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SW9 - Malicious Mali

Righty-o! I shall take charge of our people tomorrow night.
I will be playing my turns at some point tonight. I'll post my story and the save shortly thereafter. It might not be 'till tomorrow, depending on whether or not the icestorm hits tonight (though most places say it won't hit until tomorrow morning)
The save is here.

-Alexander built Great Lighthouse.
-Moses born in Timbuktu - builds Temple of Solomon.
-Iron Working discovered - Iron is right near Timbuktu. Should be connected next turn.

I'll write a story later, when I can concentrate.
Looking out across the Malinese people he wondered how best to improve their condition. The great Malinese people shone with the pride of their magnificent empire, but still he wondered.

There were workers in the hills who were preparing the mines for this new source of mineral known as iron. He had heard great things from his advisors on how this mineral could increase the strength of his armies.

He had also heard of several sources of fish that his people had finally learned how to properly prepare them to better feed his people, and still he wondered.

Thinking back he realized that many of the great things his people even now implemented were due in part by this thing called science. He wondered, if he could increase the empire’s focus on research could his people learn to surpass those of the other tribes around him? Even now already was work being done on a library in the city of Djenne, but what of the others? What if he could increase the size of his cities, get people to relocate within the city walls could that not help increase his empire?

For several days he contemplated these questions before coming to several realizations. In order to better increase the empires research one must first increase the amount of research. To increase that you need both libraries and a sizeable population.

Immediately he began lowering living costs in order to get more people into his cities. His began building granaries to increase his storage ability of food to pay for the now increased influx of citizens. With the help of several libraries currently under construction he could already see the increase in their research ability.

As Timbuktu continued to grow the Jewish monks approached him and discussed building a Jewish monastery. Knowing little of religious buildings he was able to understand enough to know it was similar to a library. In other words, more ways to increase research.

As his cities began to increase in size considerably many small cottages and hamlets began popping up around his larger cities. The gold coming off them enough to persuade him to build a few more with the intent of drawing more citizens closer to the cities.

It wasn’t long before one of his advisors mentioned that Kumbi Saleh was bordering on unrest. Using advisors and religious icons the city was brought to stagnation until further ideas could be brought up on how best to deal with the situation.

Timbuktu was doing so well that he felt it was time to build another city. Working for months he was able to organize a small gathering of Malinese citizens and send southeast of Timbuktu to settle on the river near a large population of beaver.

Djenne didn’t appear to be doing so well. The city itself was doing fine but the land around it was almost entirely wild! A workmen’s crew was currently being organized to begin pushing back the wilderness to better serve the city.

Spoiler Turnset :
Turn 113 (50 BC)
Timbuktu finishes: Jewish Temple
Kumbi Saleh grows: 5

Turn 114 (25 BC)
Timbuktu begins: Granary
Kumbi Saleh finishes: Granary

Turn 115 (0 AD)
Kumbi Saleh begins: Jewish Temple

Turn 116 (25 AD)
Timbuktu finishes: Granary

Turn 117 (50 AD)
Timbuktu begins: Axeman
Kumbi Saleh grows: 6

Turn 118 (75 AD)

Turn 119 (100 AD)
Timbuktu finishes: Axeman
Judaism has spread: Gao

Turn 120 (125 AD)
Timbuktu begins: Hindu Temple
Timbuktu begins: Settler
Tech learned: Mathematics
Djenne finishes: Library
Kumbi Saleh grows: 7
Kumbi Saleh finishes: Jewish Temple
Gao grows: 3

Turn 121 (150 AD)
Research begun: Meditation
Djenne begins: Worker
Kumbi Saleh begins: Work Boat

Turn 122 (175 AD)
Judaism has spread: Delphi (Greek Empire)

Turn 123 (200 AD)
Tech learned: Meditation
Kumbi Saleh grows: 8
Kumbi Saleh finishes: Work Boat

Turn 124 (225 AD)
Research begun: Sailing
Kumbi Saleh begins: Library
Timbuktu finishes: Settler
Gao finishes: Library

Turn 125 (250 AD)
Timbuktu begins: Jewish Monastery
Gao begins: Work Boat

Turn 126 (275 AD)

Sorry for our leader not having a name, I don't know any Mali names and was too lazy to google it.:D

Here's a pic of where I planned on building our fur city...

Oh yeah, as you'll notice the worker in the pic still has movement. I forgot you couldn't improve the land unless it was within a city radius.

