TJ02: Lucky DyP

Oh, my. How many workers have we got!
And so many new units and city improvements... :crazyeye: Yes, going for Space Race was the right way to explore all these :thumbsup:
Check advisors, everything looks ok -we are making a ridiculous amount of money :lol:
Rush a few builds, then press Enter.
A couple hundred cities need instruction on what to build.
And then... :eek: ...Entremont flips to us. I mean, a 9 size city right next to their capital. Maybe I need to give a look at our culture... :D

Turn 1 - 1812 AD
Hey. The Settlers have a really nice graphic! :goodjob: I decide to found a new city in former roman lands, between Furs, Oil and Gold -just to disrupt an egyptian colony.
Another settler waiting. Found New Jenne in a meaningless spot in Tibet, just to fill a gap.
More worker movements.

An Egyptian Chariot is seen along our borders. Our people wonder at the maintenance skills of their neighbours...
We discover Radar. Research Plastic.
Jenne completes Wonderland
Our lux deals with Celts and Egypt expire.

Turn 2 - 1814 AD
Renew deals selling a couple of our "older" techs.
Aimlessly move our military units.
Look at all our workers run around like crazy ants.

We discover Plasitcs. On to Miniaturization.

Turn 3 - 1816 AD
Not much happens in this year. I look forward to starting the three Performing Arts Centres.

We discover Miniaturisation. Start Electronics.

Turn 4 - 1818 AD
More worker movements.

Pollution strikes Jenne.

Turn 5 - 1820 AD
I built a Jeep :cool:
Cannot understand why I cannot found a city with the last settler :confused:

I hope you don't mind -I ended up putting some workers on shift-A because I just couldn't bother looking for something for them to do...

There is not really much to do at this point, unless someone starts another war... ;)
I enjoyed a lot looking at the units and city improvements. My cat Clementina preferred following the workers as they ran across the screen.

Here it comes
Entremont flips to us

Not that surprising, our border town made insane cpt, I even rushed an University there a long time ago.

Cannot understand why I cannot found a city with the last settler
No cities allowed on Tundra and Desert. However, you can plant a Forrest in the Tundra, and found then. The AI of course doesn't know that trick ;) .
1820AD: Pre-turn.
Over 500 tiles to domination limit. I don't think I'll start a war with the celts just yet, but it can happen at any time I guess.

Sell Egypt Motion Pictures for 977g + 73gpt just to keep her bankrupt.

Egypt send a lot of troops our way.
Learn Electronics research aviation.

Quiet really

Learn Aviation, research advanced aviation.
The Egyptians will declare this turn. We may even lose a city :cringe:

Again, nothing really interesting. The Egyptians are sending troops through our land still, but havent' declared. Not sure what to do.

Learn Advanced Aviation, research rocketry.

Still no declaration from Cleo, so I kick her out, and she complies. Well, that was about 10 000g wasted on rushing armour. :p

Persians want MPP and ROP. I think not.
Learn Rocketry, research computers
Renew tropical fruit deal with Inca.
Inca build the Slave Trade.
Egyptians encroach again

Still quiet.

Learn Computers - research Space Flight (in 2 :( )

The settler in the Tundra is waiting for a forest.
There are some workers south of Barcaul that are attempting to build a railroad across a huge mountain range, I have no idea how long it will take - it's just a personal project.

There is a stack of Egyptian riflemen near Lhasa and more encroaching from the north. This stack are here because it's where they got booted to last time I kicked them out.

There are numerous wonder builds going on that can be shuffled around to hurry up apollo, but really there is no need to hurry it much. I'd swap it for the spirit of St Louis build as that is going to give us happiness problems if we build it.

If you kick Egypt out again they must declare I think. Though it would go badly for them I think.

The balloon in the northern city is very useful for recon.

Here is part of our military


Preturn: I make a partial survey of our towns and one thing stands out:

Remember that you can Irrigate hills in DyP!

They even get 3 food when RR'ed so a town surrounded by hills can grow to any size. It may be the AI that built only mines, but in case it was a player, it is something to remember. Some towns are using one or two hills because they are all mined. If it is the AI remember to prioritize sending workers/engineers to fix this or the town will never grow.

There are two many towns to truely MM but I change some stuff. I emphasize science and shields for the most part.

I also get 280 gpt or so from egypt. I like cash so I can rush stuff.

IBT: Egypt demands wines. They are not going to get out of their gpt deals that easily. I give it to them.

1832 AD: I don't trust the automated workers. I go through and wake up every worker in the empire. I don't know any other way to find them though that way wastes turns. I decide to take the oportunity to upgrade to engineers. The 3 move is useful I think and we have a good bit of gold.

