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The avengers


Aug 5, 2011
Very happy to start the Avengers Topic.


Spoiler :
Okay, so, I'm pretty sure this is greatest action movie ever made, and the greatest video game game ever made, if you know what I mean. It was like playing Ninja Gaiden on the hardest difficulty and WINNING, that's what watching this movie feels like. Not to mention, great characters, really funny, AND YET, full of personality and humanity. To be honest, though, now that I'm typing this, there isn't very much to spoil.

It's pretty simplistic: There's a bad guy who wants to take over the world and the good guys have to stop them, but first they have to learn to work together. That's it, but it was AWESOME, because THAT'S pretty awesome. so great.so great..

I came out of this movie screaming and raising my arms and jumping. It was so ing good, oooh mmmyyyy goood.

Also, THANOS. WHoooa

Greatest line ever.

"To fight the huamsn is to court death" And then he gives a smile like, "Well, guess I gotta go court death, then" which is funny because, as comic book fans know, Thanos MARRIES death herself. This ing movie...was so ing smart.

Everything was great, I pretty much felt it was perfect. Loki was AWESOMELY full of himself. I'm glad Iron Man got to redeem himself at the end, Capt. American proveed himself as a worthy leader, Thor was a great straight man, Bruce Banner and The Hulk were both done very well, Hawk Eye and Black Widow not only DIDN"T muck the story up, they really added something to the story and I even cared about them. Really, I loved it, if you can't tell.

Maybe in the future I might think to myself, Oh JEEZ, not aNOTHER Avengers movie, but right now, all I think about is watching it again.
It really was great.
The action and arguing between the four heroes (which was brilliant and hilarious) was balanced out very nicely.
I had to look up the first post-credits ending for it to make sense, not being a huge Marvel fan, but I thought it was a great cliffhanger.
Awesome movie. Most fun I've had at the movies in quite a long time. Now I get to gear up for Brave! Man this is going to be a great year for movies.
Avengers is a "two-hundred-million-dollar B movie" according to Anthony Lane. As always, he's right, but as usual he also misses the fun.
Quality movie. Extremely enjoyable. Would go again.
Awesome movie. Most fun I've had at the movies in quite a long time. Now I get to gear up for Brave! Man this is going to be a great year for movies.
Dude, Brave isn't about Wales. It's about Scotland.

And I seriously can't believe you're more excited for that than you are for The Dark Knight Rises.
Avengers is a "two-hundred-million-dollar B movie" according to Anthony Lane. As always, he's right, but as usual he also misses the fun.
hahaha the new yorker

good one
Quality movie. Extremely enjoyable. Would go again.

Dude, Brave isn't about Wales. It's about Scotland.

And I seriously can't believe you're more excited for that than you are for The Dark Knight Rises.

I'm not excited about Brave because it's about Scotland, I'm excited about Brave because it's a Pixar movie which isn't Cars 2. I love me some Pixar. And I didn't forget about The Dark Knight Rises, which is one of the major reasons I said this is going to be a great year for movies, I merely mentioned Brave specifically because Brave is the next movie that I'm looking forward to that's coming out, although really I should be saying looking forward to Prometheus, because that one is coming out first, I just had forgotten about it.
DKR will be a let-down no matter how good it is. There Will Be Backlashening.

On topic, I think the Hulk is the one who comes out of this best. Ruffalo and Whedon nailed it, especially the bit about the secret of Hulk's power and the dichotomy between the angst and the smashy.

Whedon was a perfect choice for this movie, hopefully he does the next two as well.
Avengers is a "two-hundred-million-dollar B movie" according to Anthony Lane. As always, he's right, but as usual he also misses the fun.
Cultural snobism at its finest.

I don't like superhero movies usually, and most of them get dragged down too deeply into origin stories for the actual plot to be worth watching. Avengers had the advantage that most of its protagonists were already introduced, but the problem that they all had to be tied into the plot without wasting too much time. I was expecting tons of contrivances but it surprisingly worked pretty well. The dynamic between the heroes is also very good, and instead of stealing each others spotlight they carry the movie together, both in comedy scenes and in action sequences.

I could gush about visual effects etc. now but that's pretty much a given anyway.

