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stMinionNES2: Because it's tight like that

some of those nations just started this turn, they dont get orders :p
Invade the celts to gain the other Gaulic tribes

Increase Military x3

Send 50 troops to the north to fend off any Celtic Raids
Send 200 troops to take a defensive stand against the Minoans
All remaining troops should fortify Ravenna
grow economy
expand land
oohh yah i frogot
- expand up the river (if i can

i already said these orders:

*found city of Lisbon (mouth of the river in spain)
orders, if i can?
-grow army because i am going to have to fight Iberians to control the area

(please and the order at the top if i can)
Update 10 - 2100 B.C.




Minoa: to Hatti [12/3]

Oh good God minion...time to stop with the beers man.
he had three beers, and got drunk last night, dont mind him, once he gets the sense smacked back into him hopefully he'll make everyhting right
Oh I see, these are weather patterns, apparently the east is having thunderstorms while aliens are invading the Americas.
:lol: Wonderful update...

Edit: Seems to be writing on there.:hmm: It seems to say "Communism":hmm:
Always knew minion was a darn commie:lol:

Edit: @Julius - Don't forget the Old Empires orders.;)(Sorry, I'm trying to remind people at every chance I get...I'll stop)

Edit3: And the scribbles over the twop americas look like drawings...And they look the same!:eek:
Damn, sorry, couldn't send orders yesterday. No story this time, then.


- Grow army
- Continue wonder (2/5)
- 350 men to enter northern Sumeria to protect our allies, and then attack towards the three cities.
Update 10 - 2100 B.C.

In Dubai, new farming projects near the major settlements have greatly increased their populations. This upturn in prosperity has also brought many people from Persia proper to Dubai, finally turning two of the major settlements into cities, worthy of ocmparasment to Persopolis and Pasargaedae. Meanwhile, a new city is built East of Persia's present borders.

The Volk split. Allowed passage through their lands by the Russian tzar, some two thirds of the Volk migrate Southward into Russia towards the rich lands of Europe. However, a number of the tribes refuse to go South, and instead decide to try their luck by going West. The most notable of these tribes are the Vikings, who find themselves infront of the others migrating Westward. The Vikings look up to their leader to decide whether they'll keep migrating or settle down where they are.

Meanwhile, the Russians are quite confused as to what to do about the temporary disturbance of their lands by the thoroughly barbarian Volk. In the Western half, the Tzar and his trusty general Josef have managed to finally conquewr the Balts, although at a significant cost. Now, they have nothing to do but sit comfortably in st.Petersburg and wait for the steady stream of Volk to pass them.

In the land of Iberia, a tribe of Iberians grows more advanced than the rest and splits off from their barbaric cousins. The nation of Portugal is found around their capital of Lisbon, under the leadership of King Lewis.

The Harappans spend heavily on their military, but do so without bankrupting their economy. Now with one of the most powerful armies on the Indian subcontinent, the Harappans greatly expand their holdings. Domesticall however, many of the Harappan people demand that more cities are built due to the overcrowding in Harappa herself. Meanwhile, the identity of the civilization to the Northwest is found... they are the Bactrians, under King Eucratides.

The Hittite economy is increased, and work on the Hattusas Tarsus road is continued. The royal architect claims that the road is halfway completed now, and in secret tells the king that scientsists have made major breakthroughs in the art of siege warfare. North in the realms of Scythia, war rages on. The Hittite Scythians have now conquered most of their kin, and thanks to the gift of agriculture, they have even established a few small towns near the coast.

South of the Numidians on the coast of Africa arise the Almohads. Under their great ruler, Abbas El Ahmed, the Almohads are centered around their capital of Marrakesh. With their large armies they rule a formidable little kingdom, almost touching the Southern borders of the warlike numidian tribes in the North.

Fierce fighting in Mesopotamia. The Assyrians, with an increased army, enter the lands of the Sumerian nobles who had defected to them. Initially the Assyrians planned to secure the area before moving on South towards Ur, Lagash, and the like, but circumstances have changed that. The Sumerians had already sent a large part of their army North to put down the rebellions. Although it slowed down the Assyrians it hardly stopped them. The numerically inferior Sumerians are slaughtered, and inflict only minor damage on the Assyrians. To make it worst, the Sumerian economy has hit rock bottom.

