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The Crusades (split off)


Smoke me a kipper!
Apr 7, 2009
Why don't muslims ever condemn terrorism and violence?

Why dont Christians ever condemn the Crusades and the willing spread of STDs:mischief:
Why dont Christians ever condemn the Crusades and the willing spread of STDs:mischief:

Because some Christians know the truth about the Crusades.
I think they're referring to the claim it was the mooslims being violent that made them go on crusades.

I don't know about that, don't care about that, since it's many, many, many moons ago and should be discussed in the history forum. Even if the Christians at that time did it for the money, land and the raping of the wimmin' it does not affect any Christian alive today, so why it's brought up, I don't know.
That they were mean and bloody? Thats the truth.

And were started because Seljuk Turks were slaughtering Christians and the Byzantine emperor begged him for help
600 AD

1100 AD
And were started because Seljuk Turks were slaughtering Christians and the Byzantine emperor begged him for help

Then how come no one did anything about Spain when the muslims where giving it a royal butt effing and a crusade was called there? Oh yeah, no l00ts in spain.
Can we please drop the crusade subject?

Sorry. I think that wasn't too smart of me.

I think thats good of them to guard. But I imagine some people will say they're in on it even if they're not. Just because of hating.
Then how come no one did anything about Spain when the muslims where giving it a royal butt effing and a crusade was called there? Oh yeah, no l00ts in spain.
You mean like the Reconquista?
Sorry. I think that wasn't too smart of me.

I think thats good of them to guard. But I imagine some people will say they're in on it even if they're not. Just because of hating.

Racsoviale brought it up

Are people finally noticing that most Muslims have been very heavily against Al Qaeda?
Are people finally noticing that most Muslims have been very heavily against Al Qaeda?
Well, people have been claiming there is no public condemnation by Muslims. But these guys went further than merely condemning them. The same people who were making those claims have been very absent from commenting on the subject in this thread.
You mean like the Reconquista?

Not what I was referring to. A crusade had been called against the Muslim incursions in Iberia (CHRISTIANSOIL!!) and only a handful of French knights answered the call. Why? Cause Iberia was dirt poor and crappy at the time and the middle east was full of wondrous spices and Mir and crap.
Then how come no one did anything about Spain when the muslims where giving it a royal butt effing and a crusade was called there? Oh yeah, no l00ts in spain.

No crusade was called for Spain, and Spain was conquered 300 years before the First Crusade. You're thinking the Reconquest.

As to the OP, I support these muslims actively doing something to help their communities vs terrorists. Too often nothing is done at all, not even a word, so this is a very welcome step.
No crusade was called for Spain, and Spain was conquered 300 years before the First Crusade. You're thinking the Reconquest..

The reconquista took 700 years to complete. In that entire time, despite the urging of a few popes, no other christian states outside of Iberia committed notable crusader armies to assist in what would have been a much more concrete casus beli for war than the garbled mess of the Middle Eastern campaigns.
I brought the crusades up because Arwon insinuated that all muslims had to apologize for islamic fundamentalism. Thereby implying all muslims are connected to islamic fundamentalism unless they go out and state otherwise everytime something happens.

Apologies for derailing the thread.

Im just sick of hearing this stuff from all the crackpots about the Evul-Mooslim-Hive-Mind all the time.
The reconquista took 700 years to complete. In that entire time, despite the urging of a few popes, no other christian states outside of Iberia committed notable crusader armies to assist in what would have been a much more concrete casus beli for war than the garbled mess of the Middle Eastern campaigns.
Except, of course, that Crusading armies were committed to the Iberian peninsula. It was the main destination for English Crusaders, for instance.

Of course, regarding the Crusades as some kind of grand counteroffensive against the Muslim states is total Clash of Civilizations nonsense anyway.
I brought the crusades up because Arwon insinuated that all muslims had to apologize for islamic fundamentalism. Thereby implying all muslims are connected to islamic fundamentalism unless they go out and state otherwise everytime something happens.

Apologies for derailing the thread.

Im just sick of hearing this stuff from all the crackpots about the Evul-Mooslim-Hive-Mind all the time.
You are not very good at detecting sarcasm on the Internet.
Not what I was referring to. A crusade had been called against the Muslim incursions in Iberia (CHRISTIANSOIL!!) and only a handful of French knights answered the call. Why? Cause Iberia was dirt poor and crappy at the time and the middle east was full of wondrous spices and Mir and crap.


One of the best examples is when English crusaders on the way to the second crusade (caused by Christian stupidity, might I add) stopped to aid the Portugese in their efforts to defeat their enemies in the peninsula. This was how Lisbon was conquered.

EDIT: Dachs mentioned it before I did.
And were started because Seljuk Turks were slaughtering Christians and the Byzantine emperor begged him for help

lol, and four crusades later...
Except, of course, that Crusading armies were committed to the Iberian peninsula. It was the main destination for English Crusaders, for instance.

Of course, regarding the Crusades as some kind of grand counteroffensive against the Muslim states is total Clash of Civilizations nonsense anyway.

What I'm saying is that the reason a much, much larger focus of manpower and effort of the crusader armies was brought on the middle east not because of "muslim attacks on christian pilgrims" as civking put it, or any kind of moral stance regarding the defense of christian sovereignty (which if that were the case, a much larger commitment of foreign involvement in the reconquista would have occured, I think) but because the crusading armies had more to gain from subjugating a relatively prosperous region like the Middle East, rather than Iberia, despite the moral justification of reconquest.
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