• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

stMinionNES2: Because it's tight like that

dont worry, i dont generally drink, nasty habit IMO, though when i do, I'm sure as hell not at home for my parents to see ;)
Guys, I was just kidding lol..

Anyways, crew season is finally over so the update will come tonight or tomorrow. Get your orders in, I'm not sure if I have everybody's even now..
do I have my orders in yet?
And do I? Please, update quickly!
Update started. Orders missing from Almohads, Kush, Portugal, Russia, and Thrace.
Update 18 - 1300 B.C.

Campaigns against the Bactrian menace continue in Southern Asia. The Assyrians have great successes against the enemy, chiefly due to their brilliant generals and leadership. Use of signal fires becomes a standard of Assyrian military practices, as the Mesopotamians beat back the Bactrian clans one by one.

Persia isn't having as good of a time. Tremendous unrest throughout the land as the Shah orders a conscription of evey able bodied man over twenty. This brings his dynasty to the verge of collapse, but his advisors take matters into their own hands and immediatly stop the practice. Once the fiasco was over, the Persians attacked the Bactrians alongside the Assyrians. Overall, both nations are tremendously succesfull. The Bactrians turn from where they were headed and go North instead. It seems that with a few more victories they will be pushed out Persia for good.

Casualties: 600 Bactrians, 75 Assyrians, 125 Persians

The new dynasty of the Shang instill many new policies in their land. One fifth of all state lands were given to peasents in exchange for a promise to work the soil for at least five years. More than happy with the deal, the majority of the peasents stay on the land for far longer. Many new villages pop out troughout the countryside due to this policy. In the meanwhile, between the cities of Hong Kong and Shanghai, a great road was constructed. All along the Shang's borders, Shang armies expand the emperor's territory.

Farther North in China itself, times are good. The economy is increased, and the first third of the Grand Treasury is completed. A trade route is started with the Shang dynasty to the South, and a road is built to Ulaanbaatar to the North. The road is immediatly put to use as Chinese armies decide to cross the river beside it and attack the tartars to the North. The results aren't as splendid as China's domestic fortunes. Although ground is gained after a few key victories against several large villages, the casualties are very large. The Tartar horses are far better than the short Chinese breed.

Casualties: 300 Tartars, 125 Chinese

With promises of payment by the Japanese, thousands of people board the ships to the Philippines in order to settle the regions. The great increase in number of Japanese means that the Filipino population is slowly absorbed. Within a few centuries, the Filipinos will be nothing more than Southern Japanese.

While all this is happening, the war that will decide the future of India starts. The Aryans (after taking over most of Bactria) finish of the Harappans and pour into Delhi. In a shocking display of power, the Aryan hordes (spearheaded by chariots and powerful horsemen) make quick work of the dispersed Delhi army (Half was standing guard on the Calicutan border) and reaches Delhi city itself. Not only do they reach it, they capture it within months, and raze it. The aftereffects are devestating. Although Calicut was the most educated, Delhi was the only Dravidian state to focus almost solely on it's culture. Thousands of scrolls are burned up in flames by the Aryans, as the city itself is wrecked and set to the torch. The citizens who survived the fire are sent back towards the Indus to serve as slaves among the various Aryan clans that have settled down. With the loss of it's capital, the Delhi city state collapses. The remains of it's army desert and immediatly pledge allegiance to the Calicutians. As the Calicutan armies are re-orginized after their addition, the Aryans take over what remains of Delhi and reach the borderland.

Casualties: 200 Delhimen

The Alemanni continue to grow more powerful in their area. The wonder is continued and army increased, and with the iron technology many surrounding tribes join regardless of no specific orders for expansion. The chief's advisors urge their leader to usee the iron technology before it spreads to the other tribes.

The war against the Kush continues. In the South, the Minoans overwhelm the tiny nations. With the death of Queen Sheba, the Kush kingdom splintered into a dozen pieces, and the Minoans qucikly sweeped them up. Many tribes remain outside of Minoan jurisdiction (which is hampered by lack of communications), but the most vital parts of old Kush are now under the light blue banner of the Minoans.

