Suggestions for SGOTM13

hey, it's going to be SGOTM13!!! It should be some sort of unlucky thing...maybe that's why everyone it vying for a game where we should lose!!
...but, wouldn't that be too easy to win?!! :confused:
I think he's trying to have the AI win. We had a similar SGOTM where we tried to get Gandhi to ride an elephant to Alpha Centauri. (we were the Vikings). We gave the stubborn twerp everything he needed and he never started a spaceship piece (never even built Apollo). We finally nuked his boney butt in 2049 AD.
Well as somebody who hsn't been around to see cultural commies or the hydrophobic americans, I wouldn't mind seeng something like that around again.

I also liek the Idea of playing a 5CC and/or a 20K game. I wouldn't . .. .. .. .. . on SID, but i don't think the players who have moved on to CIV will consider coming back for that.
lurker's comment: I'm using lurker tags because I don't plan on playing in SGOTM 13, but I just thought I'd throw this out here. 5CC/OCC games largely defeat the purpose of the whole SG thing. Anyone here can finish a game like that in a day or so, so playing 10 and handing the save off is kind of silly. Also, with a OCC, there is very little desicion making to be made. MMing is usually obvious, and production choices are pretty easy as well. Doesn't take 7 civ masters to beat. OCCC is a different ball of fish though, that can be a legitimate SG. I have liked Gyathaars weird games though. If the next was a heavily varianted deity game or sid game, everyone would follow the same strategy, and the best MMers would win. On regular games, proper strategy has been too well established. But hydrophobia, the barbarian nation, the fast diplo no settler things have certain correct strategies that aren't obvious imediatly, and it's not just an MM competition. So if someone could think of another idea like those that really change the whole approach to the game, that would be great. Maybe even a mod, like RaR.
Great comments, Own! :thumbsup:
Maybe someone could make a map where the teams need to fullfill some extra subgoals, like starting on a difficult and lonely island we need to get away from (or maybe with one neighbour on the island that is boosted in strength to be like a sid opponent), then the need to go out and capture certain resources in difficult and remote places (maybe make their locations known from the start) before we finally can launch a spaceship.

It would be nice if a map would keep the teams busy so that tacticts both millitary and otherwise go on trough all ages rather than just winning with knights or capturing the world and waiting for the modern age to come 100 boring turns later.

The last sgotm was a good example of this, there were not many "spacebar turns" even in the end, we had to keep worrying about getting enough cities for the prebuild for example. If the game promises to be interesting, i may join in again.
I did an SG a while ago where there were 4 major islands. On each was an increasingly more difficult opponent and there was a needed resource on each island. The goal was to conquer your island and begin expanding until you could step up the ladder to a space victory.

It should be mentioned that the barbarians we're much stronger than usual and we're set at raging to provide an additional challenge.
I have very little experience with SGOTM and its rules and options, but I am an experienced mapmaker. Need help?
:thumbsup: Great! Now we need someone to focus on the story and we might get another masterpiece! :bounce:

Thanks for that offer! :thanx:
I have very little experience with SGOTM and its rules and options, but I am an experienced mapmaker. Need help?
I think at this situation better just to play plain Deity or Demigod without "variant(s)". Start near center. Map may be "random" but should be invariant vs N-S-W-E directions.
I disagree. :shake:

I think we can motivate people best if we got a nice uncommon variant setup again, just in tradition of Gyathaar's past quests.
Those were most entertaining and motivating (unless they caused frustration like hydrophobic and earthbound Gandhi :gripe: ).

And an eight-month SG is all about motivation :rolleyes:

I'd favor to combine a great idea (Gyathaar?) and a great map (Rik). :thumbsup:
Those were most entertaining and motivating (unless they caused frustration like hydrophobic and earthbound Gandhi :gripe: ).

And an eight-month SG is all about motivation :rolleyes:

I'd favor to combine a great idea (Gyathaar?) and a great map (Rik). :thumbsup:

Sure, if Gyathaar will make good story it is OK. But I recon, that only 2 SGTOM out of 12 had good "variant". Althouh somebody may like AWD, OCC(B)C, hydrophobic, barbarian fight...
I don't know why you think only 2 had a good variant. That sounds like a personal oppinion.

The only real failure i remember is the space dumbo.

If you like 5CC, OCC or AW is personal and had nothing to do with being a good or bad variant.
Another thing to draw players is something unusual, like the new units we faced when battling the barbarians or having to use helicopters & paratroops. Using some of the extra units available in the scenarios would also provide a new challenge. Also upgrading the barbarians (warrior->sword & horse->knight) provide an interesting challenge.
Rik has PM'd me with some thoughts. I'll get together with him and see if we can produce a game plan.
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