The PAX live streams

Is that what they are doing on Sunday?

Today in a bit interview with Dennis Shirk. I'll take a few notes. I am a student so I am used to that I suppose.
Will there be any G&K related things happening at PAX today? Interviews perhaps? Sorry if this has been answered earlier!
Yes, today Civilization V Producer Tiffany Nagano should be there, and, since Civ5 Associate Producer Lena Brenk was skipped yesterday, she should appear there today.

How much info we'll get out of that is another question, and we also don't know when they'll be there in the 2.5 hours of the stream.
Yes, today Civilization V Producer Tiffany Nagano should be there, and, since Civ5 Associate Producer Lena Brenk was skipped yesterday, she should appear there today.

How much info we'll get out of that is another question, and we also don't know when they'll be there in the 2.5 hours of the stream.

strange thing is the video now playing is from yesterday
They are highlights from yesterday; stuff from today is now starting.
Not sure if anyone has mentioned this before (since I've been busy at PAX East), but I talked with one of the producers who was running the Civ 5 G&K demo. The female producer who was presenting didn't really have any clue to the answer to my questions.

He told me that cities with religion influence other cities within a 10 hex radius. This influence is the same through the 10 hexes (thus being directly next to them is the same as 9 hexes away). However, multiple cities can have their influence stack on top of each other to influence it more so.

The extra Spy from one civilization was removed.

The Ethopian special ability is that they get a 20% defensive bonus against "larger civs," defined as "civilization with more cities than you." Their special unit also gets a bonus when near your capital (or city or something, I forget).

The Huns are similar to other civilizations in the sense that they have a unique ability and 2 special units. However, their cities (besides their capital) get the names of other civilization cities. That's classified as one of their unique abilities. They also raise cities twice as fast or something.

Carthage elephants (their UU) can walk on mountains... it looks pretty funny with a giant elephant on top of the giant mountain.

There were a few other minor things that he mentioned; including "that's coming in the DLC" to one of my questions. Had a long night and was bar hopping with the guys from Riot Games, so I'm a little out of it. Maybe it will come back to me tomorrow.

Note: If I posted this in the wrong section, you can feel free to move it and/or post it elsewhere.
There were a few other minor things that he mentioned; including "that's coming in the DLC" to one of my questions. Had a long night and was bar hopping with the guys from Riot Games, so I'm a little out of it. Maybe it will come back to me tomorrow.

Note: If I posted this in the wrong section, you can feel free to move it and/or post it elsewhere.

Well, I guess this answers the questions of will there be more DLC
Well, I guess this answers the questions of will there be more DLC

Great, bet the Zulu come with it. I will be the first to take the plunge and say it. Unless they bring them out with the third expansion. Getting ahead of myself a bit.
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