By the way the graphics of the engineers are really fun.

IBT: We complete hollywood. We finish Space Flight and start Synth Fibers.

1834 AD: Upgrade some more workers Wake any worker I see move.

IBT: Finish Synth Fibers and start Nuclear Power

1836 AD: Upgrade a few last workers.

IBT: We build the UN. We Get Nuclear Power and start Super conductor We build bell lab and get Super conductor and the Laser. Start Recycling

1838 AD: Set some cities to temples and such so I can lower lux to 0%

IBT: Inca declare war on Egyptians.
The Germans start the Slave trade? They ARE backward.

1840 AD:

IBT: Get Recycling and start Genetics - We are going to finish the techs needed before apollo.

1842 AD:

IBT: Celts join Egypt in destroying Tibet. Genetics->Jet Propulsion

1844 AD: Gah! More automated workers. I see why SGs generally forbid these - they are impossible to track down. Even when they move, you have no idea where they are. Since I have now upgraded to engineers, I can find them on the Military screen(all laborers, et al.) Any automated units not yet caught are engineers. I think I got them all though. I certainly understand why they were used. One other solution is to not stack them. That way they take longer to finish so you don't order them every turn.

The Projects off of Genetics are so many shields even the capitol would be hard put to finish them before we launch.

IBT: Germany and Persia sign an MPP

1846 AD:

IBT: Jet Propulsion->Super Sonic Flight

1848 AD:

IBT: The Egyptians forces are heading back into our territory. They may be wanting attack again. We have several tanks on that side.

1850 AD:

We are building a bunch of wonders that won't finish in time. I would use them for space part prebuilds when apollo completes in two turns

The engineer animations are very cool (or is it cute?). My favorite is the cutting down one. They are very useful as well as you can tell by looking at one what the heck it is doing.

I tended to switch between getting techs in 1 which cost us money.and techs in 2 that gain us money.

I suspect that Doc's turn will be pretty short. (Doc, I like your Prof Calculus avatar :) )

Oh I see I didn't mention it, but we got the wonder Madbax started; Spirit of St Louis, whatever the capitol was building, etc.

Engineers at work:

The Save
Steady stuff Greebley :thumbsup:

Over to Doc

It's not over yet!

8 turns to go!

TJ02 -1850AD:

At first, I fire up the editor to check the costs of the SS parts – most expensive is the Engine at 4750sp! :eek:

Cycle through all cities; near perfect. Rush a Temple in Choybalsan (would riot next turn), rush an Engineer in Jomba on that island (to form an Airfield), sell off the Barracks in the Palace cities the umpteenth time (Say it again: All Palaces have the ‘Vet Ground Units’ flag), stop the Newspaper – we’re not exactly afraid of propaganda ;) . And sell of any Coal Plant I find, the ‘replace’ flag isn’t working.
That’s it, Greebley left everything in excellent shape :thumbsup:

IBT: Egyptians march in our lands. Incas march in our lands :mad: .
Satellites -> Guerilla Warfare
Start mostly military, Paratroopers and Bombers.

Turn 1: 1852AD
Demand Cleo to leave, and so she does! Don’t ask the Incans, I really want to know what they’re looking for.
Small tip: RR first before planting Forrests, that saves 6 Worker turns.
Find an Air Transport, great! Exactly what I need for Jomba.
Guerilla Warfare is cheap, 1 turn @ +987gpt.

IBT: …and the Egyptians come back. I suppose they want to garrison their colony near former Rome. Incas turn to Egypt (they, unlike Egypts, were clearly on attack vector – but Jomba now has an Armor/Cav/Ari/Rifle, instead of one Reg Rifle…)
Guerilla Warfare -> Advanced Composites
And Apollo finishes!


Turn 2: 1854AD
Sell techs to Celts and Egypt to keep them bankrupt. Gift Unionization (known to Egypt for long) to Persia, to keep them in the Tech race.
Assign SS parts – it’ll take ages Our most productive city is Almarikh (exactly 300spt @ no growth), and it needs 16 turns for the Engine! Disband a unit there, and rush a Nuclear Plant for 4450gp. I just don’t feel like going to war for leaderfishing.
Note for SS parts:
Most expensive are the Engine @4750 and the Exterior Chasing at @3250, everything else (except the Docking Bay @1500) has a cost that’s a multiple of 125.
Thus I rush the Wind Farm in Timbuktu. Switch research to Robotics. Turn off research for one turn, to get enough money for some production boosters – we don’t have 10 good cities so far.
IBT: Egypt and Inca sign peace treaty.
We don’t have that many spare troops, so I order some Paras (they’re ATAR, exactly what we need). Armors are wheeled, that makes them problematic in the mountain range near Egypt.

