• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Welcome to the Civilization Revolution forum!

It'll be way better then Civ2 played on the ps1...
(I bet that's a real collector's item now... I'll sell for $10,000, or highest bidder.)
It will suck because it's being designed for 12 year olds. Just look at the leaderheads, the look and feel of the game... along with developer comments that they're "looking for a different audience" for Civilization. In other words, hardcore fans like ourselves are getting thrown under the bus so they can appeal to the lowest common denominator: Stupid people.

They shouldn't even have prostituted the good Civ name by attaching it to this embarrassment.
It will suck because it's being designed for 12 year olds. Just look at the leaderheads, the look and feel of the game... along with developer comments that they're "looking for a different audience" for Civilization. In other words, hardcore fans like ourselves are getting thrown under the bus so they can appeal to the lowest common denominator: Stupid people.

They shouldn't even have prostituted the good Civ name by attaching it to this embarrassment.

You're right. The main goal of this game to reach business success, not good game experience.
What a horrible evil company! How dare they try and make money!! :crazyeye:

Wait a minute.. Oh, that's right! They won't make any money if the game is "not good game experience". ;)
I think it is a brilliant move - can't wait to beat newbs over the xbox at something a bit more intellent than FPS!
Console gamers play for different reasons than PC gamers. This is reflected in the kinds of games. Mario wouldn't do all that well on the PC. Civ, the way we know it, wouldn't do that well on the console. Miyamoto and Meier are both some of the most brilliant game designers, and I've enjoyed both their titles.

I see nothing wrong with Firaxis trying to get a little more money from console development. It just means they can funnel more of that money back into new PC products. Why not let them adapt to a new audience? Get that money.
It will suck because it's being designed for 12 year olds. Just look at the leaderheads, the look and feel of the game... along with developer comments that they're "looking for a different audience" for Civilization. In other words, hardcore fans like ourselves are getting thrown under the bus so they can appeal to the lowest common denominator: Stupid people.

They shouldn't even have prostituted the good Civ name by attaching it to this embarrassment.

Cleopatra doesn't look kid-friendly to me. Napoleon seems too kid-friendly!
I need more info!
If this game is better than Civ4, I want it- on a PC!
If it's not, I'll go on playing Civ4 forever.
NEVER going to be a PC Game.
The initial layout looks allright to me. I mean we all were disgusted by 3D concept of CivIV when it first came out, but now we love it. So we'll love this even more if the key features of Civ are preserved.

I already loved the return of the domestic advisors. That was missing in Civ IV big time.
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