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Unexpected site layout changes, January 9 2025

It looks like there are two problems that are created with the drag-and-drop technique (which I never had realized existed). One is that it jumbles IMG and URL tags. Another is that the image isn't embedded if an "alt" attribute exists. Both need to be fixed for it to work.

Broken (the code from Blake00's post):
[IMG alt="05apex-museum-bzfm-superJumbo.webp"][URL]https://forums.civfanatics.com/attachments/05apex-museum-bzfm-superjumbo-webp.714737/[/IMG][/URL]


Compare this with the original image in Birdjaguar's post:

[ATTACH type="full" width="586px" alt="05apex-museum-bzfm-superJumbo.webp"]714737[/ATTACH]

The ATTACH tag must be doing something extra beyond what the IMG tag does.

How can you copy the stegosaurus image, or another attached image you'd like to copy to another post? Right click on it and choose "Copy Image Address" (or your browser's equivalent command). The write:

[IMG]<ctrl+V the image address here>[/IMG]
Not a question, but the grey colour for hyperlinks is terrible for visibility


Why did you change the colour of the likes?

Good question, I really dislike the change.

Image upload test
View attachment 714566
that still works......

The Shades of Grey theme has gone through a few changes as well. The site banner is a thimble now and some of the borders have changed, as well as hyperlinks and the like field. The hyperlinks in particular turn a pure black when hovered over, which is fairly awful for contrast and readability.

Yuck, not a big fan of the UI changes.
Well, it could be worse. A forum I had been on some years suddenly turned to shades of an eye-jarring, lurid green. Though, that was because the administrator was fiddling with parts of the settings we wasn't fully familiar with.
@The_J Is it possible change the like icon on your end or is it a XenForo thing? I don't mind a new like icon, but the Yellow Emoji one clashes with most of the themes we use. (I'm on CFC Modern FWIW).
I'll have a look at that during the coming days .

@The_J Is it possible change the like icon on your end or is it a XenForo thing? I don't mind a new like icon, but the Yellow Emoji one clashes with most of the themes we use. (I'm on CFC Modern FWIW).

I have TBH no clue. I might have a look.

:hatsoff: thank you very much. The issue with the picture embedding was handled thanks to the Xenfor staff :hatsoff:.
Looks like the site changes broke copy-pasting from Wikipedia?

Spoiler example :

The universal feature of night terrors is inconsolability—very similar to that of a panic attack.<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_terror#cite_note-Nguyen_2008_e1164-e1167-10"><span>[</span>10<span>]</span></a> During night terror bouts, sufferers are usually described as "bolting upright" with their eyes wide open and a having look of fear on their face. Individuals with night terrors will often yell, scream, or attempt to speak, but such speech is frequently incomprehensible. Furthermore, they usually sweat, exhibit rapid breathing, and have a rapid heart rate (i.e., autonomic signs). In some cases, individuals are likely to have even more elaborate motor activity, such as a thrashing of limbs—which may include punching, swinging, or fleeing motions. There is a sense that the individuals are trying to protect themselves and/or escape from a possible threat of bodily injury.<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_terror#cite_note-DSM-6"><span>[</span>6<span>]</span></a> Although sufferers may seem awake during a night terror, they will appear confused, inconsolable, and/or unresponsive to attempts to communicate with them and may not recognize others familiar to them. Occasionally, when a person with a night terror is awakened, they will lash out at the one awakening them, which can be dangerous to that individual. Most individuals who experience terrors do not remember the incident the next day,<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_terror#cite_note-Bjorvatn-8"><span>[</span>8<span>]</span></a> although brief dream images or hallucinations may occur and be recalled.
Looks like the site changes broke copy-pasting from Wikipedia?

Spoiler example :

I am very confused.
This is something which appeared in the past https://xenforo.com/community/threa...url-is-copied-from-chrome-address-bar.182258/ , but probably should not anymore. It might have something to do with the legacy stuff from vb times which we carry around.
The copying works if the bb code is toggled to off. If it's on, you get the result which you show. Unless you paste with CTRL+Shift+V, then it works normally.
I'm.... yeah, confused.
@The_J Any update on the like button?
Can we have a scull emoji for the "like"? :thumbsup:

View attachment 714886

The color palette of the staff badges is inconsistent for me (I use Dark CFC). Some days they're one shade, and another day they're a different shade (bright vs. dusty). Sometimes my own Retired Moderator badge is pale green and sometimes it's a color I can only describe as a combination of dark olive and forest green.

And I don't like the new "Like" emoji. The only place that color should be is in a dish of macaroni and cheese.
Let's rate posts out of five stars like old Youtube. :p

But in all seriousness, can we just revert to the old one for now?
Ever since this new "update", the enable push notice shows up every time that I log in. I close it and select "never ask again" but it happens again when I next log in. This has been a downgrade, not an update.
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