And bread, don't forget bread. Only by having all 3 together can you really pretend to be french civilization
Jokes apart, i don't think manufactured products are good resources in the way Civ uses resources, and i don't think anything that's part of the everyday diet of any civilization is a good resource for Civ7 considering how they work. Even in civ6 where bonus resources were extremely frequent, i found it weird that wheat, rice or corn were special resource while every farm on the map was likely to grow one. I always considered those "resources" as particularly fertile land to grow the same products every other farm was also growing and nothing more, but with the way resources are acquired empire-wide and assigned to towns/cities in Civ7 those common resources would really look weird. Same for "stone" from civ 6. You literally have stones everywhere on earth, just different stones so a "stone" resource wouldn't make any sense at all in Civ7.
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