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Worst Famous Painting Ever

I disagree with the analogy here, abstract art is neither grating, nor always highly simplistic.

Alright you are taking this out of context. No one here is condemning all modern art. We are mostly bashing the crap that look like stuff out of a pre-school art class.

The analogy stands.
Tha's just it. It doesn't resemble pre-school art except to the casual observer. A particular piece of art may do nothing for you, but that doesn't mean it is worthless to everybody even if you are a famous art historian. Even they frequently disagree about a particular painting.
One of the things I pay attention to, for work and pleasure, is the presentation of complex data. I am a fan of the artist Edward Tufte and his books. (www.edwardtufte.com) I just got his newest book today "Beautiful Evidence" and lo and behold I found the attached page entitled: How to look at Modern Art. While there are tongue in cheek aspects to it, it does provide in a single image the enormously complex world of modern art and reveal gobs of interesting information. It is "data rich" in an interesting and easily accessible format. For those of you who know little about the subject and not much interest spending time to learn more, this might give you just enough information to appear quite learned. Go here and click on the larger image and then zoom around.


The artist who created the "cartoon" was Ad Reinhardt who was an abstract artist of the mid 20th C.
Exactly. If you really know your sonar, you can tell whether that beeb is the return echo from a humpback or a right whale.
Alright you are taking this out of context. No one here is condemning all modern art. We are mostly bashing the crap that look like stuff out of a pre-school art class.
Except some of the stuff mentioned here is not grating and in fact is visually interesting. So no, you're condemning good stuff that you don't understand.

The analogy stands.
Yes, my analogy does stand! Thanks for realizing it.

Just like how a beep is only a beep to the untrained ears.
Your mockery can't change facts. There are subtleties to these works that make them far superior to what a preschooler could produce!
Enjoying "ceci n'es pas une pipe" is along the same lines of enjoying John Cage's 4'33"... for some people it just connects or presents something in a way that anyone who enjoyed it found worthwhile.

I reject the concept of objectively "bad" art. I can still think it's dumb to pay hundreds of thousands for a stripe, but that doesn't require me to imagine that art can be measured in quality in an empirical sense.
Except some of the stuff mentioned here is not grating and in fact is visually interesting. So no, you're condemning good stuff that you don't understand.

Yes, my analogy does stand! Thanks for realizing it.

Your mockery can't change facts. There are subtleties to these works that make them far superior to what a preschooler could produce!

No, I did not condemn the good stuff. Try again.

Your analogy has long been overridden. Now you must start worshiping the beep and the rings like other pretentious art critics.

You're right, I don't think preschoolers can reach high enough to paint the entire red stripe.

Edit: Did I say pretentious? I meant.. classy?
No, I did not condemn the good stuff. Try again.
Yes you did, you just didn't know that it was good!

Your analogy has long been overridden. Now you must start worshiping the beep and the rings like other pretentious art critics.
Repetition won't make you correct! You'll just miss out on good art.

And I make little pretense here, I am only defending the works that I personally like. There are plenty mentioned here that I don't particularly care for.

You're right, I don't think preschoolers can reach high enough to paint the entire red stripe.
Yes you did, you just didn't know that it was good!

I condemn gay sex lest you tell me how good it is and what I'm missing out on!

Repetition won't make you correct! You'll just miss out on good art.

Ditto to you: you can say spilled paint and colored boxes = art all you want, it doesn't make it so.


That's unfair, those preschoolers' teacher won't give them LSD to properly understand the after images.
I condemn gay sex lest you tell me how good it is and what I'm missing out on!
No way Jose, I don't kiss and tell.

Ditto to you: you can say spilled paint and colored boxes = art all you want, it doesn't make it so.
I never said that. You're a liar.

That's unfair, those preschoolers' teacher won't give them LSD to properly understand the after images.
You don't need LSD to understand afterimages.
BTW I think that Chagall is great. Ditto for the Klee. They are both sheer genius. </nosarcasm>

I honestly think this is the second thing we agree on. The first is the side of the political spectrum to be on.

