Which form of Greek representation/leadership do you prefer?

How do you prefer Greece to be represented in a Civ title?

  • By Alexander the Great

    Votes: 3 11.1%
  • By another city-state/region of Greece

    Votes: 18 66.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 6 22.2%

  • Total voters
I can't really remember a Greek leader from Syracuse but @Boris Gudenuf did quote his name on the other thread for those sick of Athens VS Spartans Leaderships.

But still. Should Macedonians deserve a civ of its own too or being 'Greeks' still valid?
What's so special with hypaspists? what made Macedonian Pezhetairoi different to Greek Hoplites?
Continuing the above Macedonian argument, having had Napoleon and Louis XIV before, Civ VII should look for other possibilities - of which France has more than its share. Napoleon III has already been discussed - an interesting choice as long as you don't plan to actually conquer anybody, anywhere, at any time. Louis XIII would be an 'off the wall' choice, but given the Ministers he had working for him (led by Richelieu) he could get a Great Governors or Great People Unique that would definitely be Different. I'd also put in a vote for Henri IV, but his best line, though not as well known, was not "Paris is worth a Mass", which is a simple statement of Pragmatic Politics, it was the entirety of his pre-battle oration at Ivry on 14 March 1560 (which I've posted here before, but it's worth repeating):

"I am your king. You are Frenchmen. There is the enemy. Charge!"

(Let's not dwell on the fact that the enemy in this case were other Frenchmen!)

If Richelieu leads France in Civ7. Should King's Musketeers be his UU? (And this unit ain't gonna be Infantry! but what class should it be? shooty light cavalry? 'Dragoon' or 'Heavy' cavalry ?)
I can't really remember a Greek leader from Syracuse but @Boris Gudenuf did quote his name on the other thread for those sick of Athens VS Spartans Leaderships.

But still. Should Macedonians deserve a civ of its own too or being 'Greeks' still valid?
What's so special with hypaspists? what made Macedonian Pezhetairoi different to Greek Hoplites?

Dionysius, Tyrant of Syracuse.

The Hypaspists were the Elite Macedonian Infantry, apparently able to fight either as Peltasts - mobile lighter infantry - or as pikemen like the Pezhetairoi, as well as climb walls in sieges and even be mounted on horses to take part in a pursuit. Incredibly versatile - which is hard to show in the game!

The Pezhetairoi ("Foot Companions") were Pikemen whereas the Hoplites were Spearmen. They used an 18 - 21 foot long pike (nit-picking historians are forever arguing over the exact length of the pike) and a formation normally 16 ranks deep instead of the Hoplites' 8 to 12. They were also drilled to change formation, depth, facing, advance straight or in echelon, and generally move far more flexibly in formation than anybody who came before them.
Asclepiodorus, a later Greek writer, reproduced a large part of the Macedonian 'drill manual' complete with commands and variations (they had three different ways of changing the facing of their phalanx), so we know quite a bit about their capabilities.
The Pezhetairoi ("Foot Companions") were Pikemen whereas the Hoplites were Spearmen. They used an 18 - 21 foot long pike (nit-picking historians are forever arguing over the exact length of the pike) and a formation normally 16 ranks deep instead of the Hoplites' 8 to 12. They were also drilled to change formation, depth, facing, advance straight or in echelon, and generally move far more flexibly in formation than anybody who came before them.
Asclepiodorus, a later Greek writer, reproduced a large part of the Macedonian 'drill manual' complete with commands and variations (they had three different ways of changing the facing of their phalanx), so we know quite a bit about their capabilities.
As much as I like Macedon's design I think it would definitely been cool if they got a unique pikemen an era earlier, or at least unlock standard pikemen an era earlier, in their Hellenistic Fusion ability.
It might be a little bit OP but they were definitely OP historically in the Classical Era in real life. :mischief:
As much as I like Macedon's design I think it would definitely been cool if they got a unique pikemen an era earlier, or at least unlock standard pikemen an era earlier, in their Hellenistic Fusion ability.
It might be a little bit OP but they were definitely OP historically in the Classical Era in real life. :mischief:

I'm (slowly!) preparing a big post on Civ VII Units, but one thing applies here: I think the basic distinction among all military units should be whether they are composed of Professional Warrior/Soldiers or Amateurs. The Amateurs could be 'called up' as a war starts, the number based on the skills already in your Civ (examples: 1 Slinger for every Pasture because the Slingers are your pedestrian herd or flock tenders, 1 Knight for every Castle Improvement, but each such Improvement sucks all the Yields out of its Tile, so you don't dare have too many of them). Amateurs cost no Maintenance, but can't get any Promotions, and all survivors disappear at the end of the war. Professionals cost maintenance, may start with a Promotion, can gain more Promotions, and some types of Units MUST be Professionals because of the constant training they require to be effective: Swordsmen the earliest Prime Example.
Pezhetairoi, then, would be Professional Early Pikemen. I'd start them with a Promotion that gives them no malus when in forest or hills (ordinary Pike units simply cannot do anything in rough terrain without disordering themselves: the Pezhetairoi's drill allowed them to overcome the terrain) and, of course, being the Lone Pikemen in the Classical Age, they'd be Terrors unless you were able to outflank them as Roman Legions did in the Macedonian War.

This system, in fact, would apply Bonuses to most of Alexander's Army, since the defining characteristic of Phillip's reforms was that he was able to pay the men to keep them training almost Year Around so that the entire army were Professionals with all the advantages that apply - but also the Maintenance Cost, so In Game you'd have to pull a Phillip and seize some convenient Silver Mines to pay for everything!
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