I would love to play when is it and am I too late in signing up?
Hey! I'd also like to join this team. I like the way it's laid out. I'm not really active on the forums but I can beat Monarch most of the time in SP but my first Emperor win is still elusive. I've played almost as much mp as sp however always against the same two people.
Welcome welcome welcome! :goodjob:

Triangle diplomacy isn't completely useless in multiplayer. In the last demogame, there was a loose triangle diplomacy between Team MadScientists, Team Cavalieros, and Team Kazakhstan.

Triangle diplomacy has never worked for me in MP. I'm totally for trading, but I feel that anything beyond the short-term is the way of domination. However, trade with a connected yet very distant civ for luxury resources is a different story (but it often yields mega-nations -- US and Soviet -- type standoffs.).

This doesn't lead to a triangle-arrangement though. Generally, there are two civs that are more trusting of each other, and two are more distrusting of each other but no one knows who the other is. This could/would most likely be a chaotic triangle (which isn't much of a triangle at all) and hence why I don't really think it's a solid idea to use against vastly superior humans.

That being said, I don't want be involved with diplomacy outside of the "We need more luxuries" statements. I think there are much better people for that kinda talk. My line of thinking is usually to conquer extra-resources in the short-term and courthouse/cottage/scientist the difference for a couple of turns.
I'd like to join this Team. Though a fair warning would be that I have no prior experience of any "PitBoss" matches or anything similiar, even though I get the theory of it I have no practical expertise in it. But that problem will hopefully be solved by the "Intra-team PitBoss".

// FarbrorKudde
I had a dream last night about Civ5... no tech trading, but research deals speed research for both teams. We can recreate that here:

-Turn off Tech Trading
-1.5 beakers if any team you have open borders with is researching the same thing you are

Is that dumb?
I had a dream last night about Civ5... no tech trading, but research deals speed research for both teams. We can recreate that here:

-Turn off Tech Trading
-1.5 beakers if any team you have open borders with is researching the same thing you are

Is that dumb?

No. From what I've read already it seems Civ 5 is taking a step in that direction.

// FarbrorKudde

ps: might be a little off topic discussion so we should leave it at that
I don't hang around much on these forums anymore. However, I keep getting all these invites to pitboss games, and to be honest I still don't know what they are really about. I thought I'd just come and be a fence-sitter here for a while and see what happens.

Is there going to be one of those PRIVATE team forums for discussion? If so then I guess I have to join to see what goes down in there.
If you join our team (is this a sign up? :) ) then you'll certainly be inundated with all sorts of info about pitboss. We're hoping on having an intra-team pitboss game in addition to the general game so that members new to pitboss can experience what it's like.

Yes, there will be private forums. Only people who are in a team can access the hidden forums.
I don't hang around much on these forums anymore. However, I keep getting all these invites to pitboss games, and to be honest I still don't know what they are really about. I thought I'd just come and be a fence-sitter here for a while and see what happens.

Is there going to be one of those PRIVATE team forums for discussion? If so then I guess I have to join to see what goes down in there.

Obsolete, I think your knowledge and experience would be a great asset to the team. I also think it is important to participate not to win, and I'm looking forward to learn a great deal from this game, mostly how others think when they have not one but a team of players against us. And what are tecniques in MP games, which will make everything I know from SP games obsolete, oops, there you go again:)
When does this start?
Obsolete, I think your knowledge and experience would be a great asset to the team.

Most my choices are a bit unorthodox for the average player, so I am not so sure that is a great asset here! However, I am willing to adapt to the general concensus.

If I must be a member of a team to see what will go on in these private pit-boss games, then I guess you can go ahead and sign me up.
Most my choices are a bit unorthodox for the average player, so I am not so sure that is a great asset here! However, I am willing to adapt to the general concensus.

I think the main point here is that I expect this MP game to be unorthodox, since you're not playing the AI, and your approach to the game should bring a fresh perspective.

I'm improved a lot after finding this website, due to war academy and articles there, but I would say that my approach to the game is more or less conventional. I hope they will approve of team taking control of two civs, since that would make this game even more interesting.

Anyway, welcome to the team:goodjob:
I'm quite curious, other teams seems to implement a 1 city per player strategy. Any comments on that? Does that lead to more chaos then structure? Asking out of curiosity that is. :) Awfully sorry if this is off topic, but I'd like to ask my team rather then the community as a whole. :lol:

// Farbror Kudde
A 1-city per player strategy is the worst kind that a team could ever have. In fact, even with a stacked roster, I'd bet my money that teams employing that idea would fail miserably in games like these. Civ is a game about coordination where all cities have to work together in order to achieve a goal.

Not to mention you also have disputes over which tiles a city should control.

By and large it's best to just have the whole team deciding on a general consensus and making suggestions about cities while the turnplayer actually does the duty (since they're playing the turn anyway).
A 1-city per player strategy is the worst kind that a team could ever have. In fact, even with a stacked roster, I'd bet my money that teams employing that idea would fail miserably in games like these. Civ is a game about coordination where all cities have to work together in order to achieve a goal.

Not to mention you also have disputes over which tiles a city should control.

By and large it's best to just have the whole team deciding on a general consensus and making suggestions about cities while the turnplayer actually does the duty (since they're playing the turn anyway).

Hmmm, I have to agree with your argumentation. The up in morale is not worth the add of more chaos and less coordination. :)

// FabrorKudde
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