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TSG46 After Action Report

Game: Civ5 GOTM 46
Date submitted: 2012-10-24
Reference number: 27514
Your name: ense7en
Game status: Domination Victory
Game date: 1745AD
Turns played: 259
Base score: 1981
Final score: 3884
Time played: 9:01:00

I didn't really play this in a very optimal way for a fast time.
I played very peacefully for the first while and grew my three main cities huge.
Then i started pumping out units.

Tyre provided me with the iron i so desperately needed to upgrade to Frigates.

I took out Rome first, then Byzantine and Germany.
By the time i'd gotten to Byzantine my naval fleet was unstoppable and it was just a matter of time.
I next grabbed Amsterdam and then Maya.
Then it took forever to get the fleet to Ottamans and finally finished up with France.

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Tech Tree
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Policies i went all Tradion then all Honor then a couple in Autocracy.
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City overview
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Tyre, with their 12 iron is what let me get the Frigate train rolling.
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The end.
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Game: Civ5 GOTM 46
Date submitted: 2012-10-21
Reference number: 27503
Your name: BuddhaBubba
Game status: Domination Victory
Game date: 1935AD
Turns played: 355
Base score: 2498
Final score: 3518
Time played: 5:16:00
Submitted save: Dido_0355 AD-1935.Civ5Save
Renamed file: BuddhaBubba_C504601.Civ5Save

Could have finished way faster since it was on King and all, but I just love pulverizing the AI with bombers, battleships and tanks :)
Game: Civ5 GOTM 46
Date submitted: 2012-10-25
Game status: Domination Victory
Game date: 1470AD
Turns played: 207
Base score: 1430
Final score: 3487
Time played: 4:52:00

Hard slog from turn 125 (see Game in Progress report). Upgraded to Crossbows, and proceeded to take 4 Dutch cities (razed one city, but should have razed 3; upgraded the spearmen to pikes, cats to trebs and swordsmen to longswords during that portion of the campaign). Then detoured to take Palenque on turn 154 (Pacal was OCCing it), and finally took Amsterdam (on turn 163). I left William his last city (he had 6 cities total) and divided my army, sending most of the experienced units to the neighborhood of the Vatican City to be positioned between Rome and France, and sending the rest up north to Rome's western-most city (Neapolis), where they joined 3 longswordsmen and two trebs that I had built in the meantime. Took forever to get through the hills and the city states.

While the army was slowly marching on Rome, I built 6 galleasses and two caravels. Once I had Navigation, I upgraded to frigates and sailed for Rome. On turn 167, France asked me to DOW Rome, so I asked for 10 turns. Took Rome on turn 185 (8 turns after the DOW, with frigates and one caravel, and some landside pressure from trebs and a longsword), and took Neapolis one turn after that. Upgraded the longswords to musketmen and the trebs to cannons while in Rome, but I couldn't make a quick peace. Didn't know this, but the agreement with France to DOW Rome had a minimum war time period (not sure how many turns, but it was too many). I suspect I could have DOWed France to get out of that treaty, but I wanted to get my army past a French puppet (Antium) to have a straight shot at Orleans and then Paris. France took Rome's last city on turn 190, so I was clear.

Orleans fell quickly (turn 193, 2 turns after I DOWed France), but Paris was in a tricky spot, so I applied pressure with a citadel and cannon fire (lost a couple of crossbows to mustketeers), but took Paris from the sea on turn 200. Quick peace, and it was time to deal with Suleiman.

Istanbul only took another 6 turns, most of which was spent sailing into position, taking out his triremes, and bombarding Istanbul to zero health. My one, late-arriving privateer got the honor of taking the city.

Religion actually turned out to be helpful - tithe, as usual, worked its magic - gold was never an issue, although trade routes and Machu Pichu made the largest contribution. I did have chronic happiness problems -- didn't raze (or sell off) enough cities (ended up with 5 non-capital puppets), but I was able to take the Order opener near the end, and was 2 turns away on Forbidden Palace when I finished, so happiness wouldn't have been an issue if the game had lasted longer.

Final social policy lineup was full Tradition, the right side of Honor, and the Order opener. I ended up as the clear tech leader, notwithstanding the slow start on the science side.

Fun time, but the terrain and continent lay-out was trying.
turn 88 win tommynt

played this in 1 big session and made Video uploading atm
so every1 interested in game can just watch - gonna edit link in.

