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Why not just leave?

Bozo Erectus said:
Ok you and La Lucha (my pet name for Luceafarul;) ) arent quite that radical, but Im sure you know people who do fit that description in the OP. You know, those bottle throwing people with all the hardware on their faces, who become violent whenever theres a G8 meeting? What are they doing in our countries? Granted, alot of them dont work so they dont pay taxes into the treasury of their evil nations, but shouldnt they just leave? They should go live among the third world people they love so much, shouldnt they? Live as they do, share their suffering? Why not?
To be fair, most people I know who fit the "hardware on their face" description do actually put their money where their mouth is and chip off to those countries to do their bit for various causes, or they do work to that effect from here. Many have a Trojan Horse mentality too. And like you say, not many of the crustier amongst them pay taxes either, but rather live in their own self-sufficient communities. So it's pretty consistent.

But once again:

War Protestors are interested in the more worthy values and traditions of first world countries and that's why they protest. Just cos they aren't jumping onto CFC to tell us how great the education system / local galleries / postman's new van is, doesn't mean they hate their country.
Rambuchan said:
To be fair, most people I know who fit the "hardware on their face" description do actually put their money where their mouth is and chip off to those countries to do their bit for various causes, or they do work to that effect from here. Many have a Trojan Horse mentality too. And like you say, not many of the crustier amongst them pay taxes either, but rather live in their own self-sufficient communities. So it's pretty consistent.
Trojan Horse? Hmmm...

Trojan horse

1. A subversive group or device placed within enemy ranks.
2. The hollow wooden horse in which, according to legend, Greeks hid and gained entrance to Troy, later opening the gates to their army.
3. Computer Science. A program that appears to be legitimate but is designed to have destructive effects, as to data residing in the computer onto which the program was loaded.

trojan horse

n 1: a subversive group that supports the enemy and engages in espionage or sabotage; an enemy in your midst [syn: fifth column, Trojan horse] 2: a program that appears desirable but actually contains something harmful; "the contents of a trojan can be a virus or a worm"; "when he downloaded the free game it turned out to be a trojan horse" [syn: trojan] 3: a large hollow wooden figure of a horse (filled with Greek soldiers) left by the Greeks outside Troy during the Trojan War [syn: Trojan Horse, Wooden Horse]

The Prosecution rests, Your Honor!

But once again:

War Protestors are interested in the more worthy values and traditions of first world countries and that's why they protest. Just cos they aren't jumping onto CFC to tell us how great the education system / local galleries / postman's new van is, doesn't mean they hate their country.
Ram, Im not talking about people who are against the war, Im talking about people who want the other side to win.
Bozo Erectus said:
The Prosecution rests, Your Honor!
Errr, who is it that you are prosecuting and for what? :confused:

Anyway, congrats on catching on to my Trojan Horse reference. You've outlined it exactly as I meant it. :clap:
Bozo Erectus said:
Ram, Im not talking about people who are against the war, Im talking about people who want the other side to win.
You're changing your tune now man. This party who "want the other wide to win" are not the same people as....
Bozo Erectus said:
Are you one of those who, when theres a terror attack against your country, or your countrys allies, takes the side of the attacker, and says that your country and people had it coming to them, they deserve it, for being so evil? If you truly believe that, how can you possibly continue to participate in that society?
Ram, you think those are two different sets of people Im talking about?:confused: Theyre one and the same as far as Im concerned.

edit: btw, then I take it we're in agreement. There are fifth columnists in our respective countries who have citizenship, are even natives, who have been benefiting all of their lives from the system they want to destroy. I dont know how else to interpret your trojan horse comments.
BTW, I love you, you West hatin' commie! Group hug! You too Lucha, get over here you facacta anarchist! [/grouphug as soon as Ram and Luceafarul go through the metal detector]
Dude, my sympathies go out to you on what must be a boring day at work for you. If you're declaring your love for me and Luc in such a way, then they must have stopped ragging the black guy or something. :lol:
Even if we are Narz, if you keep showing us up like this, do you think we're gonna invite you? :crazyeye:

PS. Much of what we've said is actually in relation to the OP, if you look again.
I think that there are a lot of people who stay in a country because they are doing better financially in that country than they would in their home country. They may hate their country's policies, but the fact of the matter is that they are doing much better than they would in their country of birth or home country.
Bozo Erectus said:
BTW, I love you, you West hatin' commie! Group hug! You too Lucha, get over here you facacta anarchist! [/grouphug as soon as Ram and Luceafarul go through the metal detector]
Since my wife is out right now, OK; we love you too, facacta or not.:lol:

Narz said:
So are you three going to start your own little spam community or what?
I have heard much worse ideas in my life. Personally I think you should join as well.:)
luceafarul said:
Since my wife is out right now, OK; we love you too, facacta or not.:lol:
Oy, Im getting verklempt!

I have heard much worse ideas in my life. Personally I think you should join as well.:)
Youre in Narz, just bring some chicks, oh and BYOB:lol:
wiseguy101 said:
I think that there are a lot of people who stay in a country because they are doing better financially in that country than they would in their home country. They may hate their country's policies, but the fact of the matter is that they are doing much better than they would in their country of birth or home country.
Its all about da Benjamins.

"This is an evil corrupt system that only exists because it exploits the weak! "

"Youre right! I reccomend that you quit your job, sell your house and SUV. Then, buy a tiny derby, perch it precariously on your head, and fly to the Andes, where you'll tend herds of Llamas, along with your Incan brothers and sisters, who have been fighting Da Man for 500 years!".

" What?? Are you out of your friggin mind? Me? Give up this life style?? Uh...no, I'll fight the system...uh... from within instead...yeah, thats it."

Gimme a break:lol:
Your asking why people will not leave the origin of there birth when people will not even click off a thread that offends them???

silly, silly, silly
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