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Star Wars the AC: Rebirth of the Order


Jan 13, 2011

The AC
Rebirth of the Order​

The Jedi Order is in turmoil.
Their numbers decimated,
their temple on Coruscant
destroyed, the Order flees
to their ancestral homeworld

Occupying the ancient temples
of the ancients they prepare to
begin anew and send out their
brave knights to search the planet
for lost, forgotten knowledge to
aid them in the coming war.

While the Order rebuilds a new
generation of Jedi are being trained.
A group of initiates, nearing the
end of their training, are about to
be given their final test to become
full-fledged Jedi....​


Hello and welcome to the next probable failure of a RedAC. As you can probably tell the maids and magical girls of past RedACs have been abandoned in place of a franchise we all know and love, Star Wars. It will also abandon the tradition of using an RPG system I found online in favor of something most of us have used in the past, FATE. Aspects of the system missing from its first use in Ghostory 1.01 will be used, those being stunts and milestones. Both of those will be described in the character creation outline below.

The Jedi Rebirth is set in 3643 BBY, Before Battle of Yavin, during the time of a game some might know as The Old Republic. The Sith Empire returned from hiding and, from its capital of Dromund Kaas, started a vicious assault against the Galactic Republic. Numerous worlds fell under the grip of the Sith Emperor and his Dark Council and the Republic saw its greatest threat since the Great Hyperspace War. Peace returned to the galaxy only after the Republic was forced to sign the Treaty of Coruscant after the destruction of the Jedi Temple and many of its defenders in a surprise attack of the Republic capital.

That was ten years ago. An uneasy peace has settled upon the galaxy, split in half between the Republic and Empire. Both sides lick their wounds as they build up armies, pacify unstable worlds, and prepare for the fragile peace to break. Meanwhile, the Jedi Order has returned to its origin, Tython. There the players find themselves, initiates within the Jedi order, ready to finish their training and take their first into being full-fledged Jedi, Padawans.



[b]Refresh:[/b] 3
[b]Fate Points:[/b] 3
[b]Physical:[/b] 1[] 2[] 3[]
[b]Morale:[/b] 1[] 2[] 3[]

[b]Mild (2):[/b]
[b]Moderate (4):[/b]
[b]Severe (6):[/b]

[b]High Concept:[/b]

[b]Good (+3):[/b]
[b]Fair (+2):[/b]
[b]Average (+1):[/b]



Spoiler Overview of Character Creation :

Age: The age limit is somewhere between 14 to 18.
Species: Please pick human, near human, or otherwise humanoid.

Skills: The skills available are slightly different in this game. They are:
Athletics: Used for moving your body and performing athletic activities.
Blast: Used for shooting things and some force powers.
Deception: Used for tricking others and other deceptive actions.
Empathy: Used for understanding other people's thoughts and feelings
Fighting: Used for melee and hand-to-hand combat.
Investigation: Used for finding things out.
Lore: Used for knowing things and being a medic.
Mechanics:Used for fixing mechanical things.
Notice: Used for, well, noticing things that don't fall under empathy.
Persuasion: Used for non-combative persuasion and diplomacy.
Provoke: Used for provoking others and intimidation.
Transport Used for driving or piloting something.
Vigor: Used to determine physical condition and fortitude. Fair gives an extra physical slot and Great gives another one.
Will: Used to determine mental fortitude. Fair gives an extra moral slot, and Great gives another one.

Stunts: Patchy has a tutorial on these here. I do suggest looking it up. You start with 2.


And that's everything. Below I shall link the FATE rules, a dice roller, the chatroom, and a pdf about FATE Star Wars. If you are stuck on stunts, or don't know how the force works with FATE, give that pdf a look. I will be using the force, lightsaber form, and temptation rules from it. Nothing else.

