The lamest jokes you can think of....... II

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Oh dear.
Reports also indicate Kyle suffers from partial hearing loss, so followers are encouraged to not only point with the whole hand, which is only polite, they also say "See Kyle" in a loud and aggressive tone.
Yes, thank you. It was barely amusing the first time.
Trump - The lesser Muslims allowed in America, the better.
Pence - The fewer...
Trump - Hey, that's what Bannon calls me!
My favourite typesetting joke that almost no one ever gets is:

Keming is the result of improper kerning.
On Pangaea they served salads with 1 island dressing.
A maths-based dad joke for you all now:

I'm going to the Fibonacci convention this year. It promises to be as big as both the last ones put together!
If you see a redhead approach it gingerly.
Edward Scissorhands was beaten mercilessly by the school bully, Edward Rockhands.
What noise does a Greek cat make?

That one was just for you, Kyriakos. :D
I love you really, but I show it with terrible puns. :)
A Russian spy, a sexual predator, and a billionaire walk into a bar.

The bartender sais, "What can I get you, Mr. President?"
I know a version of that one about Obama but I won't tell it because it's republican crap
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