Warhammer 40000 mod - the community effort

Strategic Nodes? Resource Nodes? something like that? i've never played DoW..
Unfortunately neither have I, but I will one day (when they make it for all civs, and modd it to perfection ;)).

How bout Strategy Points? Its a video game after all, if you can have victory points, you can have strategy points.

"You just erradicated a nest of tyranids, you earn 25 Strategy Points!"

The better strategist you are, the more units you can have, and can use your influence to hurry some things up. Like, a reinforcement squad of tactial marines is arriniving slowly (being built slowly), you make a few calls, being the big-shot on the battle field, and some Admiral who`s daughter you used to bang moves your marines up the in the line for transport. Am I crazy?
wouldn't the strategy points really be better as Victory points? and, say, Resource nodes, or some such, be the other, part 2 of your post?
another word for a point/specific area. its useful for modes in games and for scifi stuff.
Um.. research fund would be great for RESEARCH (you know, the science advisor, researching techs `n stuff), we are talking about renaming TRADE (shiny stuff used for upgrading units, paying for spy missions, paying for hurrying up, that sorta stuff?)

Are you just yanking my chain? :twitch:
Universal Random Useful Thing?
or something like Energy/Effort (how much effort is put into making it)
Energy! We need energy to upgrade, we need energy to upkeep, we need energy to produce (rush building), we can give energy, we can take away energy... YES!

Energy is the answer! - Marketplace - energy reactor (or a hive of glow-in-the-dark energy creating `nyds). Quinn.. where would I be without you...
out enjoying yourself, not stuck in front of a computer wasting your life?

but thanks anyways, i do try ;) :D
i've been thinking, if by popular demand, we could add in Hruud (skaven) and Squats (dwarves) i know they aren't really needed, and they aren't legal anymore following current rules, but if people really really want, we could put them in. i personally wouldn't like to see them in, but some people might.
Meh. I agree with Quinzy. They shouldn't be in. The mod already needs too many units. A couple of Dwarves and Skaven with guns would really just be a waste of time.

However, if the world feels too spaced, add as needed ;)
Stormrage, what unit(s) are you using for Imperial Guardsmen? And what specific regiment is being represented, or is it a general-purpose guardsman unit?

I'm looking at half a dozen different units right now for about ten different regiments, and it's a bit mind-boggling.

Energy sounds good for trade, by the way. Dawn of War actually has two resources - requisition, gained by holding points on the battlefield, and power, gained by building generators. Energy strikes me as a nice amalgamation of the two ideas.
*bows* well i am a genius.
i think we're doing Catachans for regular guard, Cadians for DH and Tallarn for WH.
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