Reserved for glossary of people, places, and events.
Name: Laric Lirka
Race: Sephi
Gender: Male
Age: 17 (Biological 16)
Appearance: A tall thin humanoid, Laric's skin has a distinctly purple tinge to it. His short black hair forms a V-shaped tuft in the center of his forehead, and leaves his pointed ears in plain view. He has black eyes, set into a somewhat angular face that regularly sports a dazzling smile.
Bio: Found to be force sensitive at a young age, Laric was taken to train at the Jedi temple on Corucsant. He was one of the few initiatives who survived the chaos of the temples destruction, and was relocated to Tython. The relative scarcity of the older apprentices forced Laric to befriend many of the younger initiates, among whom he became rather popular thanks to his laid-back attitude and open nature.

As he aged, Laric took to his training well, being especially noted for his lightsaber skills, although they were frequently tested by fellow initiate Ezekiel. The two developed a friendly rivalry, their regular practice sessions together honing each others abilities to a razor edge. Laric's took advantage of the occasional tournament to show off these skills in style, his easy smile portraying an air of confidence to all who saw it.

In spite of his progress, Laric was often in trouble with the Masters for the same attitude that so endeared him to his fellow apprentices. They felt he lacked the reserve required of a jedi, and several incidents of what he felt to be little more than harmless fun reinforced in their minds that he was something of a maverick. As such, Laric was among the last of the elder initiates to be selected for the trials.

Refresh: 3
Fate Points: 3

High Concept: Persistent People Person
Trouble: Cavalier with the Codes
Aspect: Appreciates Art All Around
Aspect: Saber Showoff
Aspect: Conspicuously Charming

Good: Fighting
Fair: Empathy, Persuasion
Average: Athletics, Vigor, Will

Lightsaber Form I: Shii-Cho. Gain a +2 bonus to Fighting rolls when creating a Disarmed type of aspect when targeting an opponent's weapon.
Reliable Ricochets: Upon succeeding with style to defend against a blast attack using the Fighting skill, you may do three physical shifts to your attacker instead of creating an advantage
All Living Things: May roll Empathy in place of notice for detecting organic life

Name: Kanon Gallia
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Species: Human
Description: With short, mussy black hair that does a less than adequate job of hiding her large ears that look out of place on her small face Kanon is more than a little self conscious about her image. Her grey, almond shaped eyes suggest at the sharp mind lying behind them, while the tanned initiate robes mark her as a member of the Jedi Order.
Biography: Brought into the ranks of the Jedi Order at the young age of four, Kanon Gallia is one of the first members to have grown up entirely on Tython. Raised with stories of the old Jedi Temple and Coruscant she knew that the Jedi had suffered a great loss, but had never felt it emotionally like the survivors had. As such, the idea that the galaxy was posed on a knife's edge during the peace that followed the war was never fully interned to her.

Kanon grew up an introverted girl, who spent her free hours of the day diving into the archives that had been salvaged from the Jedi Temple. She quickly became familiar with the Jedi Librarians who she admired greatly, but the age difference between them meant that friendships were difficult to form. Her lack of friends was replaced by the stories told by the holocrons of Revan, Vodo-Siosk and Ulic Qel-Droma among other famous Jedi. Her isolation only grew as the more time she spent reading in the archives the more isolated she became from her peers and the more reason she had to spend even more time in the archives.

Most of her chances to interact with her peers was soured by her antagonistic relationship with the Twi'lek Rachi Doneeta, a fellow initiate. Charismatic, athletic, and proud, Rachi and Kanon quickly took a dislike to each other at a young age. This enmity would only serve to further isolate Kanon as Rachi was well liked by her peers while she was an easy target. Kanon's personality grew bristly as she became constantly on the defense when dealing with Rachi and the rest of her peers, Kanon quickly learned how to swear proficiently and bite back at her enemies. But for every success she had verbally she was paid back for with interest physically by Rachi when it came time to practice sparring.

Now with the opportunity to become a Padawan before her, Kanon hopes to move forward with her goal of becoming a Jedi historian.

