• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

StJNES4: The Normal Story NES

ooc: Jason you are also stuffing around with my trade routes. Please rectify all these mistakes.

From Egypt

Either withdraw your forces from the nation of Sioux and reinstate the older government or face war with the Democratic Republic of Egypt. These are your choices.

I will give them when I am online next. I dont think you will update before then but if you do just reinvest all the gained economies into the economy to keep it vitalised and vibrant.
To:The world

All supporters of USSA are treated like citizens of USSA...Notice the loyalists attacked the pro-USSA populace in Sioux before I sent an army.If you need I'll withdraw my men...But do not send force's to help the Sioux because you'd be no better than I...These are sioux matters...let the sioux take care of it themselves;)We're hereby withdrawing our army.


Maybe you don't understand the situation...We're not attacking Sioux...We're helping our friends in Sioux.The USSA supporters of Sioux are allies of USSA in effect...Wouldn't you help your allies if they were under attack?


I'm removing my force's from Sioux..If you send a chinese force though I will be forced to help my allies (The USSA supporters).


to USSA:
The bomb in the Sioux goverment will be checked.
We wish to say we thank you for moving your armies out of Sioux. If Sioux as in a civil-war you shouldn't aid yourself. If you enter troops into SIoux ask the goverment first and only to install PEACE and not yourself or your allies in the country.

to Mexico and Ozeiania:
And why not? That in case of a war with USSA you will earn many many lands? I'm sorry to tell you but even if USSA didn't removed your forces and war started you would have earned no lands. No one is here to conquer. only to free.

to China and LODN:
We truly thank you for your suport. Without it we do not think USSA would have removed their armies. For this act of aid we wish to join the LODN.
@naervod: The 1854 World Cup was held in Denmark. Germany is hosting the 1858 World Cup and the 1862 World Cup host is yet to be announced. Hope that clears that up :goodjob:

Otto was as excited as a young school girl. Germany would soon be hosting the 1858 World Cup, not to mention that Germany looked as though it would proceed to at least the second round. Bismark had also decided to play off the excitment of the world cup to increase the nation's economy.

-Grow economy
-Continue Wonder(when will it be finished?)

it wasn't China or the LODN...It was mexico and Ozeania that made me change my mind lol

Continue the use of force against the Kazak Rebellion. Send 11 Armies(2.2 Million) soldiers and every conscript to fight against the insurrection. Avoid cities.

-train the conscripts into soldiers using our new camps.
From Former Prussian Leader
To Former 'Prussian' People

This merge will protect all of us. Think- now we have many more troops, more ships, more planes. That will protect you. All of this is better for you- and the former Scandinavian leader is telling his people the sam thing. We can become a world power like Prussia once was- but this time we will NOT fall becuase we are bigger, stronger, and are better with the merge, and you should be happy that this is making your life safer and easier. Stop the rebellions. Prosperity will, well...er..prosper with the merge of the LNN.
To Sumer
From Marc Antony of Mozabique:
We are in interest of opening trade to you, do u agree?

Open trade with China and Sumer if they agree. (-4 Economy)
Increase Economy
Move troops and be ready of any invasion.
Continue wonder, if not started then start this one;
The Mozambiquen Military School (+4 Military Training)

Vietnam Orders

build new and better factories to mass produce Saigon Class Tanks
build better training facilities for football team
continue and try to finish wonder "Hanoi Military Acedemy" +2army, +1economy, +1education (turn 6/?)
Originally posted by amirsan
To Sumer
From Marc Antony of Mozabique:
We are in interest of opening trade to you, do u agree?

Open trade with China and Sumer if they agree. (-4 Economy)
Increase Economy
Continue wonder, if not started then start this one;
The Mozambiquen Military School (+4 Military Training)


Yeah, you know how much good that does me once I already do the orders that are suppose to be disregarded? Please edit your other ones out.

(if the others were sent by PM, disregard this message).

OOC: damn! i missed orders cuz my internet wouldnt work during most of the weekend after i did the story. i expected the update to be tomorrow...
anyways... story and stuff later tonight or tomorrow.
From Russia
To Denmark:
The current members are; Denmark, Prussia, Germany, Russia, Scandanavia, Apulia, Britain, Venice, Spain, Greece, Rome and France.
Remember that Prussia and Scandinavia have united into one. Why should they still get separate votes, which gives their new League of Northern Nations twice as much power as the other countries have? They should get only one vote to make it fair.

