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What did Kofi Annan do?


Trying to be good.
Jun 21, 2003
At critical limit
What did Kofi Annan do that caused part of Congress to try to remove him from his UN Secretary office?
He is accused of being ineffective at preventing the Oil for Food scandal and/or being involved in it.
And his son is also accused of being a beneficiery there. Those Americans who believe "guilt by association" but not "innocent before proven guilty" think that he was therefore in on it.
I think he should be removed. If, as he claims, he had no idea what was going on and completely missed all the bribery and corruption - (Something I find hard to believe) then he's simply incompetant and is not up to the task as the SG of the UN, and should be removed. If, as many (Including myself) believe he knew what was going on, even if he didn't actually get any money himself or set it up, then he's a criminal, and needs to be removed and charged with his crimes.

Either way, he needs to get out.

Also, I think it's highly innapropriate for him to be hiding the UN records of the Oil-For-Food program. The US supplies one quarter of their funding, and we deserve to see what we get for it. We should deny them all funding until he hands over the documents.
I whole neartly agree. Those UNSCOM and UNSCOM II unearthed a massive amount of information on which companies were in bed with Sadam. If Kofi Annan was really doing hes job he would go after these.

I suspect like the oil for food program. Everyone was in the know about what was really going on. They should come clean, but I supect it will mearly be swept under the carpet
Guys, he's already Secretary General, there's nothing more you can do. I mean, you can keep playing, but this game is like, over. No further score will be counted.
In all honesty, we don't know, because Kofi and his goons have been obstructing the U.S. Senate's investigation for their own "internal" investigation (which will probably wind up blaming the Jews for what happened.)
Jude said:
There was also a case of him not asking for the resignation of a top level staff member accused of sexual misconduct.
And he has criticised the US (big no-no) once too often.

There have been multiple cases of accused sexual misconduct by his buds that were dismissed by him without investigation.

Its not that he criticizes the US, its that he is anti-US. He criticizes the US for one thing and then supports someone else doing the same thing. If he was consistent, he would be respected even if he wasn't liked.
Keirador said:
Guys, he's already Secretary General, there's nothing more you can do. I mean, you can keep playing, but this game is like, over. No further score will be counted.

If he won't resign, then we should make him. There's got to be something in the UN Constitution about that....and even if there isn't, I think having a quarter of the UN's funding cut might convince some people.
Elrohir said:
If he won't resign, then we should make him. There's got to be something in the UN Constitution about that....and even if there isn't, I think having a quarter of the UN's funding cut might convince some people.

You don't pay half of it anyway and the rest is handed over late! Make a threat that bothers anyone, why don't you ;)

Being serious, of course you can force the resignation of a Secretary General - the problem you have is that having the US right wing after you is about as bad for his popularity in the 97% of the world outside the US as it would be for a US politician being denounced by Bin Laden.
I was talking about Civ. . .
a joke.
Is the CIVFANATICS community that out of touch with the game?
The problem with Kofi Annan is that he didn't turn out to be the puppet the US thought he was. Now he's apparently far too anti-US and so, obviously, should be removed from power. It's Boutros-Boutros all over again.

I think that Kofi Annan is one of the best secretary generals the UN has had.
Boleslav said:
I think that Kofi Annan is one of the best secretary generals the UN has had.

As Romeo Dallaire said in his book, Annan was overly passive in his responce to the Rwandan genocide. Annan was head of Peacekeeping until February of 94 (right before the genocide broke out) and was instrumental in keeping troops out during the first 36 days (he oversaw most of it). He should've never become SG.
augurey said:
As Romeo Dallaire said in his book, Annan was overly passive in his responce to the Rwandan genocide. Annan was head of Peacekeeping until February of 94 (right before the genocide broke out) and was instrumental in keeping troops out during the first 36 days (he oversaw most of it). He should've never become SG.

Yeah. It is a credit to the humanity of the American politicians who want to remove him. But I would say it really isn't in Britain and Americas interest to have him removed. Kofi has always been very sensitive to the demands of third world tyrants, especially African ones. While this is sometimes vexing it has had the effect of keeping the U.K. and the U.S. out of a number of truly dire third world blood fests.

Kofis hatred for us has generally resulted in dead Africans etc. Not in dead Brits and Americans.

With enemies like Kofi who needs friends :lol:
augurey said:
As Romeo Dallaire said in his book, Annan was overly passive in his responce to the Rwandan genocide. Annan was head of Peacekeeping until February of 94 (right before the genocide broke out) and was instrumental in keeping troops out during the first 36 days (he oversaw most of it). He should've never become SG.

I agree, but I don't think that's why they want to remove him now. Oil-for-food is the issue, and depending on how widespread the scandal turns out to be, he'll have to take responsibility in some fashion even if he's personally free of wrongdoing.
Boleslav said:
The problem with Kofi Annan is that he didn't turn out to be the puppet the US thought he was. Now he's apparently far too anti-US and so, obviously, should be removed from power. It's Boutros-Boutros all over again.

I think that Kofi Annan is one of the best secretary generals the UN has had.


The USA was very happy to overlook Kurt Waldheim's record as an intelligence officer for the Nazis in WW2 in the Balkans, remain silent and do nothing; but one word of criticism at the USA, and the USA want to remove Kofi Annan.

The UN General Secretary is not an omni-potent god. The various arguments put forward here that he is personally responsible for everything the UN has done wrong (and has not done which it should have done) etc, are totally absurd.

On that spurious logc, you remove Bush from the White House and God from heaven.
I just saw on the TV that they are "investigating" the oil for food program an which companies violated it. Apparently a lot of US companies had their fingers in the pie.

hmmmm. I wonder if the US pressuring Annan to resign was before or after.
Either US trying to bury the investigation into US companys (unlikey)
Or Annan us Firing back at the US for weakening him (Likely)
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