Bottom line: great action movie that has tons of good action scenes, but actually becomes fantastic through the chemistry between its characters.
Cultural snobism at its finest.

Straight on. That is some fine cultural snobbery that Lane puts out. Damn fine snobbery.
The Bad:

The flying carrier thing was completely unnecessary and existed solely to create something to blow up later to create a false crisis. The instant it appeared my first thought was "we will see that thing almost crash later." It adds nothing to the plot, at no point does any of the characters or their motivations require a flying warship to accomplish.

Most importantly, when there was a point were a giant flying warship would have been useful, like say when there is a porthole to another world spewing forth bad guys that just happens to be a convenient choke point AND up in the sky the warship is no where to be seen.

It was CGI , and nothing more. It looked cool mind you, but was unneeded. If they had to have it, they should have used it.

The villains were unimpressive. For one they never really make a compelling arguement for why Loki is there at all. He fell into the abyss and obviously Obin and Thor thought him dead. Now all of a sudden he isn't. Whatever.

So then the supposedly unstoppable army or darkness gets here and it turns out they are raging wusses. Nothing about them leads me to believe that a normal modern military would not be able to handle them. Bullets kill them, arrows kill them. You can smash them, you can explode them. We basically have a group of chariot ridding infantry with weapons of unimpressive firing rates. Those flying dragon things can be brought down by normal munitions, and as it happens nukes are pretty effective against them.

So why exactly did Loki or the army's leader (whom we never see again after the opening scenes) think they had a snowballs chance at this?

The superheros are not equal. Thor and Iron Man pretty much wreck the enemy while the Hulk/Captain America/Bow and Arrow dude/Hot Chick take out a hundred odd foot soldiers at most, maybe a chariot or two but pretty much do no better than I'd expect a platoon or rangers to do.

Thor is severely nerfed the entire time, he should be near invincible against every enemy we see in the movie. Hell, he pretty much single handedly wrecked a planet of Ice Giants in the prequel film here a couple dozen blue infantry sometimes tax him.

BTW, did anyone think to just knock down the building that taseract (whatever) was on?

The Good:

The effects were decent, they spent some time and money getting it write.

Set design (interior or the carrier) was good and felt comic booky.

The relationship between the characters was good, the tension seemed real instead of forced.
Good criticism, but I think the movie falls under the protection of "it's a comic book movie, don't think about this too closely".

For example, the unrealistic flying air carrier was there because it was cool, headscratcher moments later on in the movie be damned.

And we all know that the military in these kinds of movies is totally incompetent. Both in the abilities of their field troops as in their leadership. For conventional options, there isn't a lot of middle ground between "police officers shooting with their handweapons" and "nuke it". Everything else would of course ruin the premise of the movie.
I just saw the movie, and it was fantastic.

And to his credit, I really think that Loki is an underated villain in Thor and Avengers. He's a little whiney, but he's still a complex character and a worthy opponent of the Avengers. I also loved the development between him and Thor during the movie, and I was impressed at his manipulative abilities. Your milage may vary, but I say he was a worthy villain. Not to mention the scene where the Hulk beats the snot out of Loki before he gives his villain speech had me in tears. "Puny god."

I think I'm also going to enjoy Thanos as the next opponent too. I had to look him up, and he seems to be the Marvel equivalent of Darkseid. Pretty good choice for an opponent if you ask me.
For example, the unrealistic flying air carrier was there because it was cool, headscratcher moments later on in the movie be damned.
No, the helicarrier was there because it's SHIELD's headquarters. It's like criticizing a movie about the President for showing a lot of the White House.

I also thought it was hilarious that Pat seemed to think that the Hulk was just ornamental in the battle. You know, only the most powerful being on the planet, and all.
Plus he did kill one of those giant worm battleship thingies. Probably a better name for them, but I just wanted to type out "giant worm battleship thingies".

Captain America did his share too. He helped save innocents from being killed. Hawkeye also knocked Loki out of the air so he could get incapacited by the Hulk, and Black Widow did help shut down the portal.

So yeah, don't count out Cap and the Badass Normals just yet Leo.
The Bad:

The flying carrier thing was completely unnecessary and existed solely to create something to blow up later to create a false crisis. The instant it appeared my first thought was "we will see that thing almost crash later." It adds nothing to the plot, at no point does any of the characters or their motivations require a flying warship to accomplish.

