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The Despot Thread

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Unhappy with the Despot's last proclomation, as it stated that he no longer owned the three hill tiles between Noshuret and Gorina, Marcus Lifespanius rebels and claims that he is Despot. He not only claims the three hills he was given by Sage Atrous, but he claims the three tiles to the Northeast of them (the lake and 2 tiles to the NW). His Nation shall be Marconia, and he shall declare himself Despot over these lands and raise troops. The six tiles have a resource value of 5s/7f/4g.
Unhappy that she is not the Despot, Mellita Roberts beaks away from the tyranical rule of her brother and claims all the lands of Penquinadua, except of course for the one tile owned by Helena. She is calling this nation mellita, (What else?) and will be the Despot. Total resource output for her new nation is 9s/14f/3g.
Be aware Civanator that you have claimed 3 tiles that I have already claimed for Marcus. You will not be allowed to use the resources for those tiles.
Diutius stands at the balcony of the Gorina Palace. A tear in his eye. He sees before him the Family he has gathered and the troops he has raised. He raises his eyes to the heavens and murmurs that the Gods have gone insane. They have ignored his pleas for guidance and turned the whole world upside down.

He has gathered his family and convinced them to travel with him to distant lands, where maybe there are different Gods. His benevolent rule over Fanatica seems to have been in vain. It has turned into a pointless exercise in futility. Helena and her brother will stay behind to take matters into their own hands, but for now, Diutius will take the ones he controls and the 15 troops he has raised and move on to new lands.

He has packed up all his belongings onto large wagons and attached horses to them. He has had his troops round up enough Horses to carry all the troops and the Royal family off into the sunset. (Yes, as the leader of this nation, I was smart enough to figure out how to tame horses and ride them. I don't give a *BLEEP* about the rules.)

As the sun starts to rise again over the Gorina Hills, the Lifespanius family rides off into a brand new day, never to be heard from again.
Dear Husband,

i will stay here with bellona and our new children (OOC: which seem to be delivered though i dont have notice of them yet) to continue to hold the glory of our lands in our hand.

as folowup to the old despot in the inheritage line, i herewith announce that i give the rights of the despot to my daughter bellona together with all ownings and troops. even those of the emperor.

bellona will propably be married to a member of the datrous family to keep the rule in the family.

nevertheless, we decline all acceptance of the lands which were claimed outside the rules (so which were not conquered by existing troops according to the landrules or conflict ruleset).

princess of gorina

temp. despotess of fanatica
@Booty: Get on the chat if you can.
boot: and there is no rule claiming it back is prohibited:

the fanatican populace is revolting against their illegal despots in the defected lands. from this very moment on, couter-revolutionary troops of civil peasants armed with forks and shovels gather at the housing of the illegal despots and claim their fanatican identity back. all tiles not occupied by troops at this moment will revert back. all tiles for which no ownership was posted (e.g. civanators tiles) automatically revert back to me, the despotess.

the illegal despots are driven out of the nation, and as such will from now on be known as "banned" and "non-individuals". they will be tracked and hunted down by specialized commandoes. they will be caught upon sight and put into the dungeon to be executed the day after their capture. this will also be true for all their relatives and decessors as well as all people who supported them.

despotess bellona lifespania

this will at the moment(!) only be done for proclaimed ownership tiles and illegaly proclaimed nations.
any person having ownership of tiles being granted by this or any former despot are NOT illegal. they are legal. they will be conquered back or being left alone as the despot wishes.

so afaik, only diutius and bootstoots character have legally founded nations, but i dont know which tiles were legally transferred or not. i would like to stop all activity until somebody can draw a clear map of which tiles belong to whom now. otherwise i will have to fight down all nations instead of letting them live!
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