The Rise of Japan

My last post was threw my new phone!!! Now trying to figure out if I have the ability to tether the internet into my pc while I'm out on the road. If so, and it is measured I might have to ask for my turns to be compressed.
I have AT&T IPhone 3G, I'm shocked that I was able to make this move. My contract at work requires me to carry a phone and gives me some money towards it, My last phone's display got crushed while in my pocket and then was being held together by tape so I'm pretty happy.
GPS to semental.

A question for you guys. lately I've been considering the capabilities of the Ninja a bit. As they have hidden nationality, it seems I could use them as I like even in peace?! Or do you think attacking something with a Ninja would constitute a Declaration of War?!

Eclipse had problems connecting (probably those "database errors" that I got temporarily yesterday as well), So I'm posting the email I got from him:

GPS to Lanzelot

It would probably not cause war directly but the Ninja wielder would be blamed.
The Yamabushi can see these units and thwart their missions

I tried to post this but it wouldn’t take

gps - win7 has a peculiar way to hide the file.

I'm not sure win7 is in my near future but it would be nice to know where these files go if it does happen
so please share what you've learned.

I know Vista was difficult to find sav files and I'm happy with my sturdy XP
This is the path:

"C:\Users\Dan\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Infogrames Interactive\Civilization III\Conquests\Saves"

Apparently AppData is a hidden folder just to increase the degree of difficulty. I have not figured out how to unhide hidden files yet. There is still the save folder where it always is and you can put games into it they just do not stay there when you save them.
GPS to Lanzelot

Oda bids farewell to the last of the Ashigara warriors.
In the West, The Ronin once found here in abundance is now merely local tribes opposing only a lite threat.

Ok cool, that was Win7? Now if anyone asks I can help them.

My rig is way automated! If there is a post here for ROJ it goes into a CF ROJ folder and I have recorded those words and assigned it to receiving that individual email. If You send me an email your name is said, if its you again and the turn is attached, the <game name> and turn is said. From Outlook I send the turn directly along side the previous turn and move the old one up into the ROJ\Played subfolders. When I save I put it in my ROJ\GPS along side the previous sent turn and merely edit the date etc. right click and send to mail. My xobni sugests your address quing on the subject line and a jet sound comes on when its gone. Crazy Heh! That just barely touches on what I have set up but I get a lot of turns and from a lot of different games as well
GPS to Blaze.

Rumors from distant Miyako say that Daimyo Semental has been assassinated by two hired murderers. He put up a gallant fight, killing one of the assassins, but in the end they outnumbered him.
Daimyo Lanzelot is in deep mourning about the loss of his good old friend!

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