Unofficial Civ IV Expansion Announced:

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Imitation Louis Vuitton
Jun 13, 2005
36 52 S 174 45 E
A lot of people were disappointed with Beyond the Sword, sure it added a lot of new stuff but was it really what people were after?
Did it have Poland in it, or did it add a third German leader?
It added corporations. But where’s Macdonalds or Coca Cola or Jenny Craig?
The Apostolic Palace, gahh, that’s so 17th century Europe.
And the new AI? I thought it was supposed to be smarter and therefore harder. Sure. How come I’m still fighting Longbows with Modern Armor on Settler?

Well, I’m sick of it. I’m going to take the destiny of Civilization into my own hands and announce
Civilization IV: the Future of Tomorrow.

It will include countless new features. What I can announce so far are:

Four new difficulty levels:
  • Neanderthal *new* *French version only*
  • Hunter Gatherer *new*
  • Nomad *new*
  • Settler
  • Chieftain
  • Warlord
  • Noble
  • Prince
  • Monarch
  • Emperor
  • Immortal
  • Deity
  • Creator of God *new*
New Technologies. Including:
  • Fire. Required to research Hunting and Mysticism. All civs start with Fire along with their usual starting techs.
A new AI called Best AI.
Improvements over the old AI are:
  • Whenever you are within 2 turns of completing a wonder an AI will have already forseen this event and finish it this turn.
  • AI will now use catapults and other siege to cause collateral damage before sending in other units.
  • An AI will remember if you backstabbed it at Friendly in a previous game.
  • Montezuma and Shaka will now build bigger armies.
  • Mansa Musa, Gandhi, Huyana Capac and Hatshepsut now place higher priority on economic techs.
Slavery has been abolished.
Free Speech and Free Religion now have no upkeep costs.

New specialist:
  • Parking Warden. +5 :commerce: +1 :mad: ( :gripe: )
New random events:
  • Block Party
  • Bird Flu

City Governors:
  • City Governors can now be held responsible doing stupid things. Clearly the current governor is too nepotistic and hires his family and friends to be “Citizens” rather than something more productive like working in the farm or at the Forge.
  • If they are found guilty they can be shot, put in prison or exiled (hopefully to work as a Governor in an AI city).
Diplomatic Victory can be achieved even earlier with the new wonder The League of Corinth.
  • Available with Bronzeworking.
  • Constructing the League of Corinth allows you automatic eligibility as leader. Votes are ‘acquired’ by stationing Axemen/Swordsmen or other melee units in enemy cities.
  • Razing a city gains you an additional vote.
New Leaders
  • George W. Bush. America. Traits none (well none that are beneficial)
  • More to be announced.
New Civs
  • Poland
  • More to be announced
New Wonders

Costs 300 :hammers:
double production speed with coal
2 :culture: Inspires National Pride​

Combat odds:
It will now be highly improbable that you will lose 99.9% battles​

More features and concepts will be added soon.

Release date is mid 2010ish.

There will be new patches released weekly. The first is available already.
Spoiler :

Shoulder Sleeve Insignia for the 1st Cavalry Division (United States)

I’m looking for ideas and suggestions, plus anybody who’s willing to help with development.
Diplomatic Victory can be achieved even earlier with the new wonder The League of Corinth.
  • Available with Bronzeworking.
  • Constructing the League of Corinth allows you automatic eligibility as leader. Votes are ‘acquired’ by stationing Axemen/Swordsmen or other melee units in enemy cities.
  • Razing a city gains you an additional vote.

okay all the other stuff looks spiffy keen ;) but this you have to change for me buddy! if i'm going for diplomatic victory i'm not making axemen, i'm making friends, silly goose! that's totally not logical, i mean come on now. so you'll write me a scenario or something that changes those rules right? pretty please? *giggle*

hey wait a second. how can you station your units in enemy cities? if they're your enemies then you don't have open borders do you? your wording is absurd :crazyeye:

at Hunter Gatherer level can you get Great People from huts?
interesting ideas but I believe you'd be better off getting more modders together to help, some of them throw these things together in a few months if you get a group, you could have the xpack and have it look official by the time u plan to release.

with these things, You have to look at purely non-political views. George Bush is to recent to do, because it strikes up controversy. I think the newest yo could do is Regan, but no later than him. It be difficult to do regans traits though.

Idk if the league thing will work as diplomatic victory, All Civs need a say in diplo. that early in the game it's hard to meet them all. Even then, for the most part you cant get diplo in AP until your 1 or 2 techs from the UN. The AP has more power than the UN, because one nation can control the world by only spreading it's religion to 1 of the enemies cities, the UN takes away that power. I think if you controlled the AP and said no to a Vote that everyone else agreed on, when the UN pops up you should get a -1 from the nations for being uncooperative in past organizations.

If your going to expand upon Governors why not make states, so you can emphasize military in those states, or emphasize wonders, or w/e. For drafting you can have them go to the capital city of each state instead of having 5 different troops in different areas
This doesn't make much sense. Why make it a technology if everyone starts with it?

Your sarcasm detector appears to be broken. Try one of those new Japanese sarcasm detectors next time.
Yes, for me it's look like pure j/k post. To be true I fall to undestand half of them, may be I do not read forums enogth.
i didnt understand fire tech either.. but then again... i ahve a hard time getting a lighter to work sometimes... thank god for zippos :)
okay all the other stuff looks spiffy keen ;) but this you have to change for me buddy! if i'm going for diplomatic victory i'm not making axemen, i'm making friends, silly goose! that's totally not logical, i mean come on now. so you'll write me a scenario or something that changes those rules right? pretty please? *giggle*

hey wait a second. how can you station your units in enemy cities? if they're your enemies then you don't have open borders do you? your wording is absurd :crazyeye:

at Hunter Gatherer level can you get Great People from huts?

MIss You use some funny saying from time to time. A kittin smitten a guy with "silly goose" comments for petes sakes. but its some good laughs coming from you Mcandy ;)
ya done 'em in with a cold cod to the head :splat: on dat one, yep sure hope his ego recovers :)

Looking forward to more info about this great project and thank you for including Darth Doofus as a leader.:goodjob:
EDIT: OK, I fell for it! Lammmmme :cry:
:crazyeye: :crazyeye:
A lot of people don't seem to be getting the idea that the OP is not serious.... it's clearly meant to be a joke (sorry OP, not to my tastes ;) ) but no point in telling him that it's simplistic etc when it is meant as a parody.... it's not supposed to be complex....

Come on 50 dollar bag - come and put them out of their misery!! :D
A lot of people don't seem to be getting the idea that the OP is not serious.... it's clearly meant to be a joke (sorry OP, not to my tastes ;) ) but no point in telling him that it's simplistic etc when it is meant as a parody.... it's not supposed to be complex....

Come on 50 dollar bag - come and put them out of their misery!! :D

Haha, if it is true, which now reading again I think I can see the traces of sarcasm all over, he got me on that one :lol:
May I suggest another change to the AI: When the player sends a settler without escort, it is immediately targeted and killed by the AI.

In my opinion, the Twigbreaking and Rockspotting techs, should be a requirements for Fire. Of course all civs should start with those as well.

Anyway, the patch is working great, can't wait until the glorious date of mid2010ish.
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