civ editor11
I would love to play when is it and am I too late in signing up?
Welcome welcome welcome!
Triangle diplomacy isn't completely useless in multiplayer. In the last demogame, there was a loose triangle diplomacy between Team MadScientists, Team Cavalieros, and Team Kazakhstan.
I had a dream last night about Civ5... no tech trading, but research deals speed research for both teams. We can recreate that here:
-Turn off Tech Trading
-1.5 beakers if any team you have open borders with is researching the same thing you are
Is that dumb?
I don't hang around much on these forums anymore. However, I keep getting all these invites to pitboss games, and to be honest I still don't know what they are really about. I thought I'd just come and be a fence-sitter here for a while and see what happens.
Is there going to be one of those PRIVATE team forums for discussion? If so then I guess I have to join to see what goes down in there.
Obsolete, I think your knowledge and experience would be a great asset to the team.
Most my choices are a bit unorthodox for the average player, so I am not so sure that is a great asset here! However, I am willing to adapt to the general concensus.
A 1-city per player strategy is the worst kind that a team could ever have. In fact, even with a stacked roster, I'd bet my money that teams employing that idea would fail miserably in games like these. Civ is a game about coordination where all cities have to work together in order to achieve a goal.
Not to mention you also have disputes over which tiles a city should control.
By and large it's best to just have the whole team deciding on a general consensus and making suggestions about cities while the turnplayer actually does the duty (since they're playing the turn anyway).