bored out of my skull while exercising? The internet's trained my brain to be constantly stimulated.

I don't think I'll ever be able to go on a treadmill on a regular basis, even for ten minutes. Running's different, since you get to move to other environments.
How do I stop being bored out of my skull while exercising? The internet's trained my brain to be constantly stimulated.

I don't think I'll ever be able to go on a treadmill on a regular basis, even for ten minutes. Running's different, since you get to move to a new environment.

Drugs, music, increasing intensity, and getting used to doing it.
What kinda drugs?
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