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Warhammer Fantasy Mod 2.5

where can I download the english version of "vanilla"?

"vanilla" just means original Civilization 3 game so you can't download it. It's mentioned as a requirement because non-English versions of original civ3 used custom folder names and thus by default, are not compatible with mods.
I keep getting that "Slow Down! You're downloading too fast!" error screen ... which is odd, because I'm not downloading anything else. And no matter how long I wait before clicking it again (just got back from making a sandwich) it says the same thing.

Just to test, I tried download the Advisors and it worked fine. Went back and clicked on the patch, same error page popped up.

Anyone else experiencing this? Or is the patch in another location where I can get it?
works fine for me. do you use any download managers? (if so disable them). you can also try going to the "Downloads" section (link up top) and find the patch there.
Still doesn't work. The link on the first page just leads me to the Downloads section, but I"ve tried going directly there, too, with the same results. I'm not using any download manager. I've tried now with both Explorer and Firefox, same results.

The strangest part is that it ONLY happens with this patch. In the Downloads section, I tried clicking on another small file and it started right up. I ONLY get this error when I try the Warhammer patch.

It makes no sense at all ...
K.. I just got the totally most awesome Starting Location of Awesomeness in teh Univarse! All the resources.. all the food and shields one could ask for..

I crushed the Amazons, Lahmia are next, then I turn west to Kislev, and south to Albion. I know Westerland is somewhere out there too.

Wet, cold, 4 billion, 60% pangeas get me the best starting locations! Lotsa grasslands, rivers, hills and bonus grasslands.. Of course, sometimes I get stuck in the mountains and endless hills, but then I just restart :p
Just how critical is the patch? I've tried everything I can think of, but I still keep getting the "Slow Down!" page no matter what I do. I can download anything else, no problem. Can I play the game without the patch?
it's not critical but fixes some small bugs. anyway, it's small so I attached it temporarily to this post - see if you can download it.


  • wh-2.patch.zip
    294.8 KB · Views: 107
That did it, thanks!!

(Just out of curiousity, I went back to the Downloads section and I STILL can't download that patch. Anything else, no problem. It's a mystery to me, but I mystery I'm no longer concerned with thanks to you reposting it here. Thanks again!!!!)
I was starting a game, and this looks like a, um, fantastic mod, but I very quickly got this error:


File Not Found

Art\Units\Medieval Japanese Settler\Medieval Japanese Settler.INI

I see 449 unit folders in this mod, but none fitting the above description. Where can I get it...and what else might be missing?


I have C3 Complete for Mac which has Conquests and PTW.

I had another quit due to another missing file:

Art\Units\Trebuchet\Trebuchet Default.flc


I found the missing Japanese Units etc. in the Conquests Game Data\Extras folder and copied them into the WH2 Art\Units folder to fix my previous problem.

I encountered the Etruscan Chariot problem and fixed the ini file.

My Trebuchet folder in WH2 is empty except for the ini file. I copied all the Play The World Game Data\Art\Units files except the ini file into the WH2 Trebuchet folder. Hopefully that takes care of it. Maybe I need to replace the ini file too.

Now I have encountered a problem I cannot resolve and I am completely at a loss. See the attached jpg. I found the Dromon file again in the main Conquests\Art\Units folder and copied it into the WH2 Art\Units folder. When this didn't help, I also copied it into the Civilization 3 Game Data Art\Units folder. When this didn't help, I created a new CIV3PTW\Art\Units folder and copied it into there. The game still can't find this wav file, but now it is everywhere I can think the game would possibly want to find it. I give up. It is spelled correctly. Help please. I am stuck in an exciting game I can't continue with now.

No one has mentioned that on the mac C3C disc, you need to put your scenario folders into the Play The World Game Data folder, not the Conquests Game Data for them to show up in the menu. At least, that's how I've played every mod and haven't been able to have them show up from the Conquests Game Data folder.



  • Dromon.jpg
    49.2 KB · Views: 112
Macs are bad m'kay? ;) Well, it's not Mac's but Firaxis' fault for using different folder structures for Mac version, but still. Thanks to this, we can't really support Macs, though I'll try to help when possible.

In this case, you should be able to fix it by finding WH2/Art/Units/Magician/Magician.ini file and changing the DromonAttackFlames.wav link there (I don't know... just copy the file inside the Magician folder and change the link to current path?).

If there's more stuff like this, just run a search to find the reported link inside all *.ini files.
Thanks for the zippy reply. I got the Dromon folder fixed and have continued my game, taking my dwarves on a crusade against the lizards. Now I bumped into a completely empty Warrior Monk folder, except for the ini file, but found the missing files in the Segoku Conquests folder of all places. The Warrior Monk ini file does not refer to any path outside itself. Isn't this an outright omission that would cause anyone's game to choke?

I am wondering why not just put all the necessary unit files into the immediate WH Art\Units folders so all these path problems don't occur? If I made a mod, that's exactly what I'd do, so my mod would be complete in and of itself, no matter what else changes on game disks or outside folders on the player's hard drive. All this linking around to multiple game folders is problematic. It is frustrating, especially because it takes three+ minutes to fully restart/reload a game every time I retry.

Again, thank you for the quick help.

Thanks for the zippy reply. I got the Dromon folder fixed and have continued my game, taking my dwarves on a crusade against the lizards. Now I bumped into a completely empty Warrior Monk folder, except for the ini file, but found the missing files in the Segoku Conquests folder of all places. The Warrior Monk ini file does not refer to any path outside itself. Isn't this an outright omission that would cause anyone's game to choke?

Nope it works fine, unless you are using "un-fixed" Mac version. This is because all the needed files are within the Scenario Search Folders defined in the BIQ. Your game can't find them because the Mac version apparently has the folders elsewhere (as you said, Sengoku folder?). This is the thing kraaa mentioned as well - all the Medieval Japan units should be copied somewhere within the Search path e.g. to WH2/Art/Units , (without overwriting).

I am wondering why not just put all the necessary unit files into the immediate WH Art\Units folders so all these path problems don't occur? If I made a mod, that's exactly what I'd do, so my mod would be complete in and of itself, no matter what else changes on game disks or outside folders on the player's hard drive. All this linking around to multiple game folders is problematic. It is frustrating, especially because it takes three+ minutes to fully restart/reload a game every time I retry.

This was done because the files in question come from Conquests expansion and it is not allowed to include them in mods / put up for download. Some of it was later amended (the Japanese units), though not the rest. At this point, it's likely that no one at Firaxis cares, but that is the reason why you'll often find links in mods, instead of bundled files that are part of an expansion pack (which would also be unneccessary addition to the filesize).

Also numerous units in all kinds of mods just use links to existing wav files instead of copying them, just for economical reasons and this works fine, for PC version at least... Note that what you suggest - i.e. making the mod 100% indepedent of the player's hard disk files, would increase the packed size of a mod like this by something like 500 MBs.
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