Refresh: 3
Fate Points: 3
Physical: 1[] 2[] 3[]
Morale: 1[] 2[] 3[]

Mild (2):
Moderate (4):
Severe (6):

High Concept: Jedi Archive Recluse
Trouble: Insufferable Know-It-All
Aspect: Sharp Memory
Aspect: Wandering Eyes
Aspect: Bristly Personality

Good (+3): Lore
Fair (+2): Provoke, Investigation
Average (+1): Will, Notice, Deception

Oh, You Mean You Don't Know About X?
Gives a +2 to Provoke when using a target's lack of knowledge as the basis of the provocation.

Theoretically Qualified... Probably
With the use of a FATE point, Lore can be used in place of any skill for a single check so long as it can be reasonably justified that she has read about the action she is performing.

Gain a +2 bonus to Fighting rolls when creating a Disarmed type of aspect when targeting an opponent's weapon.
Name: Ezekiel Volkov
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Species: Echani
Description: Ghost-white hair, gleaming silver eyes, and deathly-pale skin. The force is still a thing of wonder to him, and he uses it far more liberally than the masters would like. His relatively late foray into Jedi training also allowed him to pick up more of his people's culture than a padawan typically would. Nobody, not even the Echani themselves, can really tell one Echani from another based on physical appearance alone, so that's all the description you get.
Biography: Born on the Echani homeworld of Eshan, Ezekiel was discovered to be force-sensitive and taken in by the Jedi just before he would have been deemed too old for training. His Echani combat experience allowed him to quickly become one of the better duelists of the class, and he developed a friendly rivalry with the Sephi Laric Lirka. The history of the order fascinated him, and a not insignificant amount of time was spent in the archives, where he befriended the reclusive Kanon Gallia, who was also reading the memoirs of famous masters and perusing accounts of ancient wars.

Refresh: 3
Fate Points: 3
Physical: 1[] 2[] 3[]
Morale: 1[] 2[] 3[] 4[]

Mild (2):
Moderate (4):
Severe (6):

High Concept: Jedi who realized how amazing it is to have a Force connection
Trouble: Tends to underestimate non-force sensitives
Aspect: Overuses the Force
Aspect: Student of Jedi History
Aspect: Really Likes Fighting

Good (+3): Fighting
Fair (+2): Blast, Will
Average (+1): Lore, Vigor, Athletics

Lightsaber Form I: Shii-Cho. Gain a +2 bonus to Fighting rolls when creating a Disarmed type of aspect when targeting an opponent's weapon.
Communication through Combat: The Echani believe fighting someone is only way to truly know them; when in combat with another character, use Fighting for Empathy and Notice rolls against that character only.
Name: Anraeth Pavish
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Species: Human
Description: A youth of somewhat below average height and a slender build, with tanned skin tone. His brownish hair is kept short, save for the padawan braid. He is missing his right pinky finger.

Biography: For as long as he could remember, Anraeth had had a knack for working with machines. From simple mechanisms to complex machines, they all seemed to respond favorably to his touch. This was especially true with the Order's droids. For whatever reason, he just seemed at home with them. If any of them came to him in need of repair, he'd gladly help, with little hesitation.

Eventually, this rapport gained him a friend in the form of an utility droid, T3-S1, nicknamed "Tessie". Blessed (or cursed) with an abundance of curiosity, Tessie often found herself in precarious situations, and in need of repair. This lead her into the caring hands of Anraeth, who took a liking to the little droid. As they bonded, Tessie developed a strong protective instinct towards Anraeth, despite her lack of combat abilities.

With real people, it was a different matter. Despite his willingness to get along, he could never quite figure out how to interact with the other initiates. He always seemed to fumble his words, or say the wrong thing at the wrong time. And some people just seemed far too complex, not straightforwards like your average targeting computer or generator. As a result, Anraeth never really got to know people that well. His mechanical prowess meant that he was never an outcast in social cliques, but he still never quite fit in.