To League of Northern Nations:
We still expect you to uphold our NAPs that we had with BOTH nations (when you were still separate) and our trade route that we had with pre-union Prussia. Also, we remind you that we still have Petrograd as our outlet to the Baltic, and our ships will continue swimming in the Baltic and into the ocean (especially our trade ships), and even though you effectively surround Petrograd and its bay area, and most of the Baltic, for that matter, you must still respect our maritime rights and we will be conducting naval exercises occasionally. No violation of these rights will be tolerated by us.
The Chronicle
Serving the World Since 1854

Madagascar Makes it to the World Cup!
However a bad loss to Morroco...

After a medicore final stretch, the Madagascar national team has made it to the world cup. However, it certainly wasn't the way they imagined.
"We came out somewhat lackluster. I suppose we softened up after last year" said midfielder Pavlo Zafi.
Still, after two victories, a narrow loss, and a huge victory, one might excpect them to be more happy. But Quesi and company still linger on the loss to Morroco in Antananarivo's new stadium. Nontheless, most all are excited to win the World Cup in Germany next year and help bring the tournament to Madagascar in another four years. The going will be tough considering that Madagascar is in the same group as Sinhala and Germany, two top ranked teams.

Anjely Fighters to make Appearance
First ever Madagascar air-force

President Mareni announced the signing of a contact with Boudabisho Aviation Factory to produce a squadron full of the new Anjely1 fighters. They will be used to defend Madagascar in the case of a foreign invasion, and perhaps in peacekeeping missions.


From Madagascar
To Britian

We offer you one economy level for the islands you took from us during the previous decade.


- increase education
- buy 5 squadrons of anjely fighters
Originally posted by Amon Savag
To:The world

All supporters of USSA are treated like citizens of USSA...Notice the loyalists attacked the pro-USSA populace in Sioux before I sent an army.If you need I'll withdraw my men...But do not send force's to help the Sioux because you'd be no better than I...These are sioux matters...let the sioux take care of it themselves;)We're hereby withdrawing our army.


Maybe you don't understand the situation...We're not attacking Sioux...We're helping our friends in Sioux.The USSA supporters of Sioux are allies of USSA in effect...Wouldn't you help your allies if they were under attack?


I'm removing my force's from Sioux..If you send a chinese force though I will be forced to help my allies (The USSA supporters).

OOC: That was post #4000!

To Madagascar:
From Britain:
Please point out the islands on a map.
To: USoA
From: Mexico, Ozeania
You´re interpreting that just because we wont you cross out land we want territory? Thats ridiculous you know. We are not interested in Sioux or USSA territory, we´re only interested in peace.

From: Mexico, Ozeania
We thank you for changing your mind. Good that it didn´t have to come to war over such small a matter(ooc: btw your post was great for my ego amon hehe)
United States of America
The economy was finaly growing.
The capital of Brazilia grown much faster than any other city in the world and the country wanted more. In Baghdad and Cairo huge buildings were beeing built and the USoA was sure they could match even those 2 super powers by building even higher to the sky.
The high buildings called sky scraper will give many jobs to people looking for some for several years and it will make the capital even greater.
Several sky scraper were being built together with the super port of Rio de jenero(sp?).

In the city of La-Plata in the recife state a 74 stories sky scraper was being built. Engineers said that it will take about 4 years with the current technology to finish it.
In Gwayakil, the old western capital a 80 stories sky scraper was being built and thanks to many unemplloyed people the engineers say that it will take about 3 years to finish with all the working force that could be hired.
But in Brazilia an amazing 100 storied building is being built for the "Rub corp." for the bigger rubber and plastic industrial corporation in Brazilia. with the fast grouth of the city and the many peple that flock to just work at the building engineers say that 5 years top and the sky scraper will stand.

in Rio the super port is said to be finished in 2 years as the area is already ready after the goverment tried to build a super port in the past but financical problems always poped up.

The problem with USSA were solved very quicly but in the Sioux a civil war begun.

to New Sioux:
We suggest a new elections will take place that the people will choose what to do now.

*Grow econ0my by continue growing industrial force in the brazilia areas.
*Continue advertising around the world about Brazilia and have settlers join it from other teritories in USoA.
*Start the super port of Rio after many times I stopped. shouldn't take too long. It will add a 50% bonus to everytime I grow navy.
(for expample instead if growing by 15 ships it will be by 22, and instead if 2 battleship it will build 3 etc...)
*start the 3 sky scraper using the many people that want their country to be top... in height to :lol:
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