Basiclly i found 5 civs pretty fast and shape looked like a big mass - but expected that there might be 1 Island in ne - luckly there wasnt ... when france found me ...
Did testgame with byz and figured how horrible the uu does vs cities and then just did cop bow attack with forward cities - stupid dutch cap (25 power in turn 87 wtf!) stoped me from a kill last 3 cap in 1 turn :)

edit: at least I could use the feature of crossing mountain well - so byz uu stuff wasnt totaly wasted :)

edit: GRRRRRR stupid camstudio recorded my closed ie explorer session instead civ5 .. so 2 hours of ie on Video :(
basicly I did let my cap grow to 5 built 4 settlers in it sent 2 to build forward city - 1 at rome 1 at maya

I think that's mind-bogglingly fast. Any chance you'd be able to put up a video after all? What's 88 turns for a replay? :mischief:

I think we'd all learn a ton from it.
Game status: Domination Victory
Game date: 1913AD
Turns played: 333
Base score: 1998
Final score: 3027
Nigh on impossible I'd say :mischief:, but would love to be proven wrong :)

Impossible under HoF rules, but possible under tommynt's rules ;)

Under HoF rules probably that under 100 turns is still impossible.
I have tried replaying a couple times so far and even with the map knowledge the replays wouldn't have been good enough.

During the replays I did notice there aren't any ruins even though the announcement didn't say they were turned off. So I suspect they went poof when the map was edited.
Over 200 turns, which is nowhere near good enough.
I also replayed, trying the forward city approach that others described. Shaved 13 turns off (to 194 turns), but how much of that was due to map knowledge is hard to say. Sub 150-160 finishes are amazing to me (and I cannot fathom 88 turns -- my scout hadn't even gotten to the other end of the map by turn 88).
Impossible under HoF rules, but possible under tommynt's rules

Under HoF rules probably that under 100 turns is still impossible.

as written in original post i doubt that dowing just like that had any influence on game outcome, also I wasted very much resources on building grannies and on getting faith - both totaly useless - so if some1 gambles for a pangea map early on a sub 85t (maybe 75t) win should be possible easily - no matter if u dow early or not.

Well stealing 2 workers slowed ais a bit down aswell I guess - but if stealing workers isnt allowed some1 is maybe playing a very weired civ.
Selling your GPT and/or resources to an AI, immediately DoWing them and selling that same GPT and/or resources to another AI and immediately DoWing them too and repeating with every known AI most definitely has influence on the game's outcome. This is like selling a car to one person, stealing it back then selling to another person until you're satisfied with the amount of money you've gained or have no-one else to sell it to.

This is why one of the HoF rules include these actions as banned exploits.

The following exploits are not allowed.

Liberty/Autocracy Policy Switch
If you fill out the liberty tree, with the extra settler/worker and representation(golden age), and then switch to autocracy, then back to liberty, you get another set of settlers/workers and a golden age...

Exploit involving trading for Lump Sums of Gold
Systematically making and breaking agreements for lump sums of gold with the AIs is not allowed. It is considered an exploit when there is a clear pattern of activity beyond normal play.

Examples of tactics used:
  • Repeatedly selling a resource (luxury, strategic, etc.) and pillaging or allowing Barbarians or other civs to pillage the resource or trade route to break the deal.
  • Repeatedly selling a resource (luxury, strategic, etc.) and declaring war or otherwise bringing about a war that breaks the deal. (i.e. a phony war just to break the deal.)
  • Repeatedly selling Gold per Turn (GPT) and declaring war or otherwise bringing about a war that breaks the deal. (i.e. a phony war just to break the deal.)
  • Repeatedly selling Cities and declaring war or otherwise bringing about a war so you can take them back. (i.e. low risk, low cost war just retrieve the cities for resale to another civ.)
Things not considered when looking for a pattern related to the Lum Sum Gold exploit:
  • Trades for Gold per Turn (GPT) is not considered an exploit under this rule.
  • Trades active at the end of the game are not considered broken.

Building Oxford multiple times
Building Oxford University National Wonder and then gifting or selling the city containing it and building it again for another free tech is not allowed

NOTE: New exploits will occur or be discovered over time. Use of a potential exploit should be verified the HOF Staff before use.
here is an idea... play game again without DOW/selling tactic to compare finishing results. Sure you may have map-knowledge but if this tactic doesn't effect much then you should finish about the same time since you do have that map-knowledge
What I often do is to sell a loan, luxuries and / or resources to what looks like an overly ambitious or aggressive AI. I suppose that should be 'ethical' right? Even though I can smell he's going to DoW on me a few turns down the line.


Even using the DOW/Selling exploit, I still find it hard to accept that a sub 90 win is possible, not on this map anyway. ;):)
I don't know why this comes up every time... we are not playing HoF, so it's perfectly fine. If the rules change, tommynt will have to adjust anyways. But for now, can we just let this argument disappear?

Also, try it yourself and see if you manage to come close to his finish time.
the new patch release is conflicting with the uploader. AlanH is working on it but if there are conflicts post them in here.

Also, if you wish not to update just yet so you can finish this GOTM without any potential conflict, you have to go into the games Steam settings (right click on the game then Properties then the Updates tab) and disable "Always keep this game up to date" so that you dont download the patch just yet. when you finish this game then you can upload and then add the patch.
We think the parser is updated and ready. Please try uploading your saves and also let us know if there is a problem.

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