What new and great things have you seen the AI do since PTW 1.14?

well look what they did here anyway, they declared war on Carthage and nuked them into oblivion in one turn, I better hurry up and get nuclear power huh?

goodbye hannibal
The AI now uses territory better than it used to, e.g. puting stacks on mountains, avoiding attacks over rivers when it can. It also will form a costal blockade.
Take a look at Charis' tale in the Stories & Tales section. The AI just nuked his capital! :eek:
wow now korea has nuked france and they are down to one city "tours", it's just me (blue) and korea (I better make peace huh?) where did he get all those nukes?

France was way out in front on the histo...

korea has 5 tacticals left, I have never seen anything like this before, where's the pollution from the nukes?!!

I found that in Vanilla Civ3 that the AI would never send ships to the same contenant that they are on. I use to use this strategy by building a bottle neck point, now I'm finding that they will drop ships in behind my front line.
Originally posted by sabo10
korea has 5 tacticals left, I have never seen anything like this before, where's the pollution from the nukes?!!
Can you Raze cities with Nukes?
Originally posted by sabo10
well look what they did here anyway, they declared war on Carthage and nuked them into oblivion in one turn, I better hurry up and get nuclear power huh?

Nope, they didn't nuke them, unless Karthago had at least two hundred workers stored in a safe space. Nuke impact makes a funny orange ring around the city's core and the AI usually isn't the fastest when it comes to clean up its waste. :nuke:

Cities also survive nuke impacts, with half their population, some of their buildings, all of their wonders and maybe even a few heavily damaged units left.

The picture you posted shows the remains of a (pretty fearsome as I admit) conventional attack, probably MA raid. They must have been pretty upset in order to raze anything in their path ...
yeah, it's amazing. Some cities do have the familiar orange ring, but most don't. How did Korea destroy are raise france in two turns? France was huge!!!
You just probably do not have an updated map. It will probably show the pollution when you get one.
Well, Karthago was the long time leading civ in the game where this screenshot comes from. To the right you see two cities nuked by the romans, on the upper side you can see the result of the roman MA target practice.

The whole thing took maybe ten turns, altough I assisted a little with four carriers to get the two cities far right - I used complete disconnection because I thought Karthago was still strong - before the romans got near after their nuke attack.


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"Korea and Nukes" Is the game keeping up with world events? Maybe its been written to check the CNN web site and alter the Civ's based on whats happening in the real world. :)
How about new and stupid?

I have seen the AI build a Privateer...

In an inland sea....

At the start of the Industrial Age.
I would like to offer a caveat to the common phrase "the AI trades mercilessly among themselves" in the higher difficulty settings.

"The AI trades mercilessly among themselves unless the player has the Great Library" in the higher difficulty settings. :aargh:

@Sabo10: those are pretty scary pictures. I agree with PhantomLord, though. The railroads would be destroyed as well if they had been nuked. Try checking to see how many MA Korea had. :eek:
The AI goes overboard with the radar towers though... Any time an established civ on a large map that hasn't finished developing their land radar towers all but 6 of their (non-industrious) workers so that they cannot even keep up with pollution, let alone continue improving their land... Weed.
Originally posted by sabo10
yeah, it's amazing. Some cities do have the familiar orange ring, but most don't. How did Korea destroy are raise france in two turns? France was huge!!!

Are you playing Regicide, Mass Regicide, or Elimination? In the new PTW game modes, if the "losing" event occurs while a civ still has numerous cities, that losing civ's untouched cities will all turn to ruins immediately. King units can be destroyed by nukes.

Without knowing more about your settings, the simplest explanation for what you're seeing is the after-effects of an AI civ losing its king or kings (via nukes or conventional weapons).
I'm playing Regicide, PTW 1.14, large map, emperor level. and I just discovered a bug, I try to move settlers to grey area's that france had and the game dies on me.

Killer: yeah this is scarey...
Originally posted by sabo10
yeah, it's amazing. Some cities do have the familiar orange ring, but most don't. How did Korea destroy are raise france in two turns? France was huge!!!

Originally posted by sabo10
I'm playing Regicide, PTW 1.14, large map, emperor level. [. . . .]

Killer: yeah this is scarey...

They destroyed France by killing the French king. When the king dies, all the French cities are auto-razed -- France is "out" of the game as soon as its king dies.

If you want to eliminate a neighbor, simply kill its king -- all of its cities will turn to rubble and all of its units will disappear. In the age of nukes, this can be accomplished by simply nuking the city where the King is hiding until the king is killed - presto, no more enemy (almost certainly the king hides in the capitol in the case of AI civs). The new PTW modes were designed for MP - the AI is not optimized to play the new modes, and you will sometimes see weird results when using them in a SP game.

Sorry about the bug - but perhaps you can use the buggy game to confirm my post -- just nuke, repeatedly, an AI's capitol (ideally, confirm the AI's king is in the capitol first). Upon the death of the AI king, you should see an entire empire wiped off the face of the map.
Just to clarify my prior post and to update you on the AI's strategy, I'm playing Romans on a standard Monarch map, all civs still around (6 AI's). I got the Great Library, but Carthage, the tech leader, stopped trading techs all together. I think the GL gave me one, maybe two free techs. I had to jack up my own research to keep up. :(

Once I got education, Hannibal started trading with the Celts like mad, and soon I was in 3rd place. :aargh:
Originally posted by Catt

They destroyed France by killing the French king. When the king dies, all the French cities are auto-razed -- France is "out" of the game as soon as its king dies.

If this is indeed true, what is Tours doing there? And if you can be respawned in a Regicide game, where is Hannibal? He is nowhere to be seen...

It is indeed a little scary.
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