Vanilla 1.74 PBEM starting

SV, I need your preferred civ. As soon as you tell me,me I can create the save file and send it to Ankka to start the game.
The save file has been sent to Ankka. Even though I put myself as third when making the game, I had to make the first turn. If I did something wrong, please let me know and I'll recreate the game.
Sorry my first move was made later than I said it typically would be. Some unexpected stuff in that odd "real life" world came up. Always did think that place queer. Anyway, I've made my move for 4000 B.C. and passed it on to the Chinese...
Played and Sent to SV.

I will either post here, or respond to the email letting you know I have it (or played and sent). You you don't see anything in 48 hours, please resend the file.

In order to keep from divorce on the home front, I usually skip Saturdays. It hasn't posed any problems in my other games. I did want to share expectations here.
Is 6 Flood Plains and 5 Hilly Gold Mines within your potential fat cross a good sign or a bad sign of things to come?

I guess I'll never know, because it didn't happen this time.
I figured it would take a day or two to get the cycle going. Looks like I'll be taking my turns in the morning which works for me.
Looks like I won't have trouble in getting the save in time in the evening.. You sent it at about 8am :)

You sent me the wrong save. Too bad I saw someone else's start, but.. I didn't have a look around, I exited ASAP.

But I can't play. Please be careful in what you send.
OK... we have a problem then.

Our play order needs changed.

kneark -

I only have one save file to send... and according to our play order you get it next.

The game told me to send the game to jsmith... but I went with the order, which makes Ankka next so ... I will resend to bam here in a few minutes.
Uh-oh.. Well at least I had the right address to send to. :)

EDIT: Sent a while ago.
Sorry for the confusion. I didn't realize until after I had sent out the file that what I thought was turn order was instead team affiliation. No one is on a team, but since I started the game, I was forced to take the first move. SV is correct. I move to the top. Ankka should get the file around 7:00 PM local time or perhaps even earlier in the afternoon if I receive the file soon enough after SV.

It will probably help if everyone changes their name in game to their forum name so that the Save file will say who to send it to.
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