The LAMEST jokes you can think of...

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You're right YNCS, usually no one figures that out, maybe because I only told it to idiots. :lol:
Originally posted by YNCS

The bear is a white polar bear, because the only place in the world where all the windows could face south would be the North Pole.

:cool: You got that from the movie Young Sherlock Holmes.

On that theme:

How would Sherlock Holmes find out theatre and concert times?
- He'd ask Dr. What's-on.:rolleyes:

How did Sherlock Holmes figure out that a murder victim was stabbed with a piece of iron instead of a piece of copper?
- It was elementary.

Pretty lame, huh?
Holmes and Watson are camping. In the middle of the night, Holmes wakes Watson and says
-Watson, look at the sky. What can you deduce?
-Horologically, I can tell that it is 3 A.M. Astronomically, I can tell that Orions belt is moving in a clockwise rotation. Astrologically, I can tell that tomorrow is a lucky day for Saggitarius. Looking at the moon, it is in the bnew phase, and part of the Sea of Tranquility is visible.
-Shut up Watson! Some fool has made of with our tent!
You have to think of me as Montezuma for this one to work.

Yeah so I got caught up in this sceme a while ago. They call it a pyramid plan, apparrently you make a killing at the top.
No......(incures rounds of lame laughter0, uh...yes, I dunno! I'm sulking.
A priest, a rabbi and a duck walk into a bar.
The barman says: "Is this supposed to be some kind of a joke?"
What did the time traveller say about life in the Cambrian Period/
- I've never been there. Period!
On a car store sign in town:

March and April
Brakes are on sale
Stop on in

It took me a couple seconds before the lightbulb clicked on. :)
Why did the bald man put a hole in his pocket?
To feel the wind in his hair.
The reaction I got out of that joke when I first told it went something like "Hahahahaha".:hmm:
Two elephants fell off a cliff, boom boom!

Why did the girl fall of the swing?
Because she had no arms!

Ok.... these are funnier if actually told rather than written...
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