Video Games strike again: Teen killed mother in Halo 3 row

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Protector of Cats
Jun 9, 2004
Sydney, Australia
Teen killed mother in Halo 3 row
Daniel Petric
Petric's lawyers argued he was not guilty of murder on insanity grounds

A US teenager killed his mother and wounded his father in revenge after they took away his violent computer game, a judge has ruled.

The defence team for Daniel Petric, 17, had argued his addiction to the Halo 3 game, in which players shoot invading aliens, had made him insane.

But the judge rejected this, saying he had planned revenge for weeks.

Petric, of Ohio, was tried as an adult and faces a maximum possible penalty of life in prison without parole.

On the night of the shooting in October 2007, Petric used his father's key to open a lockbox and remove a 9mm handgun and the game, the court heard.

His father Mark, who was shot in the head and survived, testified that his son came into the room and asked: "Would you guys close your eyes? I have a surprise for you."

He said he expected a pleasant surprise. Then his head went numb from the gunshot.

Moderator Action: Dupe thread in any case, but circumstantially this is a troll thread. Closed.
Please read the forum rules:
this thread has been here before...

edit: ignore me, it appears this is a follow up on the original event...

on topic: yeah, a life sentence seems in order, IMHO. Though, I'll have to repeat that the father should be prosecuted as well, since it was his gun. There's the possibility that he acted negligent (how did the kid get the keys? was the ammo in the same lockbox?)
Get off this GAME forum if it bothers you so much. Honestly.

Oh, why do you think Angela Merkel is the best German chancellor ever?
According to the previous thread, he shot his parents because he wasn't allowed to play it in the first place. So what changed?!

And, as the judge has ruled, video games are not the reason for him being stupid and trying to kill his parents, thus your thread title is wrong.
No game is going to make somone who isnt already deranged murder their own mother. If this didnt push him over the line something else would have. answer Azale's question please.
Though, I'll have to repeat that the father should be prosecuted as well, since it was his gun. There's the possibility that he acted negligent (how did the kid get the keys? was the ammo in the same lockbox?)

Who locks up their guns and ammo speratly? or (in truth) locks them up at all? :confused:
I guess I'd better play more Roller Coaster Tycoon
Definitely Kraznaya; the procedure is thus:

1)Find some sort of tpoic in which ther eis a marginal grain of discussion, but generally that people agree upon
2)Make thread
3)Type post going against all possible logic and reason, exalting the positives of a total loser, on the bawis they have a vagina
5)Repeat as above
Who locks up their guns and ammo speratly? or (in truth) locks them up at all? :confused:
Everybody who owns one should; or else be responsible for any misfortune brought on by them.
Definitely Kraznaya; the procedure is thus:

1)Find some sort of tpoic in which ther eis a marginal grain of discussion, but generally that people agree upon
2)Make thread
3)Type post going against all possible logic and reason, exalting the positives of a total loser, on the bawis they have a vagina
5)Repeat as above

Sorry, but Victoria was the greatest leader ever, and I'm not going to stick around to get destroyed by your rebuttal.

I'll be back in two weeks. :)
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