Worst possible conversation opener

I leik tuttles.
By the way, in rendering my judgment, I will take into consideration the number of likes the various proposals draw. It won't be determinative, but it will be considered.
"Everybody told me you're only supposed to participate in one pharmaceuticals trial at a time, but man, I feel great."
Here's the winner, in my judgment.:trophy:

Literally, one and done. I chuckled over this at the time of reading it and four times after the fact.

I never did figure out the one-eared elephant (unless it's the start of some kind of dad-joke involving a pun on herd and heard). But that's a risk with that kind of entry: remember, I had to not figure it out originally, and then gradually have it dawn on me. So you have to calibrate very carefully regarding my precise level of obtuseness. Bird miscalculated.
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