• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Welcome New Members

Hello everyone I'm new here found this sight by accident, but I thought I would stop in and check it out. I haven't played any of the civ games yet, but I love strategy games so I thought I would start with the first one and work my way up. I saw that civ 5 is coming out soon so I guess I better get to playing I have a lot of cathing up to do.
I always browse this site for mods and cool tips and strategies on civ4. :)
I remember posting a help thread here about my computer not working with Civ IV, but I got a new laptop for Christmas and now can play! :D
hi hi hi, i'm so excited about civ5 coming out, omg, i played all four other installments!!!!
Good to be here. I have played Civ III for years. Hoping to one day have a computer that can run Civ IV comfortably.
heyo I want Civ-V badly but to the best of my knowledge I cannot run it I can't find a new copy of Civ-IV anywhere so now I play my old copy of Civ-III
Hi CivFanatics,

I ran into this forum when I was looking for voice chat information for Civ IV, that's quite a long time ago but this is my first time registering.

Hey All,

I didn't even know there was a Civ V in the works, which was good to find out.
I found this site while searching for the Civ III Balancer mod, since the website given in the game is no longer functioning.
I thought I could get away with playing it without the fancy graphics for wonders and such, but at one point it exitted the game anyways, so here I am looking for the download.

I see that there are many people waaaay more fanatic than me. I've only ever played Civ III, and my circa 2003 computer won't support Civ IV, although I have a new/used one on the way so who knows, maybe Civ V is in my future!

I'm more of a tabletop wargames, board games, and rpg's gamer. Never played any online games.

Now I'm off to find that Balancer download. :)

I'm here, let's party like it was the day Civ II was released!

;) Actually, I've been playing Civ-type games since Empire Deluxe was released back in the Early 1990s. Am I too old to be still doing this? ;)

I've played CivIII for a few years, put it down because I couldn't stand corruption and now I'm back. I've been playing pretty hard for the past 6 months or so and now that I understand the game better (after reading much of the forum and introductions) I am hooked. I have been playing in the GOTM - a test run on GOTM102 -and got my butt kicked - on Warlord no less. Then I had a good run on GOTM103 and I'm working on GOTM104. I'm looking at doing some SG if time permits - and I don't get kicked off the team. I'm a pretty solid regent player trying to move to Monarch - I've had a bit of luck there.

Anyway, just wanted to say hello to everyone and step out of the lurker's shadows for a moment. To the shadows I will return.
I'm coming back to the forums from a renewed interest in Civ IV caused by CiV being announced.
Well I used to participate is forums back in 1998 – 1999, but it appears that my user name doesn’t exist. In fact I can’t really find the old website, but for some reason I thought it was this site. Reading the history it appears that this site wasn’t created until 2000. Anyway I played civilization in 1993 and started with civilization II in 1996. I was always trying to upgrade my 486 with additional RAM so that I could continue to play when multiplayer Gold came out. Prior to the release of Gold I recall this joint game that was created where we got elected in order to make certain moves, such as where to build the city or how to adjust the science meter. I wrote a couple of newsletters for that; unfortunately I didn’t keep them.

Dallied with Call to Power, however, I determined that it wasn’t the true game so I went back to Test of Time. I think I actually got a new computer in order to play that. I didn’t start with Civilization III until 2002 and Civilization IV I started in 2005; however, I had a falling away for quite some time; due to ASPPA exams and now actuary exams. I got back into it when I bought a new laptop that can handle it smoothly; my last laptop would play it, it was too slow; I decided against unpacking the PC, since the move to Oregon. Anyway that is my story and I’m sticking to it.
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