Meanwhile, to the North, the remaining heir to the Ku****e throne swears revenge. He travels North and razes the nearest Egyptian city, but following his victory he is quickly informed of an oncoming Minoan and Egytpian force. The two sides met within two days, with the allies greatly outnumbering the small Ethiope army (bolstered by recruitment of local Ethiopes. But in a bizzare twist the general became violently ill and was unable to command his troops. They were slaughtered by the allies, and 1321 b.c.e. became the last year of Ethiope independence. The Ethiope states were both completely gone after much casualties on both sides. Egypt controlled most of the land, but for this reason had to face numerous rebellions and uprisings throughout it's lands populated by ethiopes. To the South, the Minoans control the anarchy filled state of Kush and are thus actually welcomed by some of the locals. There aren't any uprisings against Minoan rule, but due to lack of communication between it and Minoa proper, governing it is rather difficult.

Casualties: 600 Kush-ites, 350 Egyptians, 350 Minoans

Back in Knossos, the Sanctum of the Bull is completed, bringing an economic and military boost to the state. No more wonders can be built until the next age, which is said won't come for 5-10 turns or so. In the meanwhile, Minoan philosophers make for the worlds first professional doctors. "Healers", as they are known, discover much about medicine. Names for medical terms in the modern world are all in Minoan, as it becomes the language of medicine. Along with these developments, Minoa visibly surpasses Russia as the most intellectual state in the world.


From Satsuma
To Japan

We would agree to such a deal.


Assyria: to Persia [2/3]
China: to Japan [1/3], to Shang [1/3]
Japan: to China [1/3]
Minoa: to Hatti [2/3], to Egypt [2/3]
Thrace: to Dacia [2/3]

OOC: Amenhotep, next time you change your orders please delete the originals first.

Everyone seeking to gain contact with people, the current situation is that you're probably too caught up in events close to home to have established significant diplomatic ties with far-away nations. Persia and Minoa for example have both heard of each other, but as each are preoccupied right now they only have diplomatic relations with the nations between them. To gain contact, wait for a time of peace and stability in both of your lands (it could be just one turn really..) and contact will probably be gained.

Rika Heyli, "Have 1 economy used to attack settlers from Japan to the Philippines"?? lol
The Wolrd - 1300 B.C.


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To: the Ku****e lands of Minoa
Minoa woudl like to know if you woudl prefer to a federated nation Minoa, with near full self governace, but with some Minoan supervision, or if you would prefer to be part f Minoa proper, or if there is some other arrangment you would best enjoy.
OOC: Where are Bactrian stats?


The casualties were mounting, but Sharkhon was not dismayed. His tactics, based on imitating an enemy to defeat him, have worked. For 200 Assyrians and Persians dead in the sands of Eastern Persia, 600 Bactrians died too. For an Assyrian, three Bactrians. And a messanger already informed him that Aryans have taken the Bactrian capital. Aryans...

They seemed to be a great and numerous warrior people. Sharkhon wondered if he will have to fight them too, or maybe he could just let them conquer that mysterious India. According to the rumors, it was a big and fertile land, so Aryans will probably be satisfied with it. Still...

Sharkhon also remembered a problem back at home. He knew Tigur is trying desperately to hold on to the throne. Sharkhon admired his opponent, but Sharkhon knew what no one else knew yet - that Naradak himself is on his side. Tigur will fall, when his time comes.

In the meantime, Sharkhon, as the unofficial commander of the Assyrian forces in Persia, knew he had to bring in more troops. His son, Ekkran, was almost ready, Sharkhon knew, for he had an even better messanger and spy system then Tigur. Soon, he will come here with three hundred Khirashmites, who were trained since childhood. These were better then Khirashmites that came before, and therefore were the greatest warriors yet. That was the system of Naradakism - for all men and women to serve Naradak or his family, and to learn to do what they were meant to do the best, and to pass on that experience to the future generations, who will themselves accomulate their knowledge and experience and pass it on as well. So every generation of Khirashmite warriors will be taught by Khirashmite warriors that were before and were chosen to pass on the knowledge, and thus each new generation will be even better then the previous.

And so each new ruler will be better then the previous one. And if the previous one will not stand down by himself, Sharkhon knew, Naradak will throw him down from his throne, and let the new one rule - for it is only for the good of the empire.