Casulaties: 50 Assyrians, 100 Sumerians

In China, war rages on as the divided outer Chinese states fall to the emperor's forces. The rejuvinated Chinese not only repel the Wu forces from their country, they force them into such a retreat that all Wu lands on the Chinese side of the Yellow river fall under their banner. The Wu king has requested help from allies but none have answered his call, as Japan enters a phase of isolationism. Alone, the Wu king fortifies himself in his city with what men remain in his ranks.

Casualties: 50 Chinese, 75 Wu

The Minoan empire continues with it's busy existance. Sicily and Sardinia are fully under Minoan control now, while Carthage grows more and more. In Grecia, borders are established with the coastal Illyrians, while the tiny colony of Gibraltar is established much to the dismay of the local Iberian tribes who begin to plot how to get rid of it. In Knossos, the pillum is invented and handed out to the troops, who with recent conscription and addition of mercenaries now number 750. The vast majority of these head out to the Roman front.

In Rome, the stage is set. The Romans fortify Ravenna, while sending the bulk of their army South to meet a Roman charge. A small contignent of troops is also sent North to stop any Celtic raids. The Minoans take a number of troops never before seen in battle and put strategy aside on a full out march on Ravenna. The ensuing battle is huge, but despite the courage of the Romans, they are outnumbered three to one. To credit the legionares, they killed almost as many men as they lost, but considering that the entire force was massacred, that doesn't mean much. The Minoans are a bit shocked by the battle and take a while to regroup. When they do they march a bit more and surround Ravenna, the last remaining stronghold of Rome, where 115 Roman soldiers remain willing to die for their Caesar. In the North, Celtic raids were strangly absent.

Causalties: 200 Romans, 150 Minoans, 20 Dacian mercenaries, 20 Thracian mercenaries

The 50 Roman legionares had returned to Ravenna long beforethey found the cause of the Celts' strange absence. As it turned out, the Celtic lands were attacked by the Crusaders of the Cross, the ancient Italians of the North. However, the Crusaders never excpected the Celts to be as orginized and strong as they turned out to be. In fact, Minoa had for a long time now been financing the Celts, teaching them the art of warfare, and even sending a Minoan General by the name of Antromaxos to lead them. Adopted as one of their own, Antromaxos becomes Antromix and leads an orginized army of Celts against the Crusaders. The result is only limited gains of Celtic territory.

Casualties: 75 Crusaders, 100 Celts

The Egyptians cross over into Nubia! The backwards bronze age Nubians are no match for the Egyptians' iron blades, and it's shown in territorial gains with the Northern invaders gaining almost half of Nubia in one turn. The Nubian capital of Napata is fortified, but this doesn't mean much with no city walls to speak of. Nubians hastily begin to build a dsmalll barrier between them and the oncoming attack.

Casualteis: 25 Egyptians, 100 Nubians


From Sumer
To Persia

We demand either an economy or a vow to help us against the bastard Assyrians.

From Volk
To Russia

We are sorry for the disturbance, we will be gone from your lands by next turn, we swear upon the gods.


Minoa: to Hatti [1/3]

OOC: O.k., a few biggies this time. First of all, with the increased number of players I might isnk down to the lazy modding style used by many of the other mods in these forums. This means that if nothing important happens to you (read: I was too lazy to come up with something) you're not mentioned at all, saving me time and effort. Also, very important, from now on, diplomacy is not available with grey barbarian nations! That's all, enjoy.
The World - 2100 B.C.


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To: Egypt
From: Minoa

as Egypt is a land that is most freindlly to Minoa, and slated to, when Minoa can focus its economy on trade exclusivelly again, a great trade partner, Minoa has the following offer-

as we have done with our other great allies, the mighty Hittite empire to your north, and ouer east/ north-east, we will sell you the secrets of the chariot for the same price as we gave to Hatti, the sum of 2 economies, and the swoarn oath by the land, people, King/appropreiate offical(s), and government of the land of Egypt that it will never give, sell, load or other wise distribute this technoilogy in any way shape form or manner at any time, ever. ;)
As many of you have read the twenty rules of life taught by Goloman you have read the first.

Thy own sword shall protect the brave even if they are down trodden and falling to their knees.

And many of you have heard of the sea people incursion of the people of the peninsula. The people of the peninsula have been confined to the Northern most city. We are ready and whilling to defend the brave. Yet the Celts prove a problem. We must defeat them first yet the Romans cannot hold out we will give you our orders.


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