WW II December 1941

Just to let you know, I've been playing this as the Ottomans (1914 Scenario, tweaked air units and gave a few arty units to Ottomans to let me survive.) for months now, having a blast. Survived WW I, even took Egypt and Sudan. In 20s and 30s, took Al-Rashidis and Saudis, then Persia. "WW II" began in the 40s and Britain sneak attacked me. It was rough, drove them out of the Arabian peninsula, but they took some of Persia. Late 40s and 50s, rebuilt. Mid 50s, Russia sneak attacked me. I managed to take Odessa and Lwiw. It's now May 1956, the war is going pretty good for me, but had to disband units because the support cost far too much.

Everyone seems to go Commie for some reason. Funny fighting Nicholas II as a Communist.

Really immersive, I've put in over 50 hours alone into this playthrough.
Hi skyfire,
how is life going ?
Any progress on a new build ?
I am highly interested.

best regards

in the 1918 scenario there are 2 things I like to ask.
Playing Germany, later I can build all the time the synthetic fuel plant as a national wonder.
Usually it can be build only once.
But it does not vanish from the build menu. So build it in an other city it is just swapping to it.

Furthermore, I like to ask if it is possible to change the graphics for the motorized infantry devision ?
Because it has the same unit graphics like the normal truck.
Hi skyfire,
how is life going ?
Any progress on a new build ?
I am highly interested.

best regards
Well i have been infected with Corona and have been very sick. Still recovering. When i was sick i tried to work on an update but i lacked concentration so it totally crashed :badcomp:
So im going tot start very soon on a fresh update.
synthetic fuel plant
Yes well i dont know why it keeps asking. I thought i set it on 2 national wonders so you can trade some oil but it doesnt work. Ill set it back to 1 in a new update.

change the graphics for the motorized infantry devision ?
Yes ill try to change that. It is on my long list of things that need improvement. :thumbsup:
Well i have been infected with Corona and have been very sick. Still recovering. When i was sick i tried to work on an update but i lacked concentration so it totally crashed :badcomp:
So im going tot start very soon on a fresh update.

I'm so sorry about this! My prayers and best wishes are with you, Skyfire--may you have a swift recovery!

When extracting, I got an error on several files:

Would love to start a game on this, but noted these errors. I can probably just copy the files from an old version, but you might want to correct the download file that's out there. (Unless it was just my error.)
View attachment 604743

When extracting, I got an error on several files:

Would love to start a game on this, but noted these errors. I can probably just copy the files from an old version, but you might want to correct the download file that's out there. (Unless it was just my error.)

Hello bartdanr, i tested it and used 7 zip and had no errors. So my guess is that its your error. Now if you want i can repack it as a normal zip or even send it by email.
Now for something else;

Before i continue a new version im playing with the thought of starting a new world war mod based on the Giant Earth mod. It has all the addons my current mod lacks, like air bombing for starters. Its very interesting but it will require a lot of work.
My plan would be a 1914 map and a 1941 map to start from. Id have to delete all techs, buildings and units from before 1914 so it wont get to slow. And use a lot of ideas and units from my current mods.

Please let me know what i should do.....:science:
Hello bartdanr, i tested it and used 7 zip and had no errors. So my guess is that its your error. Now if you want i can repack it as a normal zip or even send it by email.

I used 8 Zip Pro. Buy 8 Zip Pro - advanced archiver for Zip, Rar, 7Zip, 7z, ZipX, Iso, Cab. Create, unpack and encrypt. - Microsoft Store

I was able to copy the files from an old version. It seems to be ok. Don't know if an old version of the CvGameCoreDLL.dll is problematic, though (I don't even know what that does, so I can't say.)
Now for something else;

Before i continue a new version im playing with the thought of starting a new world war mod based on the Giant Earth mod. It has all the addons my current mod lacks, like air bombing for starters. Its very interesting but it will require a lot of work.
My plan would be a 1914 map and a 1941 map to start from. Id have to delete all techs, buildings and units from before 1914 so it wont get to slow. And use a lot of ideas and units from my current mods.

Please let me know what i should do.....:science:

Sounds good, but also a lot of work.

Can you describe (or provide a link that describes) what the air bombing does? And any other changes that the GEM would offer from the current version?
Link is below, so you can see yourself. With air bombing i mean bombing buildings and people. And lots of other stuff. Earth 20/20 from GreatLordofPie is also based on this mod.


I'll try it out later, see if I like the mechanics. Looks like it hasn't been update in a long time.

I like strategic bombing; that's key to any WW II and beyond scenario (and even--if we want to go ahistorical--into a more effective Zeppelin campaign in WW I).
View attachment 605408

Here's some thoughts about the latest update, 1914 scenario:

*Make Italy, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, and (especially) the United States at peace on the eve of WW I. Otherwise, not see how CP will have a chance, and it's more historically accurate.
*Make Australia, New Zealand, and Canada vassals of Great Britain
*Make the Philippines vassal of United States
*Make Indian Leader Charles Hardinge (see attached), the Governor-General of India


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