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stMinionNES2: Because it's tight like that

To: Dacia and Thrace
From: Minoa

Minoa is overjoyed to its Bothers of Dacia and Thrace have come into thier own as nations, and suggests that all three of our nation expand thier border sin the area to come in caontact with one another

more over, Minoa suggest that all three of our nation sign a great pact of mutual friendship and comrodery, to prevent war between us, and to keep the prosperity we all enjoy.

unfortuntaley, Minoa dos enot have good news to say- Minoa is greatlly sorry to have to even bring this up, but, Minoa needs aide in battle- while the enemy, a far off people called "The Romans" are reduced to but 15 men in a secluded citadel, they have the means to amass a great army- I know the fact that Minoa is at war at all must come as a shock to you, an dbelive me, the choice to go to war at all was made with a heavy and, and was uncertain at best- but minoa feels that unless they should pay for having comitted great acts against the Etruscans in the past, the same Etruscans who are so common in Minoa, for they fleed to us, and we took them in. As well as another people, the clets, who are now in much the same strights as your peoples were- Minoa wishes to aide them, but they are threatedn by Rome, though hearsay says anothe rneighbor to thier north is even more dangerous...

to the point- Minoa officially requsets aide of your nations in armed forces, travel the world and see far distant sights and wonders they will in aideing Minoa to avenge the Etruscans, and save the Celts...
To: Roman Disenters
From: Minoa

The great King Minos Tarquinios wishes to know what ails the Roman people- yes, minoa has come in, as an aggressor into your lands- BUT, did not Minoa find your gates undefended? your king, your Ceasar, left you- and now Minoa, the great kingdom of the sea has come in its place.

Rome has a chance to benifit as it has never before- true, it losses it status as the capital of Kingdom, but dose retain a great measure in being a new provincial capital- Minoan architiects can come- and not only build, but teach your people, you rpeople will have access to the sea, and the wealth upon it, you will have the chance to voyage the world and to see its great wonders- Minoa has no history of opression, and dose not wish to start one, not now, or ever- Minoa can bolster Rome with a strong garrison, can bring trade andweath to the city, not just the kings treasury as never befor, can beutify Rome, and make it the grandest city in the west, perhaps the world, second only to mighty Knossos itself!- who knows, perhaps in beuty, Rome can even equal Knossos

the point is dissensters, Romans will not suffer under the minoan banner, Minoa is kind- look at the many peoples around the the great sea, who calls us enemy but your formwer ruler? the Hittites, with thier strong chariots, and stout determination has been a brother to Minoa since we met them, the Dacians and Thracians are in many way full Minoans themselves, the Egyptians, even in thier lazyness ot repson to diplomacy,are a firm ally of Minoa, and even the celts to your north are greatlly friendlly with Minoa- you may only the bad of the situation now, but I, the king of all Minoa, assure you that only greatness, for all Minoa- Rome included will come of this.
Nation: Vikings
Ruler: Sven Lodbrok
Tribalism / Despotism
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: 3
Army: 100 men
Navy: none
Religion: Nordic
Education: Barbaric
I'm starting in Scandinavia
yes folks, "Oneaus" is indeed my real life brother- and if you dare mess with him too much, I'ma gonna' to kill you ;)
yea, I dont doubt it actually, but he wants to give it a shot, so who am I to stop him?
Nation: Portugal
Ruler: King Lewis :king:
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: 3
Army: 100 men
Navy: none
Religion: Drudisium
Education: Barbaric

*found city of Lisbon (mouth of the river in spain)
orders, if i can?
-grow army because i am going to have to fight Iberians to control the area
Orders PMed ;)


the sooner you all submit orders, the sooner the NES will be updated
expand north and west
grow army 3 times
minion what about my secret diplo to th celts i cant do orders without them
Originally posted by human-slaughter
/secret To The mighty Celts
From Crusaders
The remainder of the less fierce Gauls are plotting against you through me. Join out Empire and together we will reign supreme

From Celts
To Crusaders

Sorry, but we have greater things to worry about... such as the Romans.
Hatti enters a lull. With its borders worked out, there is little excitement occuring within the empire. Intense work on the Great Hattusas-Tarsus Road is continuing, though the going was tough as workers attempt to cut through the rough mountains to the north of Hattusas.

However, in the royal palace, a new research project was begun...one that could make Hatti incredibly effective at taking cities in the future.

- - - - -

1) Increase economy.

2) Continue sending aid to the Scythian tribe. Also, send a few scholars which major in agriculture to help try to teach some Scythians to "settle down".

3) Continue the Great Hattusas-Tarsus Road [2/4].

4) Begin [secretive] research into siege weaponry [catapults and such].

5) Build two colonies [to serve as hubs for traders and travellers that are safe from bandits] in accordance with the map provided.


  • colonies.jpg
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OOC@ Global Nexus

just as a note, Minoa will beunabe to help you build you city until after the Roman war is over, mainlly because Minoa orders are usually 6 points and over anyway, and we dont wish to have anything left out as it some times is in stJNES 5...

*also, the Troy-Hattusa rout may have to wait until the next era, since, because it migh tcount as a wonder, and currentlly, you can only build two wonders per era, Minoa wants to build a different wonder (not sure what the name will be, but somthing along the lines of "temple of th ebull, or temple fo the Minotaur, or labyrinth of the minoataur, or somthing along those lines) which I think will be worth it just because it helps add flavor to the NES and the story line

so to sum it up- the helping you build you new city as per the agreement on the phoenician expansion will have to wait until after the Roman war, but should commence at abu tthe same time as the Hitite/Minoan- Phoenician war commences

but the great road works, if it is counted asa wonder, will have to wait until the next era to be built, hope this all okay with you

@ AAif Minoa and Hatti begin work on a great roadworks stretch from Troy to Hattusa, will it be counted as a wonder?
Originally posted by Xen
OOC@ Global Nexus

just as a note, Minoa will beunabe to help you build you city until after the Roman war is over, mainlly because Minoa orders are usually 6 points and over anyway, and we dont wish to have anything left out as it some times is in stJNES 5...

cheap shot, man.
@jason- sorry dude, didnt mean to offendm, but it happens somtimes :p
I'd update but I'm missing just a few orders here and there. Namely


But besides them, I'm ready to go.
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