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Whats the most boring sports?

Whats the most boring sports for you to watch

  • Chess

    Votes: 10 14.1%
  • Test Cricket

    Votes: 11 15.5%
  • Snooker

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • Golf

    Votes: 29 40.8%
  • Swiming

    Votes: 3 4.2%
  • Bowling

    Votes: 4 5.6%
  • Others?

    Votes: 13 18.3%

  • Total voters
I've a few on my list, some of the worst being golf, motor racing (especially that oval track rubbish and drag racing), horse racing, rhythmic gymnastics and yachting, but the clear winner's got to be equestrian dressage. No-one should have to sit through that, not even Guantanamo inmates.
Cricket. What the hell is going on in that sport?

Whatever your personal opinion is, Test Cricket is the most TV-watched sport over the world. IIRC, only the World Cup Football and the Olympics get more TV attention all over the word. But since these events are only there every 4 years, Cricket wins.
I will say...I'm used to the stoppages in American Football by now, but I can imagine after watching soccer for years how one would notice it alot. There is almost NO stoppage in soccer at all, which was cool.

In American Football, you get stretches of 30 to 40 minutes without it, but if there is an injury, timeout, punt, your likely to see one, and almost always at a kickoff. Then there's between quarters, halftime, sometimes it is ridiculous.
Sometimes it goes:

Team A scores touchdown - Commercial break - Team A kicks extra point, kicks off - Commercial break - Team B fumbles on the first play, Team A recovers - Commercial break - Team A has the ball.

Yea, that commercial break is just enough time for you to cool off from being po'ed at what just happened. Those nice guys at CBS, FOX, and ESPN, always thinking about us :lol:
Chess isn't a sport. Neither is NASCAR.

Euro football is boring, but I think golf is the worst. I can only stand the end of basketball games and baseball during the playoffs (if the Yankees are still in).

As for American football commercials, sometimes they help. Sometimes, they are a pain.
i've always wanted to try to get into cricket since baseball is sort of a derivative of it. however, it's on tv so rarely that i never really get a chance to see it.

what is it like to actually go to the matches? i know some can last for days. but is cricket a 'spectator sport'? w/ beer etc?

horseracing, otoh, is perhaps the most exciting imo, especially if you're a betting man. there ain't a feeling like it in the world when your pony wins a race.
I voted chess. I can't imagine watching a game of chess. Play yes, but watching...

Sports that I don't understand the rules of are a bit boring to watch, but it's probably just me not getting what is happening (e.g. cricket)
what is it like to actually go to cricket matches? i know some can last for days. but is cricket a 'spectator sport'? w/ beer etc?

Either in a stadium or in a pub. Watching cricket in the sun while having a beer is simply brilliant!
First and foremost, soccer. Followed at an appropriate distance by American football, golf, basketball, tennis, car racing and motorcycle racing.
i've always wanted to try to get into cricket since baseball is sort of a derivative of it. however, it's on tv so rarely that i never really get a chance to see it.

what is it like to actually go to the matches? i know some can last for days. but is cricket a 'spectator sport'? w/ beer etc?

You'd like it, ElJ. The pacing is pretty similar to baseball, and the fan appreciation is pretty decent in both sports. The to and fros over a test match or a series of test matches are pretty comparable to those over a 7 game baseball series - there aren't a lot of hiding places, and the best team will almost always win. I don't think you'll find any English cricket fan still claiming that their team is anywhere near as good as the Aussies, for example, just as you wouldn't get, say, Tigers fans claiming that their team shold have won the World Series.
Ahem, I still don't know how the Tigers lost that thing ;)

I forgot those "outdoor games" ESPN likes to broadcast every year, boooring. To me at least.
football is extremely boring, why would i want to see a bunch of extremely overpaid men kick a leather ball around?
I forgot those "outdoor games" ESPN likes to broadcast every year, boooring. To me at least.

Does that include a quad riding/composite bow shooting combination sport? I saw that at Eurosport a few weeks ago, I was truly amazed that such stupid things were played, watched and aired on television!:crazyeye:
Ahem, I still don't know how the Tigers lost that thing ;)

Something to do with not being able to throw the ball straight...

It was probably a bad example tho', to an extent. White Sox - Astros, or Red Sox - Cards from previous years, it would be hard to get anyone on the losing team to do other than perhaps feel frustrated that they didn't perform as they ought to have done. (That's probably how Tigers fans feel too...) But it's not often in a 7 game baseball series that you can really say that the wrong team won (obviously the '85 World Series is a notable exception here...;))
The other great feature that baseball and cricket share is the intense microcosm of the battle between an individual bowler/pitcher and the particular batter. Each pitch or ball is in the context of the previous ABs / overs, and so much of the game is a mental battle, trying to understand what the other is thinking and expecting.

If you're prepared to work at it, then cricket and baseball at their best offer a much more intellectual challenge for a spectator than any other sports, whilst still retaining tension, power, speed and (perhaps occasionally :)) raw excitement.
and also american football is like a watered down version of rugby except they wear armor while rugby players don't.
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