Tomatekh's New Civilizations

I had the thing happen where the civ music played after diplomacy ended, so I got to listen to the Xia peace music loop for roughly 40 minutes. I heard someone talking at the end of each loop.
I had the thing happen where the civ music played after diplomacy ended, so I got to listen to the Xia peace music loop for roughly 40 minutes. I heard someone talking at the end of each loop.
Dunno anything about that, but I set my speakers to super loud and blasted both of Xia's tracks a thousand of times to be sure and heard nothing :p
So I started wondering... do you have any plans for a Danube Valley Civilization mod or it doesn't fall yet into your considerations of Cradle of Civilization?
So I started wondering... do you have any plans for a Danube Valley Civilization mod or it doesn't fall yet into your considerations of Cradle of Civilization?

I've been considering doing Vinča at some point, which is somewhat the extent of my interest in Neolithic Europe (not counting the major megalithic sites). Technically, it isn't really a civilization proper, but there's enough there to make an in-game civilization and it fills out the map nicely. Though, that would be a long way off. (I do have Vinča as a city-state in my Cradle City-State Pack for the time being).
What would be the uniques, then? Or the general focus?
So... I'd been playing a game with Xia and it turns out I didn't change dynasties when capturing enemy capitals. Did I misread the UA or is that a legit bug?
I started a game as Harappa and everything about their UA didn't work. Which is kind of a bummer. I doubt you can do anything about it since it's likely a mod conflict. I just wonder what mod could possibly be conflicting with it and likely Sumer, since that also didn't work when I tried them whenever ago.
Hey everyone! Sorry I've not been more active. I'm actually still having some trouble accessing civfanatics since the server migration.

Xia, Harappa, and Sumer should all be working fine. If you can post lua and database log files I can maybe figure out what's wrong, otherwise there isn't much I can do. It sounds like the lua isn't firing for whatever reason. (For Xia, dynasties change specifically when building a courthouse in an original capital, not just for capturing the city. Otherwise, it would be an issue with the capital plots not being saved correctly. Again, if you can post logs, I might be able to find out).
The logs have long since been overwritten, but once I finish/abandon my current game, I'll try a minimalistic mod list (still a bunch, just not tons of civs) and see if the problem lies in one of those.
I completed a game with Harappa a couple weeks ago, and everything about it worked correctly for me. So it's likely that you're experiencing a mod conflict. Couldn't say for sure though.

Aye, the most recent version of Harrapa was working fine for me as well, at least when I started up a test game yesterday it was.

Tomatekh, did you ever consider making a civ based on the La Tene culture? This obviously isn't a request as you've got enough on your plate, but I'm curious as to what you would do with them.
Have you ever considered doing any civilizations of Ancient Korea? I posted some ideas in the Civ request thread about a year ago after reading about the four kingdoms of old Korea.
I haven't really thought much about ancient Korea or La Tene. With Xia recently released, I probably won't revisit Asia for a while (with the exception of possibly splitting off Shang, but that wouldn't exactly be a "new" release). Same with La Tene. If I do a civ in Europe, the next one would likely be Vinca (though that hasn't been started or planned yet). My next civ will probably be in the Americas, so it would be a while before I'd get to either of them. They're both interesting, though. I'll read up on them some more and look through the ideas posted on the forums. Maybe if I can come up with something really interesting I'll shift my plans around.
Can I post the contents of my old post here (after I find it)? I think all I had were Civ names, leader names and what the focus of the civ could be but it might give you some ideas if they interest you.
Xia, Harappa, and Sumer should all be working fine. If you can post lua and database log files I can maybe figure out what's wrong, otherwise there isn't much I can do. It sounds like the lua isn't firing for whatever reason. (For Xia, dynasties change specifically when building a courthouse in an original capital, not just for capturing the city. Otherwise, it would be an issue with the capital plots not being saved correctly. Again, if you can post logs, I might be able to find out).

Nevermind then. Civ's working correctly. It's just that I hadn't annexed the cities because I'm a cheapskate. :D
Well I cleared my cache and just loaded up my gameplay tweak mods and Harappa worked as intended, so looks like some civilization is conflicting with it. I'll start a full mod load game here soon and put up the lua log in case the trouble civ can be identified. Otherwise I'll have to slowly chop down the number of civs to see where the troublemaker is.

As predicted, it didn't work. Here's the lua log:
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