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What are you watching on Youtube now? η'

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And predates it by 3 years, not to mention SG. :D Either way I've always been curious and if you have ever been there was the link that could save you masses of time.
I've already seen the video, but thanks. :)
This is a riot. Can I get an inning? :lol:


Worth listening to, although in my case I focused on the stark contrast between his serious tone and the dumb laughter of the audience.
The central point he is making is one which can be summed up as the conjunction of "you can only depend on not depending on much" and "you have to worship something other than yourself". The speech is strange, in a way, since it projects his personal truth system (and crisis) to phenomena which aren't essentially related to it.
In brief, while I didn't agree with his view (other than the stoic part, with which I do agree with, yet it is too personal to speak meaningfully about), I found it pleasant to listen to him, since he does come across as serious. Sad about where it all led, but such is life.
I found here to share copper and found gold, thanks :D
Buster Keaton's most famous stunt.

It is said that a lot of the film crew refused to show up the day he filmed it because they didn't want to see a man die.
And the guy who actually filmed it fainted right after.

He stood on 2 nails they hammered into the ground after some precise calculations.
If the set piece had broken wrong or fallen differently or even hit a wind gust and moved 2 inches to the right, instant death from 2 tons moving at speed.

"I was mad at the time, or I would never have done the thing.", said Keaton later in his career.

Here is a bonus video.
@1:00 is the best part
There's also a hairline fracture of the vertebrae @4:27.
Spoiler :
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Here is a guy whose .50 cal gun exploded from an overloaded round, and he almost died due to a piece of shrapnel in the neck.

Explosion @4:30

Hospital pic @13:35
Not sure what Romans 13:4 refers to other than it's a Bible verse.
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Posted by Kyriakos before.
This was most fascinating.

The sum is more than the whole of its parts?

This would basically mean that out of nothing something can come up.

If one goes spiritual and assumes the egg-theory of the universe to be true, this would verify its principle mathematical possibility.
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Royal Marines use a "jet suit" in a boarding exercise.

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