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v1.979 / v1.479 / v1.089


's and Fall creator
May 23, 2001
Japan / Italy / Germany
v1.979 – v1.479 – v1.089

At last, this massive update can be released. This looks like the longest log ever for a patch! So long that we're running out of issues!

- Dynamic civ names added!°°
- Added stability ratings arrows°°
- Legendary culture moved back to 50000 (no more unwanted cultural victories)°°
- Culture of major civs now spreads to surrounding minor civs’ cities, so that AI assigns more importance to them or can get them by flip°°
- Thebes replaced by Memphis in 600AD start, so that Arabian influence can reach it
- Independent Aksum added to 600AD scenario
- Zimbabwe removed, as it was preventing European AIs to do a decent colonization of South Africa°°
- 1 more worker available to Ethiopia at the beginning (will help the 1st UHV goal)
- Harder Portuguese UHV goals (13 cities, 11 open borders)
- Easier Incan UHV goals (now South America except Brazil)°°
- Weaker conquerors event on the human player as the Inca°°
- Japan doesn’t start with Calendar in the 600 AD start anymore (it was a-historical, and it was allowing a very early discovery of Astronomy)°°

- Statue of Liberty, Notre Dame and Temple of Kukulkan less likely to be built by other AIs preventing the UHV°°
- Easier Aztec 3rd UHV goal (moved to 1860)°°
- Refined Russian and American UHV condition trigger°°
- More tolerant stability for expansion, but more punishing for controlling core areas of other civs°°
- Anarchy causes a lower stability hit when already shaky, so that switching civics is less risky°°
- Adjustments of economy-based stability based on growth and terrain modifiers. This way civs that were advantaged like Mali and Egypt are less easy, while China and Japan don’t collapse such often anymore°°
- A little stability hit is added to all neighbours on civ spawn°°
- Another big update of city and settlers mapping°°
- Updated a few things that Firaxis didn’t include while converting to 3.13
- Milan and Rome less likely flip to France in the 600AD start
- Hamburg less likely to flip to Netherlands
- Native cities slightly more likely to flip°
- Gold added in the Myanmar region
- Leader name replaced with civ name in one more message°°
- Vassals more likely to vote for masters in congresses°
- Vassals less likely to declare war in a congress°
- Adjusted some modifiers (tweaked tech discounts and some research and inflation)°°
- Adjusted handicap levels°°
- Adjusted AI tech rate°°
- Stronger European barbarian axemen°
- Less pressure on Byzantine Egypt by the natives
- More barbarian horse archers in the 600AD start
- AIs should be more aggressive towards minor civs and barbarians°°
- Tweaked some AI tech preferences (so that Euro civs don’t always beeline for Astronomy too early) and made slightly more randomised°°
- Increased Compass and Astronomy cost°°
- Native cities culture capped at 50°
- Other caps added, so that independent Rome and Marseille don’t invade too much space
- Slower celtic/byzantine cities cultural growth°
- Greece won’t stupidly found Aegae anymore°°
- Slower Dutch growth (thanks to modifiers and wheat appearing later)
- Shwedagon Paya assigned to Pagan at the beginning of 600AD start
- Moai Statues can no longer be built in the 600AD start
- AI more likely to raze certain cities°°
- Leader names in victory screen replaced by civ names°°
- Adjusted the foreign advisor layout to make room for long civ names°°
- Added a goody hut in New Zealand°°

- More tolerant Turkish UHV°
- Fixed English UHV area°°
- Embassy text corrected°°
- Fixed all the Italian and French civ adjectives in the game°°
- Fixed Projects pedia text
- Fixed pedia text still reporting corporation caps
- Fixed python exception on corporation founded
- Open border with minor civs by resolution should no longer happen
- Fixed French name of Berserkers°°
- Fixed Spanish American civs short names°°
- Added resource trading bugfix
- Fixed French UP (was applying on Netherlands and Portugal too)
- Sheep no longer replaces coal in New Zealand°°
- Fixed a python exception in Congresses°°
- Fixed a python exception regarding city flips°°
- Fixed a bug regarding embassies (in vanilla only)
- The Great Wall can now be built by China in 600 AD start (cos it’s now available to all medieval civs too)°
- Fixed enslaving bug (Warlords and BTS euro civs weren’t counted)°

Downloads are available on Gameflood too
Awsome downloading right now
Have the unlocked files been updated too? The main download says it is version 1.9, and the unlocked files says version 1.8 :S
Yay, I can finally tackle the Incans and Americans (the only 2 I haven't won in monarch)! Those extra barbarian horse archers in Africa scare me--thankfully I just finished Mali so I won't go back to wheedling and begging for some time...:lol:
- Zimbabwe removed, as it was preventing European AIs to do a decent colonization of South Africa°°

Wohoo! I've been ranting about Zimbabwe for years...

May i request an itsy bitsy thingy? Can you please include Bhuric's Unofficial 3.13 patch, it is annoying to not see what building produces culture.
Yeah. These nasty RFC players will whine and complain about everything from plague to civilization names endlessly. :)
Oh? It said 1.09 and Rhye posted that message over 3 hours ago, in fact looking at the times almost 24 hours ago but I suspect they are wrong or I cant count past 10.
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