Most importantly, when there was a point were a giant flying warship would have been useful, like say when there is a porthole to another world spewing forth bad guys that just happens to be a convenient choke point AND up in the sky the warship is no where to be seen.

It was CGI , and nothing more. It looked cool mind you, but was unneeded. If they had to have it, they should have used it.

The villains were unimpressive. For one they never really make a compelling arguement for why Loki is there at all. He fell into the abyss and obviously Obin and Thor thought him dead. Now all of a sudden he isn't. Whatever.

So then the supposedly unstoppable army or darkness gets here and it turns out they are raging wusses. Nothing about them leads me to believe that a normal modern military would not be able to handle them. Bullets kill them, arrows kill them. You can smash them, you can explode them. We basically have a group of chariot ridding infantry with weapons of unimpressive firing rates. Those flying dragon things can be brought down by normal munitions, and as it happens nukes are pretty effective against them.

So why exactly did Loki or the army's leader (whom we never see again after the opening scenes) think they had a snowballs chance at this?

The superheros are not equal. Thor and Iron Man pretty much wreck the enemy while the Hulk/Captain America/Bow and Arrow dude/Hot Chick take out a hundred odd foot soldiers at most, maybe a chariot or two but pretty much do no better than I'd expect a platoon or rangers to do.

Thor is severely nerfed the entire time, he should be near invincible against every enemy we see in the movie. Hell, he pretty much single handedly wrecked a planet of Ice Giants in the prequel film here a couple dozen blue infantry sometimes tax him.

BTW, did anyone think to just knock down the building that taseract (whatever) was on?

The Good:

The effects were decent, they spent some time and money getting it write.

Set design (interior or the carrier) was good and felt comic booky.

The relationship between the characters was good, the tension seemed real instead of forced.

I kind of agree with you on the alien army issue. When they arrive, most of them don’t go after the Avengers but attack civilian working in office. I mean, what exactly was their plan, take over New York one building at a time? And I also agree that a few squadron of fighter jets could have take care of them.

But… if the story would be in a comic book, it would be exactly like that. Enemy attack on a cities, kill civilian and superheroes save them. Military don’t do anything because we want to see the heroes, not the army in action (unlike in Transformers) The Helicarrier is there because what Dachs say. Also, I don’t think Thor is underpowered. If he would do what he did against the Frost Giants, New York would be destroyed, kind of defeat the purpose of protecting it.

Overall, I haven’t been impressed with a movie that much since Lord of the Rings.
Wait, he said Thor was underpowered? I can understand if you say that Cap and the assassins are underpowered, but Thor? Did you see him turn the Empire State Building into a lightning rod? He's easily on par with the others, maybe even above par.

Also, for those of you unfamiliar with Thanos, do you recall that the alien leader told him that to fight the humans would be to "court death"? Thanos is smiling because in the comic books he literaly has courted death. Mistress Death to be exact.
No, the helicarrier was there because it's SHIELD's headquarters.
I'm none of these "they changed something from the comics! :cry:" guys so SHIELD's headquarters is whatever the movie says it is. If it works in a movie, use the comic, if not, don't. All I said was that it indeed worked.
Wait, he said Thor was underpowered? I can understand if you say that Cap and the assassins are underpowered, but Thor? Did you see him turn the Empire State Building into a lightning rod? He's easily on par with the others, maybe even above par.

Also, for those of you unfamiliar with Thanos, do you recall that the alien leader told him that to fight the humans would be to "court death"? Thanos is smiling because in the comic books he literaly has courted death. Mistress Death to be exact.

He said, "Thor is severely nerfed" and I can see where he's coming from. In the movie Thor, he lay waste to a large part of the Frost Giant’s world so I guess he could have done the same in New York… and destroy the city in the process.

Even then, it still look a bit silly when Thor and Caps are fighting together, The latter would just be in the way of the former. But, in the comics, Caps and Thor often fight together just like Batman and Superman fight together in Justice League. It doesn’t make much sense when you think too much about it, but that’s how is it in the comics so just enjoy the movie.
So how would The Avengers compare to a great movie like The Dark Knight? That's the greatest superhero film I've ever seen.
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