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The case for Tobacco (not the musician)

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Mar 6, 2010
Recently there's been some controversy regarding the resource icon for the resource we once thought was Tobacco.

It was identified as such by the German magazine preview which revealed Spain, India, & Hojo to us.

People say it looks like Incense. Some people say it's definitely Incense. I don't think I agree. I think the case can be made that we're looking at Tobacco.

Here's 1000 words to make that case:
Hmm, I can see what you're getting at, though it still looks like a censer to me.

That being said, it's pretty amazing such an important crop as tobacco hasn't been included in the game heretofore.
Looks like incense to me.

I would have no problem having tobacco in the game, either.
I'm wondering what the reddish browning things at the sides are, if it's a censer. And why the smoke seems to be coming out of a single point at the tip of one of those reddish brown things. I too thought it looked like a censer at first, but those brown things confused me.

I had figured tobacco would be represented by a brown leaf or something but looking at the icons for cattle & marble & copper & iron (milk bottles & sculptures & pipes & anvils), it strikes me that a cigar follows that pattern pretty well.
Nice artwork! But I think the way your enlarged image is blurred confuses the issue a little bit. Take a look at the raw pixel image:

It's a shiny brass bowl with a reddish interior and a brass peak rising out of the center.

To see a cigar and ash tray, one has to explain why the label on the cigar sticks vertically out of the cigar, and why the interior of the ash tray is strangely bright.
Nice artwork! But I think the way your enlarged image is blurred confuses the issue a little bit. Take a look at the raw pixel image:

Spoiler :

It's a shiny brass bowl with a reddish interior and a brass peak rising out of the center.

To see a cigar and ash tray, one has to explain why the label on the cigar sticks vertically out of the cigar, and why the interior of the ash tray is strangely bright.

I don't see the reddish bits as being the same part of either the bowl or peak. I could see the bowl and the peak just fine, but my brain can't figure out how they'd be the same part of the reddish bit.

Regarding the allege label: I'm thinking it could be a combination of the stylized illustration making a point to differeniate the label from the cigar itself and the shadow/outline of the smoke making the label seem taller/more protruding than it actually is.

The brightness of the ashtray interior's an easy one: if a light is cast from above onto a bowl, the interior of the bowl would be brighter than the bottom. The rim could just be painted anyhow.

oh as I type this my brain just got it. I was trying to see the "peak" as being the yellow thing sitting at the base of a greenish, concave "bowl," but I'm supposed to see a bronze onion shaped dome right? Makes more sense now, but I still can't quite wrap my head around the red bit. Or why the smoke seems to eminate from where it does.
I see both.
However it appears to me the smoke comes from the right end of the red object..
If it's incense, the smoke must be going out right from the brass burner, in the middle of the bowl.
If it were tobacco, I would have expected a pipe emitting smoke rather than a cigar on an ashtray.
Between the two, I'd say this is definitely incense, not tobacco, simply because of how the smoke is presented. Incense burning in a censer waifs while a cigar or cigarette the smoke is more of an upward stream, and is pretty much almost always represented as such.
if the Icon confuses you what about its appearance on the map? it seems to grow in desert, much like incense in Civ IV and V.

personally I think tobacco should be a luxury, it fits the definition at least as well as most other luxes they chose.
Tobacco was present in colonization spinoffs.
Tobacco was an important export from the New World to the Old World.
They had Cotton.
They had Sugar which was made into Rum.
They had Corn or Maize as it is sometimes called.
Tobacco should appear.
So should Slavery.
In Civ4 BTS with the Realism Invictus mod, when in Slavery, sometimes the slaves would revolt and could pillage your improvements if not stopped.
This created a disincentive to keep in that civic for too long.
That's the kind of balance that was missing in the base Civ4 BTS game.
Beside the icon (and I agree that the smoke coming from the right side only is suspicious), the plants on the tiles look definitely like tobacco.