Yeah, what he said. LOOK GUYS, I' ve drawn a square. IN YELLOW! Now gimme a million!

No, I'd give you a million for a YELLOW LINE, because coldplay told me how impressive doing that is ("I drew a line, I drew a line for you, oh what a thing to do, and it was all yellow")
No, I'd give you a million for a YELLOW LINE, because coldplay told me how impressive doing that is ("I drew a line, I drew a line for you, oh what a thing to do, and it was all yellow")
I was going to post a Pollack Painting but after reading I'm afraid Perfs will disembowel me.
I have one that I saw in Venice but don't remember the name of.
It consisted of two canvasses, one green, one red... that was it. Price 200,000 euros. What is the world coming to?
No way Jose, I don't kiss and tell.

I never said that. You're a liar.

You don't need LSD to understand afterimages.

Alright, alright! Enough! I admit it, I have a secret crush on Modern Art. I have loved Modern Art ever since I first laid eyes on it when I tripped and fell in a puddle of puke at my school's cafeteria. After taking off my shirt, I was going to wash it until I saw the exuberant beauty radiating from my stained--or should I say--perfected white t. It was love at first sight I tell you! The yellowish-green digestive juice framed a ketchup red interior with sprinkles of half chewed French fries. If you look at the stain under just the right lighting at just the right angle, you can actually see bits of blue! No one knows how the blue got into the puke but it made the puke all the more mysterious and appealing. Tis was the epitome of Modern Art--no--of beauty itself! Tis was my precious!

Unfortunately, fate had other plans for us. Before I had the chance to confess my love to it, a cruel demon by the name of "Buddy"--driven by jealousy of the precious' beauty--attacked the defenseless piece of art with its monstrous tongue and ravaged it beyond recognition. When I discovered my precious, it was disfigured and barely clinging to life. With its last reserve of energy, my precious revealed me its inner blue. The blue was the most magnificent thing I have ever seen! It contained all the answers to the universe! As I flushed it down the toilet, I swore to never reveal the identity of the blue for as long as I live.

I had long suppressed memory of my painful first love, until I saw your avatar. The careful mix of green, yellow, red, yellow... and blue... It was as if my precious came back to life! Your avatar, it was beautiful, almost as beautiful as my puke stained t-shirt. But I know I could never love another piece of Modern Art again, especially not one which contained hints of blue as subtle as your avatar. So I became bitter and defensive. I could not let my love of Modern Art show, for it would bring back a flood of painful memories. But you! You, perfection, FORCED ME TO REVEAL THE TRUTH!!!!

I've stopped appreciating modern art because I know none can match the resplendence of my puke stained t-shirt. No abstract art can compare with the intangible exquisiteness of my precious. I know I will never find a love as great as my first. This embittered me, and made me turn against all abstract and modern art. When I'm drunk, I even condescend impressionist art :(

I hope you are happy, Perfection.
If anyone could elaborate to me, why exactly those "paintings" of that kind are so special, I'd give this person 100 bucks. Seriously, every mediocre-talented 10-year-old is capable of imitating such worthlessness!

actually, de stijl is what created and stemmed modern architecture, which is still my favorite style. They really broke the mold. Before then, everything was using classic architecture, which used columns, or, like Baroque architecture, (which is really terrible, IMHO). Modern architecture really expresses the new commercial function of buildings. No longer did everything look like a temple.

I could get more into what made the ideas behind this piece relate to architecture and modernism, but I wont.

These paintings were less for art, and more for architecture and interior design.

So, would I buy one and hang it up in my apartment or office if it fit. Sure, for $10, I'd buy a print. I guess a lover of architecture could buy the painting because of the history behind it, but the art piece itself is certainly nothing to stare at in bewilderment and wonder.

Oh, and American Gothic is a great painting, one that I like.
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