• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

Which starships would you most like to see made? Pick 3.

  • MC80a cruiser

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Home One

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Victory-I

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Victory-III

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sovereign-class star dreadnought

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Millennium Falcon

    Votes: 6 42.9%
  • TIE Raptor

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Bayonet-class light cruiser

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Guardian-class light cruiser

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Death Star

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • Death Star II

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • IPV-I System Patrol Craft

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Executor-class super star destroyer

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Interdictor-class star destroyer

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • Missile Boat

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Golan I, II, or III

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • XQ5 Platform

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • TIE Phantom

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • EF76 Nebulon-B frigate

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Star Galleon-class frigate

    Votes: 2 14.3%

  • Total voters
Oh, my. Not nearly as good as this. :blush: Ground units are not really that important in the scenario; they're just "planetary defense" and thus I expect the AI not to use transports and just build immovable garrisons, while human players have the option to shift garrisons around. The real gameplay is meant to be had between fleets/starships, which can attack and defend planets. The only ground units represented are heavy vehicles like At-TEs, AT-ATs, Hailfire and spider walker droids, a rebellion torpedo tank, etc, which could realistically engage starships entering atmo and attacking the planet. I have not looked at using the 'teleport' utility in Steph's editor, I have only been using the original editor as I've had trouble getting Steph's to work in the past.

I do need to do some playtesting to determine the behavior of the AI with regards to transports and immobile planet defense units. Do they build up ungodly amounts of planet defense at the expense of their fleet? I'll have to see.

Meteor Man, thank you very much for the explanation. :)

The easiest form of 'teleportation' could be done by the airlift-flag with the normal editor. The Quintillus editor allows the setting of teleportation options and is very easy to handle. I think, if the 'planetary defense units' have the best defense values, the AI will build plenty of them. May be it´s better, if these units with bad to mediocre defense values can only been built by drafting them? In my eyes the existing Star Wars AT-ATs (and so on) are much too big compared to starships in a battle. May be it would be a good idea to shrink them massively?
ı really hate Stardestroyers in atmosphere ; it would be that if the territory was indeed land . But if ships , how are they invading planets ? Must lethal bombardment .
Meteor Man, thank you very much for the explanation. :)

The easiest form of 'teleportation' could be done by the airlift-flag with the normal editor. The Quintillus editor allows the setting of teleportation options and is very easy to handle. I think, if the 'planetary defense units' have the best defense values, the AI will build plenty of them. May be it´s better, if these units with bad to mediocre defense values can only been built by drafting them? In my eyes the existing Star Wars AT-ATs (and so on) are much too big compared to starships in a battle. May be it would be a good idea to shrink them massively?

Can't use the airlift flag, but I will look into the Quintillus editor then and see if I can get the AI to teleport, but not human players.

Planetary defense units don't have the best defense values, those belong to capital starships, which realistically can better hold planets than ground forces. I could maybe use the draft function for ground units, but which ones? There's no progression so there would only be one draftable ground unit. The basic turret, perhaps?

I see what you mean with the size of the units, but this has always been a graphics problem with Civ3; big units are only slightly bigger than they should be, thanks to the constraints of the tiles. If we were to realistically display AT-TEs versus, say, Acclamator starships, they would be comically small, maybe even invisible. So, I could go a compromise route and make them slightly smaller, maybe even multi-units (I'll look into this! sounds interesting). But I've always been OK with the sizes not matching up correctly in civ3. What really displays unit size is HP bars and combat values. For starships in civ3, you want to be able to actually recognize the unit you're using, and any smaller and they become unintelligible blobs of pixels. So when making small frigates or starfighters, I try to keep the image fidelity by maintaining as much image info as possible and keeping the units medium-sized within a narrow range.

ı really hate Stardestroyers in atmosphere ; it would be that if the territory was indeed land . But if ships , how are they invading planets ? Must lethal bombardment .

The Victory I Star Destroyer has those massive wings on the sides specifically for atmospheric use. ;)

But you misunderstand. "Land" just means "used by ground units" within Civ3 terms. I.e. starships are not air units nor sea units. "Land" in my mod is deep space, and starships can move directly onto planets, so they can engage enemy garrisons directly. Only planetary invasion ships have bombardment capability (as well as starfighters/bombers).
in other news, the Rebellion has had a new frigate completed:



yay for civ colors!
as usual preview gif has terribly indexed colors
I reduced the size of the Keldabe by 20%, it was far too large.


Keldabe Battleship
preview is slow with borked colors

In other news, the first version of the Star Wars Mod will be released sometime this coming Sunday, April 1. :woohoo:
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The Bulwark Battleship is finally complete :scan::


Bulwark Battleship
gif broken as usual

Now that the CIS battleship is done, I'm ready to release my first version of Star Wars: The Mod Awakens. I'll post a link here when it is uploaded.

Star Wars: The Mod Awakens has been released! :dance:
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The Nebula-class Star Destroyer is finished.


Nebula-class Star Destroyer

I'm getting better at adding civ color, but it still isn't perfect.

unit looks better in-game than in the preview
On a somewhat related note, I found this page to make an animated gif if you provide it with all of the frames, rather than using the flc2gif program found on the CFC forums:

An easy way to do so, is to take the storyboard and break it up into the individual frames (depending on the image program, you may be able to split an image into rows/columns) and then upload them to the page.

If you have JASC Animation Shop, you can probably do the gif creation yourself fairly easily, but it's freeware turned abandonware, so it's a bit tricky to get if you don't have it already.
Thanks for the info, Blue but it seems like more work than it's worth. It's just a preview gif, after all

I'll drop the addendum I add to every post haha
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