Top 46 Reasons LOTR/SW is better than SW/LOTR


Jun 13, 2002
Treadin' trodden trails... had people submit reasons they thought Star Wars was better than Lord of the Rings, or vice versa. Some of these are funny (and some are quite lame). Anyway, I think we can out do your own reason.


Top 46 Reasons LOTR/SW is better than SW/LOTR
by the readers of TheForce.Net

Thanks to the "controversial" subject matter and a welcome plug from (you guys rule!), we received over 3500 submissions. I had to read all of them, so you can imagine just how much i love working for TFN right now. (And i still updated on time... eat that, naysayers! *snickers*)
So what we're doing here is i've made *three* lists. Top 46 for SW, Top 46 for LOTR, and another 46 for ones that didn't neccesarily pick or got too confused to make sense. Here we go....

Top Forty-Six Reasons Star Wars beats Lord of the Rings

46. Dangling participles are easier to understand than mismanaging pronounds and plurals.

45. In Star Wars, the short guy kicks ass. In LotR, the short guy needs a box.

44. It has a Christmas special!

43. Unlike Gandalf, Obi-Wan does more than make rooms brighter

42. The force is the ultimate power, while the ring does little more than compliment a fancy outfit.

41. Star Wars: Chicks with blasters. LOTR: Chicks with swords. Who'd win at ten paces?

40. It takes half as much time to type "SW" than it takes to type "LOTR".

39. George has better fashion sense than PJ. Mmm, flannel.

38. In Star Wars, Christopher Lee was beaten by an ass-kicking Jedi named Yoda. In LOTR, he was beaten by a slow-moving tree named.... oh, who cares what his name was. HE WAS A TREE, for crying out loud!!

37. we tells jar-jar to go away, and away he goes! free! free! star wars is free!

36. Cut off Sauron's hand, he goes home and spends thousands of years convalescing. Cut off Ani's hand, he becomes a powerful Sith. Cut off his hand AGAIN, he single-handedly (ha!) defeats the Emperor.

35. because lucas's filmic vision is an original construct, while jackson's is mere adaptation

34. Three words: Slave Girl Outfit

33. Crap Gollum's grammar is

32. Star Wars' cuddly character - Chewbacca. Lord of the rings cuddly character - Sean Astin. I think chewie wins....

31. Luke's second cousin, twice removed (on his mothers side) didn't tag along and almost get every one killed

30. In LOTR, short guys with pointy ears run away like pansies at the sight of danger. In Star Wars, short guys with pointy ears KICK ASS!!!!

29. Ewan McGregor has such a pretty singing voice

28. There were no AT-AT's at Helm's Deep, were there? Hmmm?

27. SW is better cause of the short guys... Frodo- disappears with Ring. R2- dispenses beer. Which do you choose?

26. listings: Star Wars fan films-76. Lord of the Rings fan films-1.

25. Saruman sends out Orcs to do his bidding. Vader kills enemies personally.

24. With the exception of Peter Jackson, SW fans on average outweigh LOTR fans by a good 35-40 lbs. Plus the well-financed ones have access to British sub-machine guns. In other words, because we SAY so.

23. LOTR has a couple o' lousy towers. We have the DEATH STAR!!!

22. Mara Jade lap dance.

21. natalie portman's abs

20. A sword can't melt through a blast door, much less the gate to the Mines of Moria.

19. You've got Orks, we've got Porkins.

18. Thrill as an old man tries to figure out how to open an old door!

17. Tatoos consist of more then a white hand slapped in the face.

16. Officer: Lord Vader we have reached an unknown planet in the uncharted regions of space. It is supposedly refered to as Middle Earth. Vader:Sounds boring. Blow it up.

15. The Star Wars cast list is more diverse. LOTR is whiter than Tren Lott's Christmas party.

14. Hrmph. I did not see a SINGLE half-naked elf dancer ANYWHERE in Rivendell...

13. Star Wars wins this one on the merchandising front: I have a Luke with removable hand, but no Legolas with removable clothes.

12.Obi-wan would have sensed the destruction of Moria. " . . . as if a thousand dwarves cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced."

11. LOTR: Bill. SW: The Millenium Falcon. No contest.

10. At least Star Wars has an actual villain, not some stupid burning eye sitting on top of a tower.

9. "Is that an evil, posessed ring in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me," simply does NOT work

8. Luke would want to try and find the good in Saruman.

7. How is Frodo going to get Luke? Jump up punch him in the knee?

6. When Luke left home, he got over it.

5. The relevent backstory can be told in a 30-second scroll, not a 900-page novel.

4. Warwick Davis doesn't NEED post-production "shortening"!

3. Instead of the movies deviating from the books, the books deviate from the movies.

2. Obi-wan's hair still looks soft and managable even after fighting on every planet this side of the Kessel Run. Aragorn's? Ha!

