• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

The CFC Mafia (Game Thread)

ughhh it's like watching the back plauge spread across the land... only this time it's snappy oneliner syndrome and a cultural meme-virus.

How long is enough time to traditionally call someone a lurker? We have 48 hours or so after all so i'm thinking everyone has quite a bit longer till we start pointing suspicious fingers
Lurker... they should look like this:

Remember I'm inexperienced.
I don't believe that. You're just like Saruman, a prince of lies.
@Domination3000: I bet I'm more inexperienced than you.

For instance I'm not even sure what I'm supposed to say here. Am I supposed to say something witty? Hopefully not.

So this game starts tomorrow?

Yes, tomorrow.
Does that mean posts we make now do or don't count towards our PG's if we have a PG to do something/not do something in every post, like does it matter whether I say "Come Together" or not?
SilentConfusion said:
@Domination3000: I bet I'm more inexperienced than you.

For instance I'm not even sure what I'm supposed to say here. Am I supposed to say something witty? Hopefully not.

So this game starts tomorrow?
Yes, tomorrow.

Hopefully that wasn't a "Yes" to saying something witty, because I don't really think I can.
current posts do not count towards PC.
What do you mean we can't start our Personal Goals yet? What are you, some sort of FASCIST???????????????????

Mini quiches!

Does anyone know anyone that could be a replacement? TFA has to drop out.
If you want to look up the user you got you can and see what they posted like so you can roleplay them.
Four score and 7 years ago, somebody invented the idea of a subscription post.

But seriously, I doubt I'll do very well.
3 hours till launch
Waitwaitwait, my char doesn't talk like how the role PG describes him!

Oh well. LOL.
One hour till launch
Willy Wonka and other people approve that the game has started.
Posting closed
Writing day one update.
Day 1 in CFC

The internet community gathers for the first time. They have played games like this before, but not to a point where they have to risk such a valuable possession, their CFC account (you wont really loose it). The come together to decide who is evil and who is innocent, or maybe even people working for themselves. Either way everyone knows his or her own goal. So the line was been drawn between good and evil. With a corner of the circle for those selfish don't-care-about-nobody-but-me people. After the line had been drawn they found the item vending machine. Which was on the line and then started a flame war over it. The battle raged on getting a lot of infractions before the first martyr was killed in the fray.

Spoiler :
remake20 was innocent

The innocents gathered to morn for his death while the evil people just laughed. The swore revenge! And they said nothing would stop them! They would avenge the evil people, so they set out on their quest, feeling invincible. However during the flame war the item vending machine was destroyed.The first thing they came to in cyberspace was a mysterious item that had a tray in the bottom, in the tray the found a Virus Hanbook and a Beer Fountain. They didn't know what these things did, but there was fighting over it so they decided to put it up for vote, the first thing on their quest to have peace in CFC.

Lynch votes is bold
Retractions bolded and struck through
Votes for the Virus Han book in bolded green
Votes for Beer Fountain in bolded Magenta.​

Have fun and good luck. Game has officially started! You can ask any questions you want. Thanks to Zack for some ideas for this write-up.
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