Suggestions and Requests

How could it be integrated into the mod, Rebel barbarians? Ones that either create independent cities or rebirth dead civs.
Could make the respawn mechanic more dynamic rather than "oh no, i sneezed and lost an entire region out of nowhere" (but then again, there is an independence mechanic in RFC Europe that i quite liked it, where you are warned about it beforehand and gives you attempts to prevent it)
Leoreth, why is certain modern leaders unavailable to play with? I understand for instance, the incredibly controversial ones (Adolf, Mussolini, Franco, Stalin and Mao for instance), but why can't i play as Nasser as Egypt? Kinda of a strange disabled choice as Nasser was nowhere near as bad as most other disabled leaders. If anything Nasser did something great for Egypt.
Correct, that's the rule.
What is the defination of conditional? Era and civic are both conditions, I think.
And there should be more of them.
I consider Hitler or Walesa AI as a kind of easter egg.

More of those conditionnal leaders !
For Ethiopa, we need a communist leader from the junta.
For Russia, we need a more democratic leader like Gorbatchev.
For a possible communist Germany, maybe a leader from GDR ?
What is the defination of conditional? Era and civic are both conditions, I think.
Anything that isn't year, tech, or era based.
And there should be more of them.
I consider Hitler or Walesa AI as a kind of easter egg.

More of those conditionnal leaders !
For Ethiopa, we need a communist leader from the junta.
For Russia, we need a more democratic leader like Gorbatchev.
For a possible communist Germany, maybe a leader from GDR ?

Mali definitely needs a modern leader
More leaders can be nice but they need corresponding art assets.

Also, personally I think 4 leaders per civ max is fine.

Mali definitely needs a modern leader
ironic out of all leaders in the Modern Day Russia, Gorbachev is the most democratic.
Not a competition when you have drunk madman, an Ex KGB or his friend.
I think it is more democratic to be democratically elected than to be liked in the west.
I think it is more democratic to be democratically elected than to be liked in the west.
Well i also dont think, for instance, shelling the house of parliament a democratic thing to do to circumvent an impeachment but i also agree with your comment.
Suggestion - change the Leaders display order in the Civilopedia to include their civ, like how the Civics include their category:

    def placeLeaders(self):
        lLeaders = []
        iPrevCiv = -1
        for iLeader in xrange(gc.getNumLeaderHeadInfos()):
            if iLeader == gc.getInfoTypeForString('LEADER_BARBARIAN'):

            LeaderInfo = gc.getLeaderHeadInfo(iLeader)
            iCiv = getLeaderCiv(iLeader)
            if not iCiv is None and gc.getCivilizationInfo(iCiv).isPlayable():
                if iCiv > -1 and iCiv != iPrevCiv:
                    if lLeaders != [] :
                        lLeaders.append(("", -1))
                    lLeaders.append((gc.getCivilizationInfo(iCiv).getDescription(), -1))
                lLeaders.append((LeaderInfo.getDescription(), iLeader))
                iPrevCiv = iCiv

        self.list = lLeaders
        self.placeItems(WidgetTypes.WIDGET_PEDIA_JUMP_TO_LEADER, gc.getLeaderHeadInfo)

I think it looks much more intelligible:

And without the space between civs:

e: Wow, weird consequence - I assume this has to do with how the civs' list is dynamically created?
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A few feedbacks in regard to Brazil:

. The city of Goiânia was spelled "Goianiâ" in the game.ânia
. The gold bonus from removing jungles/forests by the madereiros are quite low. Playing on epic speed, I get 80 production from chopping and only 15 gold which is close to nothing. I would recommend at least the same amount in gold to make this UU any strong.
Presently, expiration of Expansion Areas is suspended while player is at war with Civ that controls tiles. With major civs the player can use the typical diplomatic actions to leverage expansion area i.e. just being at war. It gets trickier with Independents with whom the tools to interact diplomatically differ from major civs and these mechanics aren't transparent, in particular which factors determine the change from a state of war to peace. I suppose at the very least I'm requesting a Pedia update of some form that elucidates these phenomena? This all assumes you don't desire these elements to be obscured from players, of course, and I'd for sure raise no objection to that as a design feature without merit.
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