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

But I am pretty sure this is so obvious, it was brought up already several times (and dismissed?).
I think it looks like Tobacco on the map, it looks nothing like incense from past civ games, of course can someone ask on twitter or something? this doesn't seem like something Firaxis is trying to keep secret.
Everyone has missed the obvious answer, which is implied by the identification of a Scythian leader in the possibly-accidentally-revealed Leader Poster. Once yo accept that one of the New Civilization in Civ VI will be the Scythians, the identification of this 'Resource' becomes obvious:

It's Marujuana.

After all, the Scythians are referred to in Greek literature and drama as the "Smoke-Eating Scythians", and Herodotus describes a ceremony where they burned a large bonfire down to coals, tossed 'religious plants' onto the coals and danced through the smoke until they Saw Visions.
A Greek playwright describes Scythians sitting around on a street corner surrounding a small pot in which they had built a fire and into which they were dropping their plants and taking deep breaths over the smoke.

The icon is of a simple Greek Krater, a metal or ceramic bowl into which hot coals could be placed and into which the plants could be dropped to produce the Smoke.

Aside from being an Iconic Resource for the Scythians, it could also be available to other Civilizations to replace or supplement Wine, giving Religious, Happiness ('Amenity?') bonuses but a -25% cost to all Production.

Its inclusion in the game will doubtless boost sales in Washington state and Colorado, and of course it could be sold in several other states for medicinal purposes only...
Everyone has missed the obvious answer, which is implied by the identification of a Scythian leader in the possibly-accidentally-revealed Leader Poster. Once yo accept that one of the New Civilization in Civ VI will be the Scythians, the identification of this 'Resource' becomes obvious:

It's Marujuana.

After all, the Scythians are referred to in Greek literature and drama as the "Smoke-Eating Scythians", and Herodotus describes a ceremony where they burned a large bonfire down to coals, tossed 'religious plants' onto the coals and danced through the smoke until they Saw Visions.
A Greek playwright describes Scythians sitting around on a street corner surrounding a small pot in which they had built a fire and into which they were dropping their plants and taking deep breaths over the smoke.

The icon is of a simple Greek Krater, a metal or ceramic bowl into which hot coals could be placed and into which the plants could be dropped to produce the Smoke.

Aside from being an Iconic Resource for the Scythians, it could also be available to other Civilizations to replace or supplement Wine, giving Religious, Happiness ('Amenity?') bonuses but a -25% cost to all Production.

Its inclusion in the game will doubtless boost sales in Washington state and Colorado, and of course it could be sold in several other states for medicinal purposes only...

Posts like this keep me coming back to the forum. Well done. :goodjob:
Everyone has missed the obvious answer, which is implied by the identification of a Scythian leader in the possibly-accidentally-revealed Leader Poster. Once yo accept that one of the New Civilization in Civ VI will be the Scythians, the identification of this 'Resource' becomes obvious:

It's Marujuana.

After all, the Scythians are referred to in Greek literature and drama as the "Smoke-Eating Scythians", and Herodotus describes a ceremony where they burned a large bonfire down to coals, tossed 'religious plants' onto the coals and danced through the smoke until they Saw Visions.
A Greek playwright describes Scythians sitting around on a street corner surrounding a small pot in which they had built a fire and into which they were dropping their plants and taking deep breaths over the smoke.

The icon is of a simple Greek Krater, a metal or ceramic bowl into which hot coals could be placed and into which the plants could be dropped to produce the Smoke.

Aside from being an Iconic Resource for the Scythians, it could also be available to other Civilizations to replace or supplement Wine, giving Religious, Happiness ('Amenity?') bonuses but a -25% cost to all Production.

Its inclusion in the game will doubtless boost sales in Washington state and Colorado, and of course it could be sold in several other states for medicinal purposes only...
yes, its so obvious, its too bad I'm healthy, #regulations #doctors #healthcare #TamarofGerogia
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