When words get in the way, Bush goes phonetic

Moses had a speech impediment and he's pretty popular still thousands of years later. I fail to see how one's speaking gaffes should be used to qualify or disqualify them as competent individuals.
It doesn't disqualify them, it's just funny.

Incidentally, if it were anyone else (Secretary Gen. of UN, Gordon Brown, Jack Shiraq, Vladimir Poot'n, whoever), it would still be hilarious. It's just a really funny mental picture.
...why is he so unfamiliar with these names and words? I knew them before I was 18. And Bush is supposed to be a World Leader, while I'm unlikely to come within 500 feet of (sar-KO-zee), (moo-GAH-bee) or pretty much anyone else.
Exactly my opinion - though I'm not over 18.
I think giving a speech is different from speaking normally? Even in a normal situation, when you're talking continuously for a long time, you might accidentally pronounce things you don't normally say incorrectly. Sure, he isn't very brilliant at language, but I don't think many of you people are really better public speakers than him.
I'm no fan of Bush, but I don't really see how this is a big deal.
The only thing it makes me wonder is why his prompter never says "noo-clee-ar".
In fact, the fact that it doesn't disturbs me a little. How come they're so selective about the things they help him pronounce? I always assumed they let him say nukular because it helped with his "down-home folksy appeal", but isn't correctly pronouncing the names of countries just as much of a sign of egghead liberal elitism as saying nuclear properly?
Clearly there is some sort of conspiracy here.
I'm not a big Bush fan, but, have any of you guys ever tried reading a long speech quickly? I have, and from personal experience, I know that sometimes it's easy to trip over the most simple, easy to pronounce words. You've said them a thousand times before, but for some reason, you don't end up saying them right. Or you say the wrong word instead.

Now imagine it's a fairly difficult to pronounce word. Should the president:
A. stop for a second and stare at it, think about the last time he said it, remember the way it's pronounced, and then continue or;
B. just use a phonetic guide to the word, say it, and continue on without pausing.

Seriously, this is ridiculous. Do me a favor, guys. If you speak a second language, but not complete fluently, find a long article written in that language, read it aloud quickly, and see how many pronunciation errors or stutters you make.

You might have heard those words a thousand times, and said them a hundred, but I guarantee you won't be able to pronounce them perfectly unless you stop every time you reach a difficult word.
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