Wow you guys think science fiction is just a news report from 100 yrs from now. Are you aware of the laws of physics? Are you aware of the nature of space and the nearby planets? There is nothing up there of any great use and getting to it is extremely dangerous and costly. In 1000 yrs there will not be significant "colonies" on nearby planets much less other solar systems. Steve Weinburg is a nobel prize winning physicst, I think he knows a few things about the subject.
are YOU aware of the laws of physics? can you resolve the EPR paradox? can you tell me how light is a wave and a particle? can you explain gravity at the quantum level? can you come up with a grand unification theory that reconciles the non determinism of quantum mechanics with the deterministic model of general relativity? string theory you say? so can you prove it? okay then. nobody knows the laws of physics. science is an ongoing process that continually refines our views of the world. the picture we have today is definitely incomplete. even if we could prove string theory, i have no doubt there'd be new discoveries that further refine it in the future.
so unless steve weinburg has the answers physicists are looking for, he is not the god you make him out to be. he is just a naysayer, and like all naysayers of the past, he will be pwned.
It is only a matter of time.
heck i got to alpha centauri with it only at 40%.
word i usually set research to 0% for most of the game anyway. easy as pie. travel at speeds relative to the speed of light? o this will cause the mass to increase? big deal. trivial fixes will be found.