1. Taun We is hot. Yeah, you heard me.

Top Forty-Six Reasons Lord of the Rings beats Star Wars

46. LOTR: No love triangles involving a brother and sister.

45. You didn't hear rumours of N'Sync doing a cameo in LOTR now did you?

44. "i truely, deeply love you" - at least lotr doesn't have such corny dialogue

43. LOTR did the entire, "Crazy wizard gives young and unskilled boy a powerful item and dies to save young boy" thing first.

42. LotR - Whinny Character dies in the first movie.

41. Where else do you find a second breakfast?

40. LOTR better then SW: Our troops are home grown.

39. You can get more beer in Middle-Earth

38. cave troll versus rancor......cave troll

37. Uruk-hai, unlike stormtroopers, can fight.

36. In LOTR the comic relief (ie Gimli, Pipin & Merry) actually speak proper English

35. Sorry Yoda, but nobody screams old-man sexy like Ian McKellan

34. LOTR is on DVD.

33. Liv Tyler, Miranda Otto, and Cate Blanchett. Let's hear it for options!

32. LOTR made three movies at once. George, are you taking notes on this?

31. LotR is waaaaayyy better. I'd like to see Obi do the pointy hat trick. Hah!

30. LOTR is better because Elrond is not actually Sauron in disquise.

29. Arwen can kick butt in a skirt and sixteen crinolines. Unlike Amidala, who must strip to leggings and a midriff-baring shirt.

28. $325,736,000

27. LOTR is better than SW because...Gollum doesn't sound like Grover

26. Gandalf's friend and ally who owed him a life debt was Gwahir Windlord, the noble king of the giant eagles. Qui Gon had Jar Jar.

25. LOTR: Because even the dumbest creatures in LOTR would be smart enough to know that making Jar Jar a senator is a bad idea

24. The White Council in LORT included Galadriel, who was youthful and divinely beautiful despite being over 4000 years old. Yoda of the Jedi Council looked like hell after a mere 900.

23. Chicks will actually go with you to a LOTR movie.

22. LOTR is better than SW because the furry movie characters never launch into song

21. Merry and Pippin are slightly less annoying than C3PO and R2D2. Slightly.

20. Frodo doesn't have some sort of twisted "I don't like sand" thing for Sam

19. Pete can't tease us with the promise of a new episode for 25 years and then make up something as lame as midichlorians.

18. It's more satisfying to see an Orc get beheaded then a Stormtrooper fall down.

17. In Star Wars, the tunnel walls on Geonosis came to life and mounted an ultimately futile attack. In TTT, the forrest came to life and kicked the crap out of Saruman.

16. Elves don't seem to know about bras. Nuff said.

15. Although an Oliphaunt and an AT-AT are about even when it comes to destructive power, an Oliphaunt from LOTR isn't stupid enough to keep walking after its legs are tied up!

14. Fashionable mullet hobbit hair.

13. Star wars--lightsabers that burn a wound closed after striking an opponent so there is no bleeding, LOTR--has REAL swords that cause buckets 'o blood to shoot across the room!

12. Han Solo is a filthy rogue who turns out to be, er, a slightly cleaner rogue, while in LOTR Strider, the filthy rogue, becomes Aragorn, king of mankind.

11. Frodo is from Cedar Rapids, Iowa. WOO HOO CR!

10. If Greedo had been replaced by Legolas when he had to beat Han to the draw in the cantina, Legolas would be the one flipping the bartender a credit.

9. No one complains that the Tolkien books aren't canon.

8. Toe to toe, Merry & Pippin could kick some serious Jawa ass.

7. The ale at the Prancing Pony beats the blue swill at the cantina every time!

6. The one ring is more powerful than the force, didn't you see Sauron in the prologue?

5. Peter Jackson simply cannot make **** up as he goes along.

4. Interspecies relationships work in Middle Earth. I don't think Leia and Chewbacca ever had chance.

3. LotR is better because I know that Peter Jackson isn't going to rerelease The Two Towers just so some uruk-hai can shoot first in the Battle of Helm's Deep.

2. When gollum talks to himself it is psychologically interesting, when Jar Jar does it it is because the audience left.

1. Aragorn is ahead of Anakin on the "Booty Call tally" by one.

And the Top Forty-Six submissions that couldn't decide, didn't make sense, didn't like either, brought the websites into it, or got their movies confused:

46. Our villainous Christopher Lee is better than your villainous Christopher Lee!

45. The Star Wars fansite has this really cool humor editor...

44. And handsome. He's cool and handsome.

43. Did I mention witty? Cool, handsome, and witty.

42. Did I mention punctual? Cool, handsome, witty, and punctual.

41. And modest. I mean, I bet he'd never allow something that bespoke his manifold good qualities to appear on the net, because he's just like that. Cool, handsome, witty, punctual, and modest.

40. Wilhelm!!!! oh wait...damn...umm...give me a minute...CHRISTOPHER LEE!!!! oh wait...umm.....uhh...crap....
by I have a name?

39. How can anything in LOTR compare to the scene in Star Wars when Bill Pullman bests Dark Helmet and gets the Princess?

