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Who are the Great People?

I think I actually prefer the second anyhow to be honest, the first would look nice if it was just the scroll...but the scroll within a text box looks a little odd.

Having said that, the headline strap that appears on the first one is a nice personal touch which would be nice to see implemented somehow...
Is possible to have bigger picture in the second method?

Anyway, my vote goes for the no.2 anyway. It promise better customization and blends better into the game. (The scroll is...odd)
It will mean a larger download size, but I figured out a convenient way to enable both through the text file. So now you can set any language which is translated to use the translatable format.

Also cleared out the background for the non-translating option.

Yeah that's nice! The quality of the scroll isn't all that great, but it looks pretty good still. :)
I just realized something while setting things up for the easy version with the default photos. If anyone plays in another language and has translated the names of the Great People it will make the picture and quote for that person fail. Quote and DDS are grabbed according to the name of the unit, so they will have to rename (or preferably copy and rename) the file and text tag to handle it.
First draft of the mod is posted. For the time being, only the simplified popups exist. I'll sit down to re-type everything and set up the more elaborate bits later when I have more time (and hopefully more images).

Please post artwork and improved quotes as you come upon them :)
So now that this is essentially mostly done, who is going to come up with interesting facts about every default city name and make a setup for adding lore through that venue? :ninja:

Give me free access to a well-stock bar, and do any homework I'll not get done while working on such a project, and I'd do it all myself.

Terrifyingly, I can't even tell if you're joking or not, but I'm dead serious when I say this: if you started this kind of insane project, I'd eagerly hop along for the ride.
Well it is mostly just developing the factoids really. So just having the idea automatically starts it. I suppose a single picture for each Civilization might be nice too, I really wouldn't push to have a pic per city.

If you don't start up a thread in the next day or three I'll probably go ahead and start one up so it can grow and develop like this one did.

Worldspells could be quite interesting. As well as adding quotes to the Hero popups that momono75 set up.
I've got some time to kill, I'll grab some civs at random and work my way up from the bottom (last) city names. Less likely to trip (having not yet finished the scenarios, I'm a bit behind lore-wise).
Honestly, I think the city names could stand to be revisited. Some civs have less than others, some seem quite out of place, imo like the Illians having Gnollistan, and some are from other works (which for a city or two is fine, but I'd prefer not to have a whole civ like that).
That's just my opinion, though.
Should actually make the project easier if we just make up our own completely new names and lore tidbits for various cities :) Not too many which can be stripped out of the lore unfortunately, but there are a handful.

*cough* Alexandria *cough*
So now that this is essentially mostly done, who is going to come up with interesting facts about every default city name and make a setup for adding lore through that venue? :ninja:

Perhaps the way to go would be to have a city motif, and then a standard bumph for cities of a specific civ of the kind of things you'd expect to see, unless there is additional lore that can be added?

For example, Birmingham, UK, has the motif "Forward" so a Khazad city for example could be "Endeavour" (a Calabim one might be "Toil for Glory") and the text could be something on the lines of;

Plumes of smoke from the coke fired furnaces of teeming workshops and forges snake their way into the sky above the cities of the Khazad. On days of low wind, this can cast an "Evergloom" over the streets so that it is barely lighter in midday than it would be at midnight. The Evergloom is welcomed by many of the Khazad as it brings back a sense of their Underhome roots, and spurs the furnaces to burn harder still.
...ooh...just wondering...but would it be possible to have a dynamic description? - perhaps based on the city location when it is raised?

So for example, upon placement there could be text such as

"*<if on coast> The Port of* [City name], raised on the [look for terrain type]s of [insert random location name] <If river>,on the banks of the river [insert random river name] in the [turn number][st/rd/th] year of the Age of Despair by the <insert civ name>

So an inland city may look something like;

"[Braduk the Burning], raised on the s of [Garduk] on the banks of the river [Rea] in the [25]th year of the Age of Despair by the Clan of Embers

(...not overly happy about using "year" as the turns are not officially years, but it just reads better!)

Perhaps other additions could be that the description would look at the surrounding tiles and pick up things such as "In the [insert name] foothills" (for hills), "In the shadow of the [insert name] mountain", or "a refuge from the [insert name] desert"...

...this would presumably mean compiling a list of location names, which I guess would work something like how Marnok has created character names?
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