Refresh: 3
Fate Points: 3
Physical: 1[] 2[] 3[]
Morale: 1[] 2[] 3[]

Mild (2):
Moderate (4):
Severe (6):

High Concept: Manic Mechanic
Trouble: Awkward Conversationalist
Aspect: Astromech Droid
Aspect: Single Track Mind
Aspect: Natural Contortionist

Good (+3): Mechanics
Fair (+2): Notice; Athletics
Average (+1): Empathy; Blast; Vigor

Lightsaber Form I: Shii-Cho Gain a +2 bonus to Fighting rolls when creating a Disarmed type of aspect when targeting an opponent's weapon.

-Astromech Droid Anraeth has a droid companion, T3-S1, or "Tessie". T3-S1 has +3 in Mechanics and Transport.

-Hand Me That Hydrospanner Whenever youʼre in a situation that demands a certain tool, you may make an overcome roll to declare that you retroactively happen to have one on hand. If you succeed with style, you can add a boost to that item as normal.
Name: Shira Naroj
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Species: Nautolan
Description: A young girl resembling your typical Nautolan, tall with a lithe build and bronze-green skin. Her long head-tresses hang down her back and reach almost to her waist, not hiding her clever, youthful features or her large inquisitive amber eyes.
Biography: Born, like most Nautolans, on the planet Glee Anselm, Shira was discovered to be force sensitive shortly after her birth, but her reclusive family blocked the Jedi Order's attempts to recruit her until she was four years old. Recovering quickly from being a shut-in, the wide-eyed and eternally optimistic Shira took to her training with gusto, eager to learn all that she could about becoming a Jedi and dreaming of one day exploring the galaxy and discovering all of its secrets. Her teachers were often concerned or annoyed by her impatience when it came to learning new things, fearing it would lead to darker things, but her positive attitude and natural empathy made her a lot of friends among the other students.

Refresh: 3
Fate Points: 3
Physical: 1[] 2[] 3[]
Morale: 1[] 2[] 3[]

Mild (2):
Moderate (4):
Severe (6):

High Concept: Intrepid Explorer
Trouble: No Sense of Preservation
Aspect: Your Best Friend
Aspect: Always Positive
Aspect: Unrelenting Neophile

Good (+3): Athletics
Fair (+2): Deception, Empathy
Average (+1): Vigor, Investigation, Transport

Form I: Shii-Cho: Gain a +2 bonus to Fighting rolls when creating a Disarmed type of aspect when targeting an opponentʼs weapon.

Acrobatics: Gain a +2 bonus to Athletics checks to overcome scene aspects or other obstacles preventing you from moving between zones.

Heart of the Team: May roll Empathy instead of Persuade to create encouragement advantages.
Well that was the first session everyone. You have bested a sith apprentice while visiting a ruined temple while on your test. Congratulations are in order. Next session, and hopefully every session after, will be on Sunday(s) at 10 GMT/5 EST/4 CST/2 PST.

You have also reached your first minor milestone. FATE uses a sorta level up system based around narrative events, rather than experience. These are called milestones, and they range from minor, to significant, and finally to major. The details of the other two kinds of milestones will be given when you reach them. The details of a minor milestone can be found below or in the link provided to the FATE rules. And for future reference, all session ends count as a minor milestone unless I say otherwise.

Copied from the FATE rules. said:
During a minor milestone, you can choose to do one (and only one) of the following:

  • Switch the rank values of any two skills, or replace one Average (+1) skill with one that isn’t on your sheet.
  • Change any single stunt for another stunt.
  • Purchase a new stunt, provided you have the refresh to do so. (Remember, you can’t go below 1 refresh.)
  • Rename one character aspect that isn’t your high concept.
  • Rename any moderate consequences you have, so that you can start them on the road to recovery.

The lightsaber form you started with, Shii-Cho does not count for the purposes of refresh.
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