Turn 3: 1856AD
Optimizing production.

Turn 4: 1858AD
I’m building our Strategic Bomber Squad in Pucchara – they can reach everything!
Decide to ignore the Egyptians; they cannot hurt us, and we don’t want to loose the money.
IBT: Robotics -> Mil Tradition. I’ll build the Arc, and sell off all Barracks at home.
And I don’t want to hold elections. :lol:

Turn 5: 1860AD
Now with enough money on the bank, and no urgent need for techs, I finally rise Lux to 10% again.
Mil Trad -> Advanced Composites
Jenne (ManuPlant) -> Exterior Chasing.
WLtMDs nearly everywhere – except for that former Tibetian island, where it ends :confused: .
The German city of Frankfurt completes a great project – Slave Trade :lol:
Turn 6: 1862AD
We’ve reached the point where we can have most Techs in 1 turn @ 90% Science.
Tibet and Celts come to peace.
Advanced Composites -> Amphibious Warfare

Turn 7: 1864AD
Upgrade all Armors to IS3M. Well, I guess we don’t have to fear the Egyptian Rifleman (7.5.1) any longer – IS3M are only 36.24.4….
Amph Warfare -> Legalized Gambling
Ack, pollution hits a Mountain tile at Almarikh – this in fact means one more turn to play :mad: .

Turn 8: 1866AD
Yes, have to redistribute tiles between Almarikh and Ulaanbatar; both will finish their parts in 10 – unless pollution strikes again.
Nothing really interesting elsewhere…
Legalized Gambling -> Game Theory

Turn 9: 1868AD
Number 1.


Number 2.


Turn 10: 1870AD
In fact, we could switch everything to Wealth, but why?

I gathered lots of Military in Pucchara; it can get everywhere you need it the very same turn. Use the ‘Rebase’ function for the Air Transports, and the other planes have more than one move . That means, they can rebase and strike – but I don’t think you’re forced to use them…
And I recommend to stay at 10% Lux now, that saves a lot of work.


That’s it for me.
It REALLY was a doubled pleasure (QyD = Quadruple your Pleasure) to play in this team :thankyou: .
Had a look at the replay – only 144 hours so far…

Now, what do you think of our small Mod?
Good work Doc :thumbsup:

I think Space has left for her break but I won't pick up till this evening in case she's still around.

I think we should go for conquest/domination/space multi-win and research every tech. Only a suggestion.

You know what Doc, I'm going to write a considered response to your question this evening, but for now let me say this...

The next DyP game I would like to play would be an AWM. I think that would be a really good game.

I enjoyed this game too, very much, but it was too easy. (Well it was wasn't it?), and yet the step up to deity is almost of infinite height. If I was going to address anything in this mod, that would be it.
I will admit I am curious about the top unit in the tree. It looks like nothing special (the Shadow forces unit) but is so secret it doesn't even have an Civopedia Entry :lol: Is it the final invisible unit?

I have found emporer games in DyP to not be too hard. The AI has some difficulties with the more complex strategies of DyP.

[Edit: We are so far ahead the game wouldn't be much a challenge for multi-victory - so I am of mixed options on doing this.]

It would be interesting to try Demigod and I would like to try out RaR.
So it is over... :sad: Well, once more it was a pleasure to share a game with you all.

I must confess that I too had some hopes of seeing Shadow Forces.
But then, maybe this unit is *so* secret that you can't even get to use it ;)

Personally, I would not extend this game -it really is no longer a challenge (remember when the Mongols first declared war :eek: ).

But, yes, I would really like to try another one with this mod (which means, Doc, that I loved it :) ).
[Edit: We are so far ahead the game wouldn't be much a challenge for multi-victory - so I am of mixed options on doing this.]

Couldn't agree more - I've never finished the Tech tree myself, but this game is won. Period. About 20 or 30 turns ago a Celtic Sneak attack would have been devastating, but now it's pointless to delay it.

RaR Demigod is definitely doable. I'm currently struggling with beta 07 at Deity, and while I'm far from winning, it's clearly much less frustrating then Deity DyP (mostly because the AGR trait really helps). Like ptw in general, I think I won't play any more games in DyP.
But I'm open for suggestions for a challenging RaR SG.

- Demigod without Wonders
- Deity (though we'd need someone who provides a 'fair' map)
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