Wonder Planner for VP

v12 compatible with VP 3.0.
v13 with some fixes for VP 3.8 and automatic detection of UCS WWs (still one from Lhasa though).
- added compatibility for VP v3.8;
- added new colour and automatic check for WWs realated to Major Civilizations (f.e. America);
- changed colour and added automatic check for WWs realated to City-States (f.e. Lhasa);
v14 with small fix for VP 4.X.
fajny mod ale juz nie dziala
nice mod but it doesn't work anymore

bardzo lubie twoje mody
I really like your mods
fajny mod ale juz nie dziala
nice mod but it doesn't work anymore

bardzo lubie twoje mody
I really like your mods
It does not work because VP must revert one change to a crucial function they modified few versions ago. @Recursive, what is the progress on that? There was a discussion on discord about that. @N.Core found out the issue. The culprit was some core function that had a name and syntax changed.

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