From: Assyria (Sharkhon)
To: Bactria

You are defeated, attacked by Aryans and fought back by Persians. Surrender now, what little is left of you, and the Persian Shah will rule you as the rest of his subjects, will rule you fairly if firmly. Fight on, and Bactrians will be killed to the last man, woman and child, for Naradak favors the Wise and condemns the Foolish.

From: Assyria (Tigur)
To: Persia

I hear that our tactics are succesful. We must push on, unless they surrender. Still, I am concerned by these "Aryans". I hope they will be satisfied with India.

- Grow army.
- Finish the wonder.
(OOC:I take it I can use the new 400 (wonder+growth) men immediately? I also take it I have reached my wonder limit for the age, right?)
- 750 men (350 if I cannot use the new troops) are to continue to use the same tactics and the signal fires. But now, we will spread out equally throughout all of the front, and advance east. Do not attack Aryans unless we are attacked first!
- 25 men (the fastest riders that we have) will take the best horses we can get, and ride east. Try to avoid confronting Bactrians OR Aryans. They are to find out as much about Aryans, their troop locations in former Bactria, their tactics and their plans. Also study the terrain. These men are to report to me the results of their mission in the next update.
@Das: They're not there on purpose. The Bactrians are a nation turned barbarian tribe, so they're treated like one of the grey blobs. You don't know how many troops they have, although you are kicking their ass ;)
From Persia
To Assyria

Certainly! We must press on, comrade! Same tactics!

As for the Aryans; we shall deal with them later. They seem to be diverting most of their troops to India, so we can wait for a bit.

Orders later.
So, that means I can't negotiate with them as well?
The Battle against the Tartars had been good, 1 Chinese had been lost against 2 Tartars. The Chinese would continue the attack until the Tartars swore never to raid China again, and pay a small one time tribut to the Chinese Court. The new Emperor had decided to make China the center of knowledge in the world. He had decided to make his nation the most educated in the world. The Chinese armies will be increased to better aid the army in their war with the Tartars. Despite the ppl thinking his ancestor was mad, the better Tartar horses is clearly evident when the Chinese cavalry fought the Tartar cavalry, this led the Emperor to command that all warhorses are to be of Tartar breed...

Chinese orders *secret*
continue wonder
Increase army
Increase education
Use tartar horses for army
Have 100 men advance north from Liaotung
Have 200 men continue their attack against the Tartars, have my soldiers slowly march forward when the tartars use hit and raid tactics against us, DO NOT break formation, when u get closer to the Tartars, have my cavalry charge forth and attack the tartars.
Have the rest of the army at the borders with the other countries
Grow Army x2
Follow same tactics as last time, except now actually launch a counteroffensive into their territory.
"People of India!" Virjay cried from his podium in the square. "We shall now drive back the evil men who have overrun Harrappa and Delhi! These men have raped, have pillaged, have slaughtered everything in their path! Why wait for our turn? The time to strike is now!"

And the people gave a great shout, so that it was said even the walls of the city trembled, and hornblowers sang out the glorious song for 'charge'. The fervour of war was in their blood now, and Calicut was ready for battle.


Increase Army *2

Keep the 175 men garrison in Burma to fend off any possible barbarian attacks.

Gather all other 800 men in a vast army, plus any allies that may come, and attack the Aryans all along the border, but concentrating on a push to Delhi. If the enemy divides up into smaller warbands, then divy up our own army into 100 men groups that will outnumber them. If they use a large, concentrated army, then focus on that and attempt to surround and destroy it.


To ALL of INDIA (Except Aryans, of course): The battle is now! The time to Strike is NOW! There can be no waiting! Unless you have a front with the Aryans as well, then please, send your men to join us in a push to Delhi! We MUST Strike!

If you can spare men, then we need them to strike and destroy the Aryan menace now! They must be joined into a united Indian army, and that is what we are creating! Send your men to Calicut, where they will earn honor, glory, and earn back a free India!
Egyptian orders:
-grow economy again
-attempt to peacfully quell uprisings by raising the standard of living for all citizens of the Egyptian empire to the level of the original egyptians
-use my army to keep peace
-continue wonder

To Minoa:
We thank you for helping Egypt in its time of need!

To all neighbors:
We would like to start trade!
To: Egypt
From: Minoa

No problaemo, thats what friends and allies are for :)
no time for story...plz, plz, plz don't penalize me...
Japanese Orders
Increase economy
finish wonder
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