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What did Kofi Annan do?

Marla_Singer said:
The responsibility of the UN isn't to have not sent blue helmets there. They did do so. A force of Belgian blue helmets supported by few French troops had been sent in Rwanda.

The bad thing is actually that they have left the country. And once it's been done, well, you know what happened next. :(

I knew the UN troops left the country once the murdering started, but till now I haven't been able to find how many UN soldiers there were in Rwanda. Because IIRC (but I can be wrong) there were only a very limited number of troops there. So I don't think they could have stopped the murdering, but as I said it depends on the actual number of UN soldiers in Rwanda.

Furthermore I like to know who ordered that the UN troops should leave Rwanda. Was that a decision of Annan, the Security Counsil, or the countries of the UN troops. I don't remember that.
The UN is already called antiamerican and anti-israelian. If the UN starts to enforce its sanctions towards Israel, I wonder what would happen.

Yes Marla we get the point on were you stand.

Prehaps if the UN made a serious effort to deal with both parties evenly, there could be a change in the situation? Mabey if Iran and Syria sent medical supplies and textbooks rather than guns and bombs, things could change?

The UN is at this point a joke, a corrupt, bloated and miserable joke. I would for one have no problems with it's sanctions against Israel if they could then back up there sanctions towards places like pre-invasion iraq. Then again the funniest part of the Israel argument is that Israel is recognised by the UN and the Palastinians by there own peoples ( the arab nations ) choice are not. Something often overlooked.

The Arabs not only rejected partition, but attacked Israel from all sides. The armies of Egypt, Syria, Transjordan, Lebanon and Iraq invaded Israel on May 15, 1947, the day after Israel's Independence Day, with the clear intention of killing the infant state in its cradle.

Now if the Arabs had won, would we be having this discussion?

Erm, it lacks the power. Which is the flaw. So in that sense, it can't start to enforce it's on sanctions. Not in the way you meant. Bombs away, eh?

Intresting... so you have an orginisation that will pass sanctions yet cannot enforce them? By your own logic and words the UN is indeed useless and inneffective.
AVN said:
I knew the UN troops left the country once the murdering started, but till now I haven't been able to find how many UN soldiers there were in Rwanda. Because IIRC (but I can be wrong) there were only a very limited number of troops there. So I don't think they could have stopped the murdering, but as I said it depends on the actual number of UN soldiers in Rwanda.


the point is anyone who knew anything about Rwanda knew what was going to happen at the time... close to a million people were killed in 80 days... it was not simply civil war either, it was genocide (men, women and children)... it should have never been allowed to happen...
Marla_Singer said:
If the UN starts to enforce its sanctions towards Israel, I wonder what would happen.
Israel would benefit from such a measure.

Massive sanctions against Israel would result in Israel's leadership being much less passive about the Palestinian problem. Israel also maintains so much of strategic importance to the United States that our economic ties would easily make up for the lack of European funds entering Israel.

Israel as well already has a diversified economy in order to prevent sanctions from hurting Israel's quality of living too much.

Taiwan would also be a benefactor, as the ROC isn't a party to any of these sanctions, which would also help the United States. The farther Israel drifts towards Taipei versus Beijing, the less the U.S. has to worry about Israel selling military technology to the PRC.

So far, this sanction idea doesn't sound too bad. :goodjob:
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