Here’s the 275 AD save.
Methos said:
Sorry, I wasn't paying attention at first so wasn't sure what turn# I started on. I'm pretty sure I played over ten.
dont worry, be happy :D
there is a great mod for turn number display on Tubby Rower's sig (as well as the great AUTOLOGGER mod.)
i recomend you get both.
soul_warrior said:
dont worry, be happy :D
there is a great mod for turn number display on Tubby Rower's sig (as well as the great AUTOLOGGER mod.)
i recomend you get both.

Bad thing is, I have them both. Just started checking out the game and than started playing without even bothering to look at the turn#. Whoops!:blush:
dont sweat it.
were all nice people here (except those blasted voices in my head :rolleyes: but thats another topic)
just make sure to bribe the voices with offerings of fruit and :beer: and all should have a happy ending :D
Am I up already? It seems like I just went.
The times were of great peace and prosperity in the known world. The Greeks had become great believers in the faith and fast friends. Borders were opened between the two countries and trade would now become available. Fishermen who'd sailed off course spread word of two new religions and of many great leaders from faraway lands. The Malinese people needed a technology to explore. Their work was not done. Spread the great word was of utmost importance and work had started along this path towards fast boats.
Spoiler :
----------------------------New entries----------------------------
Turn 126 (275 AD)

Turn 127 (300 AD)
Walata founded
Walata begins: Skirmisher
Tech learned: Sailing
Timbuktu finishes: Jewish Monastery

Turn 128 (325 AD)
Research begun: Alphabet
Timbuktu begins: Swordsman
Christianity founded in a distant land

Turn 129 (350 AD)

Turn 130 (375 AD)
Timbuktu grows: 7
Timbuktu finishes: Swordsman
Djenne finishes: Worker
Kumbi Saleh finishes: Library
Gao finishes: Work Boat
Taoism founded in a distant land

Turn 131 (400 AD)
Timbuktu begins: Jewish Missionary
Djenne begins: Axeman
Kumbi Saleh begins: Barracks
Gao begins: Work Boat
Gao begins: Barracks

Turn 132 (425 AD)
Timbuktu finishes: Jewish Missionary
Kumbi Saleh's borders expand
Gao grows: 4

Turn 133 (450 AD)
Timbuktu begins: Aqueduct

Turn 134 (475 AD)
Tech learned: Alphabet
Kumbi Saleh grows: 9

Turn 135 (500 AD)
Research begun: Metal Casting
Kumbi Saleh finishes: Barracks
Judaism has spread: Athens (Greek Empire)

Turn 136 (520 AD)
Kumbi Saleh begins: Spearman
Kumbi Saleh begins: Jewish Monastery
Nothing much happened this session so a story would be quite short and pointless.

Basically focused on building up an army cause the Greeks are just annoying and I want the whole island. 1 turn from Construction so we will have cats to do some damage when people see fit. Gao's borders expanded locking Delphi from the rest of the Greek Empire except for a small costal square. At the rate of our culture expansion Delphi will be choked in about 20 turns.

Our treasury seems fine keeps bouncing between -1 and +1. I'm not sure where to go from here, currency would be good giving us extra happy faces and more money. Or we could shoot for Machinery and then Optics.

Probably keep building up our army and attack the greeks in about 10-15 turns.


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locki 3, et al. please take notice....
our twist - all AI will be of the aggressive strain.
we ARE NOT allowed to declare war, and must remain as peaceful as possible.
that same babbling fool said:
victory we want - UN or CULTURAL
so i guess. nope. rephrase that. we NEED OPTICS and contacts ASAP.
our economy is stable for now.
do we have any galleys out and looking? if not then optics is neccesary.

AFAIK, weonly know the greasers right now. which is bad.
soul_warrior said:
soul "jivin'" warrior - ill just wait in this here corner till saturday.
BotlGnomz - if i havent got it by saturday afternoon, feel free to grab it.
Methos -
Darwin -
whomp -
Locki III -
MjM - no more waiting. this is it. all hail the icy cross guy :worship:
as the holy days are approaching, i guess most will be unavailable.
no worries.
if you can, play if not, we'll meet on the other side of newyears.
Other than a day or two due to family get togethers I'll be available more than usual. My workplace does a mandatory shutdown, meaning we're forced to take a vacation. [Can you hear me groaning? :mischief: ] I don't have to be back to work until the 3rd of January and today is the beginning of it.:D
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