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War Hammer 40,000 Mod

Smoking mirror said:
I have done experiments with making mostly civ coloured units in the past and it realy doesn't work. There just isn't enough colour slots, he'll just look like one big single colour blob.
Now I (finally) have my computer back I'm going to do the Falcon civ-coloured. I'm not sure how it'll turn out, but if it's appaling, then I'll redo it a different colour.

Nice units by the way :goodjob:
Mr. Do said:
Witch Hunters = Sisters of Battle, in case you don't know, and they are quite distinct from other chapters. It would not seem at all right for them to use the typical power-armoured marines.

Anmd they also get the Tactical Squad. It is right here, youze gitz. Gods. I work on this project for most of the day. I KNOW THESE THINGS.
If only Hikaro would responde to my PM...

This will be a city list for some Space Marines...

Bonney Castle
Goldflash said:
Anmd they also get the Tactical Squad. It is right here, youze gitz. Gods. I work on this project for most of the day. I KNOW THESE THINGS.

Hehe, sorry for doubting you, Dear Leader ;)
I should have realised that just because it seems wrong to me, doesn't mean it's actually wrong or doesn't work...
Mr. Do said:
Hehe, sorry for doubting you, Dear Leader ;)
I should have realised that just because it seems wrong to me, doesn't mean it's actually wrong or doesn't work...

Youze diggagitz! Ize de biigust Ork, Ize de Baddest Ork, So Ize de Boss! Now donchuze ferget it or Ize gunna pound me 'Uge Choopa up yer arse!

:lol: :joke: :lol:
Muffins is no longer M.I.A. and is reporting for duty ... Commissar Goldflash SIR!

I managed to salvage and post the Basilisk, Manticore and Hydra (lost the run animations though) but the Madusa is going to need more work (I lost all the .pcx storyboards).

It's nice to see more unit makers co-operating in this mod. :goodjob: I think poor old Great Apple was the only one for a little while :lol:
Have almost finished modeling the assault marine (a space marine with a jumpjet pack). I've also almost finished the cadian and a storm trooper elite upgrade, though I'm not so happy with the cadian as I am with the storm trooper.

heres the marine, I think for the unit line up you only realy need for space marines; tactical, assault, and a terminator. I would strongly recomend trying to do the heavy weapons as seperate artillery models mounted on a chassis, like the imperial guard use. Then they could be used for IG and marine and chaos factions (maybe even orks if they were generic enough) then, later you could get individual heavy weapons carrying marines. Marines never use more than one special weapon per 5 men so to have a whole unit armed with specials like melta guns wouldn't realy work either.

any way, the preview, got to add a chainsword yet... also may make a plasma pistol for spice.


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Only spent about 10 mins on the pack, so not too great, but it'll not be all that obvious at civ scale.

Heres the flic file for the storm trooper run animation, I want to use the same animations for both the storm trooper and general guard, so I have to keep them quite similar;

I'll probbably add a normal machine gun attack so that he can be used as an advanced infantry in the epic game.


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I'm liking the Karskins/Stormtroopers run anim. The Assualt Marine is good as well.

Thank you very much, smoking mirror!
muffins said:
A Devastator space marine squad of 5 men can have up to 4 marines with heavy weapons :)

I think he means that squads full of marines bearing special weapons like flamers, melta guns, and plasma guns don't exist, as opposed to the heavy weapon devastator squads, which I think he was saying do exist, and was advising that they come later in the game than other units and tanks. But that'll be down to da Boss, of course :D
I keep trying to start a dreadnought but cant get the model right. Also I keep using too many textures, it adds quite a lot to the render time. :( Feel free to do the dreadnought.
Yes, space Marine Armor is Good. We need that. Frankly, since there are so many different kinds, different models are welcomed.

However, Muffins, I really need the rest of the Iggy vehichles done ASAP. If we can focus on Ork and Iggy units I can have a beta out fairly soonish. And we all want that.

And About AVY, I hadn't heard one way or another that he was working on 40K units. And Since I'm Da Boss, I'm pretty sure he would have told me.
Big Boss Goldflash.

The great Chaos Warlord Archon Gaur is willing to supply u with weapons of the Dark Lords to crush Muffins puny Imperial Tanks (no offence Muffins, their actualy great units!).

I have started to design a Chaos Defiler (the best chaos tank there is!) in OpenFX, althrough i have no experince with the aminations yet so it might take a while.
I attached the design for u to have a look at!, it's only about 30% finished oh.

If u like my help i know a lot about WH40,000 and games workshop in general and i have expremiented changing Wh40K buildings into paintshop graphics for the city screen. Also i might be able to convert the space marine designs into chaos marines.

Report ends,

Archon Gaur, Overlord and rightful ruler of the Sabbat Worlds :devil2:


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Archon Gaur said:
I have started to design a Chaos Defiler (the best chaos tank there is!) in OpenFX, althrough i have no experince with the aminations yet so it might take a while.
I attached the design for u to have a look at!, it's only about 30% finished oh.
Good job so far! Is the defiler a spider-like walker? If so... good luck animating. Spiders look like the sort of things that would be tough to do! Glad to have you on board, and welcom to CFC.

EDIT: Also you might want to cut down on the number of faces. There is a limit per model in the animater (over 60,000), and it'll push up rendering times
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