38. Unlike the Ents, the wooden acting in Star Wars required no special effects

37. Because the people who run the Star Wars fan based web sites can put up with the all the crap the readers give them about updates.:)
Meanwhile, Chase didn't have to try hard at all. Thanks for the support. -Ed.

36. The vs. The They don't even HAVE a top ten list contest!

35. We leave the guys with the pointy ears to Star Trek.

34. More plentiful source matertial TO MAKE FUN OF!!!

33. As one of the administrators of, I feel I must issue a formal protest. ;-)
Bring it on, Keith. You get Sting, i get a lightsaber. *evil cackle* -Ed.

32. Lord of the Flies? No! Curse you TFN! Course You!

31. Unlike Sauron, Emporer Palpatine doesn't need anyone to do his dirty work for him... oh, wait.

30. Well, i would say better acting, script and plot, but then I remembered I was supossed to be DEFENDING Star Wars. My bad.

29. You can't blow up the server on the LOTR website with "Pull my finger" gags. He he.

28. hey i 'll get you a new keyboard if you post one of mine!!!!
by haun solo
Microsoft Wireless, please. Or can i just send you the receipt and you can paypal me? -Ed.

27. we don't go to conventions in robes looking like freaks.....wait.

26. On the issue of "fair play" : HARRY POTTER FOREVER!!!!!

25. You're all wrong! The best movie trilogy of all time is Back to the Future! Now make like a tree, and get outta here!

24. No one in Star Wars says 'taters'

23. When Frodo puts on The Ring, all I can hear is Mel Brooks saying "Use the Schwartz"

22. "we gets an intermission in LOTR we does" -Gollum

21. LOTR is better----i mean, Gollum's just so sexy!
Put in this list because I pray Lauri is joking. I mean, Taun We is sooooo sexier. :p -Ed.

20. Spock Sucks

19. Star Wars is 100% Grade A Home Grown in the USA!
You wanna tell him about Fox Studios Australia, or should I?

18. Cause Forest Gump is a ******.

17. two words; Hydro Spaner

16. The guy who wrote Lord of the Rings - DEAD.

15. Cause Quiditch rocks!

14. Tron beats them all.

13. Those crazy British.

12. It doesn't take a genius to realize that LOTR could NEVER happen in our lifetime.

11. As opposed to Star Wars, which is highly feasible.

10. I am fluent in 6 million ways SW is better!

9. John Williams would waste Howard Shore in a fight. I mean c'mon the guy looks like a 60 year-old Harry Potter (scar not included)

8. First Star Wars vs. Star Trek. Now Star Wars vs. LOTR. I've had it! A plague on all your houses; I'm off to watch Farscape.

7. If Padme mudwrestles mandy moore in episode 3 ill never watch lotr again.

6. Peter Jackson: The Next Flannel Boy...Who is the more foolish? The fool, or the fool who follows him?

5. Or the fool who follows the fool who follows him?

4. Or the fool who follows the fool who follows the fool who follows him?

3. know?

Only ONE person sent this. How sad.
2. I Love Them BOTH!!!!!!

And the ONE Factual Argument about the difference between LOTR and SW:
1. About 1000 pages.

Very good Jethro, very good.
Hmmm, I thought Gandalf was a lotta things but 'old man sexy'?

IMO Original Star Wars; great in its day

New Trilogy;

LOTR; I wanna have Pete Jacksons love child!
3. LotR is better because I know that Peter Jackson isn't going to rerelease The Two Towers just so some uruk-hai can shoot first in the Battle of Helm's Deep.

:rotfl: this is my favorite.
"Cut off Sauron's hand, he goes home and spends thousands of years convalescing. Cut off Ani's hand, he becomes a powerful Sith. Cut off his hand AGAIN, he single-handedly (ha!) defeats the Emperor."

I'll go for this one :lol:
The debate comes down to one simple question for me: Storm-troopers vs. Uruk-hai. Let's see....Stormtroopers can't shoot, and Uruk-hai have glass jaws. Stormtroopers armored in plastic, and Uruk-hai armored in leather and slime. This is going to be tough. What a pathetic battle!!!! Ah, I've gone and disappointed myself in both.
23. Chicks will actually go with you to a LOTR movie.

Figured that out the hard way in May... :(, but all was good when December and the TT came out. :)

As for hot actresses, LoTR wins no contest. The only SW actress that can even touch the hot LoTR ones in Natalie Portman.
5. Peter Jackson simply cannot make **** up as he goes along.

This is the clincher for me. A deep and involved story versus an excuse to show off what Industrila Light & Magic can do..
No Lando, no Akbar, no Ewoks, no Jar Jar.

Lord of the Rings, hands down.
Originally posted by thestonesfan
No Lando, no Akbar, no Ewoks, no Jar Jar.

Lord of the Rings, hands down.
You don't like Lando??? He's the epitome of cool!
16. Officer: Lord Vader we have reached an unknown planet in the uncharted regions of space. It is supposedly refered to as Middle Earth. Vader:Sounds boring. Blow it up.

Firepower determines everything.
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